Message from @uEdgyPT2 Return of Edgy
Discord ID: 305702572994592768
We could set up a voice chat room
I recommend anyone interested get a copy of Carrel's 'Die Wuesten Fuechse' in English and one in German
I can help with pronounciation and grammer
Should probably get vetted first
I would be willing to teach anyone from groups that support the 14 words
hey guys just wanted to say keep up the good work
loving the youtube channel
Hey btw why didn't you guys brand yourselves as anticommi
kind of rhymes
so how do i get "vetted" @James_Coney - LA
i can contribute from a software point of view
can write bots to distribute propaganda
among other things
i've subverted two leftists discords in the past
so let me know if i can be of help
Good morning.
Thoughts on Anarcho-Capitalism
Comfy but silly
is 8chan raiding us?
ancap is theoretically OK but they deny race realism and do not have a realistic program of executing their ideal society. crypto-anarchism is much more realistic practically speaking
Ancaps and civcucks deserve the gas <:slav:296834549340438528>
Let us pour our memery and will towards LePen today, lads. It wouldn't just be a victory for France, it'd be a true death knell for the EU.
ni 🅱 🅱 as getting w 👁 ke
Le Pen will easy will the first round of voting
But the second round will be tough
<@&282748276657356800> alright, vetting will officially be back up within the next hour
I'm almost dpne working
Can we make a time?
PM me to get on the lst
<@&282748276657356800> If you need vetted ask me
Can you do me? Won't let me do you
who needs to get vetted, join voice plz
Which voice?