Message from @KungFlu BatSoup

Discord ID: 801794238810423316

2021-01-21 12:33:48 UTC  

#BLM #RESIST #NotMyPresident

2021-01-21 12:34:01 UTC  


2021-01-21 12:34:10 UTC  

What are you guys talking about

2021-01-21 12:34:22 UTC  

Censored myself there. Something about taking two knees in sports now that a certain person is in office.

2021-01-21 12:34:34 UTC  

#OrangeManBad #WhitePeopleBad

2021-01-21 12:34:46 UTC  

I'm suggesting troll troll troll the left til they go insane. Somehow we need to make "CNN" a slur

2021-01-21 12:35:09 UTC  

lol They're already insane.

2021-01-21 12:35:29 UTC  

I would make it racial using a particular word that starts with N

2021-01-21 12:35:57 UTC  

They are giving My Pillow and others one star reviews.

2021-01-21 12:36:12 UTC  

I've never used one myself but now I feel obligated to buy one

2021-01-21 12:36:37 UTC  

I have a fake one. Called a cluster pillow.

2021-01-21 12:36:51 UTC  

My new policy. If YouTube shows me an ad for a product I boycott it. If a product gets attacked by the left I'll take 3

2021-01-21 12:37:09 UTC  


2021-01-21 12:37:51 UTC  

Actually another way to destroy YouTube persay.. start a campaign of boycotting any product seen on a. YouTube ad making YT toxic to advertise on

2021-01-21 12:38:35 UTC  

May be i can be used as a way of the “white” to attack those nice to leftist. So then “CNN” will not only be racist, but a term used against anti racist

2021-01-21 12:38:55 UTC  

That would work best to troll them

2021-01-21 12:39:59 UTC  

It looks like people are hording paper towels again. My brand is out of stock.

2021-01-21 12:40:35 UTC  

Seriously I thought that only happened towards the beginning

2021-01-21 12:41:00 UTC  

Ever try those reusable ones? They work great and can be simply washed and reused. The bamboo ones can last year's. Ya they'll stain but they clean up rags

2021-01-21 12:41:06 UTC  

I don't know. Maybe this latest surge.

2021-01-21 12:44:03 UTC  

Rule 3 in announcements

2021-01-21 12:44:13 UTC  

What about it

2021-01-21 12:44:25 UTC  

No Q anything

2021-01-21 12:44:43 UTC  

Not doing that just mentioned them

2021-01-21 12:46:14 UTC  

It will be hard to retrain ourselves. Hopefully the mods will just delete and verbal as opposed to warnwarnwarnwarn. lol

2021-01-21 12:46:25 UTC  


2021-01-21 12:46:31 UTC  


2021-01-21 12:51:42 UTC  

I killed this chat.

2021-01-21 12:52:08 UTC  

lol antifa dot com redirects to the whitehouse now

2021-01-21 12:52:26 UTC  

Does it?

2021-01-21 12:54:10 UTC  

lol This article says Ghostbusters 2 got poor ratings because men were angry that it had an all female cast. I doubt any serious person cares about that. Those same men probably loved Charlie's Angels. <:Idiots:720119404020367390>

2021-01-21 12:54:31 UTC  

Ghostbusters 2 was just terrible

2021-01-21 12:55:16 UTC  

Right, I read that too. Never saw it because it's just not my thing. Nothing against the all female cast.

2021-01-21 12:57:24 UTC  

Yes it does

2021-01-21 12:57:42 UTC  

Go to Google type in and it brings you to

2021-01-21 12:58:02 UTC  

Man, that is so dumb it's annoying me now. As if men don't support all female things like Playboy magazine all the time. 😄 But it's the Washington Post, so whatever.

2021-01-21 12:58:21 UTC  


2021-01-21 13:00:15 UTC  

We will probably get flagged by the Secret Service for looking.

2021-01-21 13:01:37 UTC  

But I did anyway.

2021-01-21 13:03:56 UTC  

I heard it was a badly written film.

2021-01-21 13:06:00 UTC  

Yes, I read the same. Nothing about the women involved. Who are usually funny. But it also doesn't have Bill Murray. No one defeats Bill Murray. He even reincarnated from the dead to appear again in the zombie flick.