Message from @RandomDiscordAccount
Discord ID: 770129156977065994
Lol based, fucking Jew
Hello guys
Kosovo is Serbia
sad day
Disgusting handless woman's
I fucking hate white women
white women bad
Kosovo is Serbia
ye i prefer obnoxious obese black women
all women are entitled, hating your own women doesn't make you cool
just makes you a good race-mixing goy
ijisjadij BHABAHBHAB
facts! this!
@guac serbian women politicians are quiet into the nationalist anti muzzie party
Women are the best radicals if you manage to turn them
women aren't really political
and they shouldn't be anyway
please are you being ironic
i'm generalizing ofc, for the most part it's true
feminism, sexual liberation, and egalitarianism as a whole has been a disaster for humanity tbh
all of which were pushed heavily after women got the vote
It would unironically be better for everyone if each member of society played their role and the natural hierarchies hadn't been twisted
idk bro they seem to have benefitted society to me