Message from @🎭🎵

Discord ID: 451798780795289620

2018-05-31 16:52:19 UTC

2018-05-31 16:52:53 UTC  

Today we play : how to spot the -68 IQ

2018-05-31 16:53:00 UTC  

More like

2018-05-31 16:53:04 UTC  


2018-05-31 16:56:46 UTC  

would you?

2018-05-31 16:57:09 UTC  


2018-05-31 16:57:14 UTC  

She's a mutt

2018-05-31 17:01:43 UTC  


2018-05-31 17:01:45 UTC  

clearly isn't catholic

2018-05-31 17:01:53 UTC  

Absolutely would not look at her until I know how old she is

2018-05-31 17:08:07 UTC

2018-05-31 17:16:24 UTC  

Okay guys this is 100% legit, I swear to God above.

I worked at a summer camp last summer
Normally with middle school aged kids, but one night at dinner had to host tables for high schoolers
I was at head of table, with my friend (another guy) at the foot. There were 6 open seats
As soon as the campers are allowed to sit, our table was flooded by six high-school aged girls
The conversation started well, just asking how they were enjoying their time at camp and stuff, etc
Eventually, we get around to talking about where everyone is from
I ask everyone what the best state is
One immediately answers "WISCONSIN" (correct answer); she isn't even from the Midwest
Conversation continues
I legit ask all these girls "If you could destroy one nation, which would it be?"
Get a lot of "North Korea" and "Iran" and stuff, lols
They ask me which country I would wipe off the face of the planet
I'm half German, half Brit; it's in my blood- "France"
>These girls start calling me "Hitler"

The rest of the session, every time I see these girls they snap Nazi salutes and say "Seig Heil".

I'm screwed, this is a Christian camp and my boss asks me "why it seems some girls get along with me so well"
I tell him I don't know

Last time I see one of these girls, a blonde, is at airport run at end of session, dropping kids off to leave for home
In front of airport security, she turns around, clicks her heels, raises her right palm into the air in a Nazi salute, and yells "Seig Heil"

I'm not sure what I've done, and there's a good chance I'll see these girls again. What do I do??!?!?!?

2018-05-31 17:16:46 UTC  

nice pasta

2018-05-31 17:16:56 UTC  

Dude it isn't a pasta I'm being dead serious

2018-05-31 17:17:12 UTC  

I wrote it like a pasta to be fair

2018-05-31 17:17:39 UTC

2018-05-31 17:22:39 UTC  


2018-05-31 17:25:02 UTC  

@AlGoreRhythm good memes friend they really resonating with me ;))))

2018-05-31 17:25:19 UTC  


2018-05-31 17:26:15 UTC

2018-05-31 17:27:03 UTC  

He's definitely anti circ

2018-05-31 17:28:50 UTC  


2018-05-31 17:33:18 UTC

2018-05-31 17:33:51 UTC  


2018-05-31 17:33:55 UTC  


2018-05-31 17:33:57 UTC  


2018-05-31 17:35:54 UTC  

The Christian VS. Pagan discussion continues

2018-05-31 17:36:12 UTC  

^ fed

2018-05-31 17:37:29 UTC  

@AmericanusCaesar why is that even a dicussion?

2018-05-31 17:37:48 UTC  

Are you pagan?

2018-05-31 17:38:40 UTC  

@Punished Scaredd No I'm Catholic,

2018-05-31 17:40:19 UTC

2018-05-31 17:40:49 UTC  

I think that people should correct Pagans like The Golden One; so I posted for people that were unaware of the guy.

2018-05-31 17:45:09 UTC  

Report of the Week is /ourguy/

2018-05-31 17:45:41 UTC  

He looks a lot like Evola

2018-05-31 17:54:37 UTC  

"In all toil there is profit,
    but mere talk tends only to poverty."~ Proverbs 14:23

2018-05-31 17:55:01 UTC  

Enjoy your day

2018-05-31 17:55:06 UTC  

God bless

2018-05-31 18:07:58 UTC  

Poor gamer girls

2018-05-31 18:08:04 UTC  

They should sell their pee