Discord ID: 713946228026507307
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This remix just makes the tantrum 10 times better
It’s gonna stay up no matter how much eBay tries
What happened the entire server has been wiped
Question is your name meant to be ironic cause I have never seen someone with that type of name on this server
I doubt that honestly, people are most likely waiting for someone to say something offensive in their terms to enable discarding this server
One wrong move and the entire server is gone. I don’t want to go to r/Conservative to get memes to annoy people on the internet. That is basically Reddit, and most people there are just communist trying to get back at some Republican bully they had back at middle school.
Personally Republican, well nothing much would change. Facebook has a board that would never let that happen. I guess they would have less restrictions on speech, but that is all.
Realistically they probably are doing this to kneel to the surge children. Remember that gamers and trollers have lost a large foothold in discord from the surge and popularity of trans, leftist and children. Since discord had a surge during quarantine, I believe this all came from the brainwashed YouTube community that came on this platform after Minecraft and other smaller games began to rise. They came along and so did their ideologies.
What will happen with the surge of caravans coming into the US. It’s all mind boggling that no one saw this happening.
That too, but these people have been in power for a while, yet this server was fine until the wave of troglodytes came in demanding this new platform fit their demands. And discord not wanting to get defeated by the cancel culture form them saying they aren’t doing anything to prevent fascism from their platform, bought into the demands.
The way to defeat cancel culture begins with bringing bipartisanship into the educational system. Children would learn to understand both sides of an argument instead of being horse fed one of them. This would also require then taking control on the entertainment industry that is dominated by one side.
Authrights are in no position to come even remotely close to winning the culture. As soon as you make even the smallest of moves that already existing culture will destroy your movement. They control the majority.
Enforcing policies to for conservative ideologies into the culture will cause outrage. It will easily be called out for being fascist. Them people could use your small movement to fear monger the mob into taking “action” against those they oppose. Take for instance the capital riots. That only backfired on our movement cause we are in no position of the majority to do things like that. They control the narrative.
I believe that America was a meant to be socially authoritarian, with morals and ethics combined with the nuclear family to bind this nation, allowing for common ground in different opinions, yet whilst allowing the spread of ideas. However, I believe in open trade, giving our nation wealth and prosperity. I disagree with trade regulations, yet also oppose giving jobs to China.
USS liberty
The Palestinian Israeli border conflict as reach political frames on the global stage. It would be impossible for them to attack Palestinian ground without getting anyone involved.
Stand for the flag
We only got ourselves involved into that with the entering of global politics, one of the largest mistakes. We should allow free trade and business with all, but the idea of US in the international political hemisphere cause many of the things we see today, from globalist takeovers to globohomo
The problem with that is that the United States cannot produce such commodities. To do such things we will have to spend billions just setting up our industries. The reason the United States reached the wealth and technology of today was do to the opening of our trade after WW1. America first is not bad, and neither is open trade, we just had too much interference with the global stage. I believe that their needs to be a balance In this.
Trump is in support of open trade for the large part. It was just that with many of the behind closed doors negotiations many trade policies were set in in place to benefit lobbyists and other countries. Trump kept trade open, yet altered in a way so Americans and the economy also benefited, not corrupt politicians.
It’s a joke
It’s a joke- it’s called trolling
Come on I’ll delete it so discord does not get mad
I deleted it so this server can stay
Sorry for the troll
My pronouns are: ZSU-23-4 Shilka
I did not now you were Chuck Schumer
Is their a future for this server or should we find some other one cause I doubt discord will leave us alone
Great suggestion, agree 100%, but I think the Amish clothing is good as well
Guys I read the announcements
I think we all know what to do
I meant peaceful protest in the name for BLM
Oh come on
It was a joke.
I would agree with that for Bethesda’s B team. The A team made Doom eternal and the graphics were very good.
Make him admin they will never threaten us again
Didn’t Parler go back up agian, or is that just some internet rumor.
You can’t even talk about the election, shit this is bad
That is why most people here aren’t minors
Worth a shot. It was just an idea that might have worked if it weren’t for this specific servers rules. Yet it could work for other servers tho
I was suggesting something similar but got all the shit when everyone said it was not a joke.
They are not gonna delete this for saying stuff that is obviously a joke. They were more worried about the misinformation, not our memes or humor.
No that is what they told me after the server got back up, I don’t remember who but he said it was cause of misinformation
Okay but I don’t see how joke will get us kicked
I believe I has more to do with the “voting process of a certain advance society” than the jokes that don’t pertain to that certain subject but other things, such as maybe a law we disagree with. Or some outrageous claim in general cause I have seen a lot worse in a server that was already on the fringe of getting nuked.
What platform will we be moving to btw
I hope it will be good, yet the problem I see with that is we won’t get as much diversity in opinion. What I like about political discord’s is a lot of people with different ideologies can discuss. In that platform it will only be a few of the hardcore.
I doubt it, if it even does they will call it a threat and destroy it
The main problem is the senses of private companies. If we consider these tech giants their own company, then it’s in their right to do so. But if we consider them monopolies with extensive ties with global governments at this point, then its a whole different story. Monopolies are supposed to be illegal in the US. We never wanted to become some thing like China, we’re many work like slaves for a few giant companies that have integrated with the CCP. That is what we are seeing today, a merge of global companies and governments, combining to form one powerful communist bureaucracy.
What is a pirating issue the original message was deleted
So if we consider this a “drastic move” then no. Yet if we view it otherwise them it has a chance of being permitted
So what can someone talk about now since if we go to much into depth we could get nuked
No, highly unlikely I would suggest
Can you send a screenshot
Is that a confirmed report, I was doing something else at the time and could not watch
Most likely, I would not count the Silicon Valley folks. Most likely they will blame it on “ COVID” even though people could have still been cheering from a distance
I would not consider him the best, yet he was good. I would have like to see more gun support and freer trade, yet I understood some measures he took with sanctions, despite me disagreeing with them
I would have to disagree despite me not liking him, unless he lets all the caravans in then I might just support you their.
What now, are we going to become like the Western European countries. I don’t want América involved in foreign conflicts.
Yes but still it will never pass plus it has not even been a day. They will try to do it for the GOP to gain back some supporters.
No your religion is fake he died in Japan he has proof. If you had proof, them I would like to see a full book that must weigh over three pounds that accounts the story of the Jews passage as the people of Christ as well as the account of your Jesus as well as his death. Can you do that huh
But this is a general chat. It has no specific topic
What is the specific topic then
Agree it’s very annoying and we don’t have that many people talking
I was talking about that others could talk about Jesus
What you guys talking about
Can you send it to me too, btw what is happening of the 22
They use terms like planned or believed so when it turns up not being true they can claim it was never specified while still getting into peoples heads that riots happened.
It’s probably just him saying to joe don’t mess up and that America is a republic. I don’t expect anything special
For a second I thought you just typed like that until I saw the words hypothetically
Oh I did not know sorry I only read your text and not the person you replied to
Let’s say, hypothetically, she had a wet ass p word, then, according to logic and fact, which by the way don’t care about your feelings, would then realistically by looking at statistics and facts, would not abide by my, hypothetically speaking, standards, which are obviously in accordance to facts and logic. Of course something a leftist would never understand, by the way, I have had a wonderful and statistically factual sleep with my new mattress, which I could afford with birch silver. Okay folks, according to science and logic, we here, hypothetically, are taking back the culture with our new movie RUN HIDE FIGHT. Okay folks we are taking back the culture, hypothetically of course, but in accordance to facts and logic.
Guys I’ve been looking at Pol recently, mostly Q people getting dissed on, yet I keep on seeing the date January 22 show up. Does someone know what they are planning or what will happen on that date. Please dm me privately cause I don’t wanna nuke this server.
What are you guys talking about
I would make it racial using a particular word that starts with N
May be i can be used as a way of the “white” to attack those nice to leftist. So then “CNN” will not only be racist, but a term used against anti racist
That would work best to troll them
Seriously I thought that only happened towards the beginning
What about it
Not doing that just mentioned them
I hate the public schools, I believe that they should be a secondary option for kids if they can’t afford private schools or religious schools. Unfortunately we have gotten that as a primary source of education, causing mass government support and later in life dependence due to the shitty teachers as well as the main goal being for kids to be great memories for their future low wage jobs in government facilities or corps with close connections with the government.
Your joking right
Mormons believe that the true native Americans were white and some turned red after not following God. They also believe of another testament discovered by a man that was based on the Americas telling the second coming of Christ. I don’t believe that as a Catholic but they are nice people tho
Okay good, the persecution of minor-attracted people is wrong. It’s not their fault kids don’t want to be in relations with discord mods.
Sorry mod. I understand your pain. 100%
Google maps, I use sonar used by British forces during WW2 to locate enemy aircraft’s. What a noob
You sound like a discord mod no joke
Warning-Warning-Fact-checkers have proven free speech to me misinformation form Radical Right-Wing Nazi White Suprematist. Please check how you can stop the spread of speech.
We make them think their comrades have taken over this Republican discord. They get comfortable saying their opinions. We spam. - End Game
Stop trying to get victim hood points for your imaginary monopoly game of who is the most oppressed. A lot of right leaning people seem to be proud of being victims by everyone.
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