Message from @ricardo__

Discord ID: 801184289558757417

2021-01-19 20:17:19 UTC  

yeah, there were many times when I saw a meme in the meme channels and was like " well that's false"

2021-01-19 20:17:31 UTC  

@¿ılı˥? i'll change your nickname to something pingable again. do you still go with Lil Meeshreem?

2021-01-19 20:17:36 UTC  

am i allowed t o post my guilded link?

2021-01-19 20:17:44 UTC  

oh yeah sorry lol

2021-01-19 20:17:49 UTC  

no worry 😄

2021-01-19 20:17:51 UTC  

But you have to do the same thing with every movie and television show ever.

2021-01-19 20:18:05 UTC  

@isoboto hello mod ew

2021-01-19 20:18:08 UTC  

None of them are accurate portrayals of real life. Even down to the simple portrayal of a job function.

2021-01-19 20:18:19 UTC  

We're a conservative server and Discord is a liberal platform
social medias are doing everything in their power to purge conservatives and Zeducation was pretty much blacklisted

2021-01-19 20:18:21 UTC  

hi chungus

2021-01-19 20:18:32 UTC  

yeah, I tend to have to look everything up nowadays because of all the false narrative and false information from both sides, and all media, not just memes

2021-01-19 20:18:41 UTC  

@isoboto hello my favorite goose

2021-01-19 20:18:46 UTC  

How did we get it back it’s like it was before

2021-01-19 20:19:04 UTC  

true, but we don't have to give it a platform if that makes sense. As long as people know, it's fine, but when you post something calling out AOC and you use a quote or tweet she didn't say, that is inappropriate I think

2021-01-19 20:19:21 UTC  

Time travel.

2021-01-19 20:19:35 UTC  

If the classification of the 'information' is 'meme,' it should not be assumed true. That's the point.

2021-01-19 20:19:45 UTC  

@isoboto hello babe UwU

2021-01-19 20:19:54 UTC  

They threatened to shut us down if we don't get rid of all the "misinformation"
the admins had to wipe some channels
we follow all the rules of Discord ToS but they're trying to find reasons to purge us

2021-01-19 20:19:56 UTC  

It's like the images that have a quote, a person, and the wrong name attributed to the quote. That's the joke.

2021-01-19 20:20:19 UTC  

Do we have any backup plans if they terminate us

2021-01-19 20:20:22 UTC  

can i post a link to a guilded group???

2021-01-19 20:20:25 UTC  

Like "You should always believe everything you read on the internet," -- Abe Lincoln, 1789 with a picture of Will Smith

2021-01-19 20:20:49 UTC  

owo ❤️

2021-01-19 20:20:52 UTC  

I just had this discussion elsewhere. Technically, anything is "misinformation" if it's not an absolute fact, and even then we're dealing with people who are treating their own opinions as facts.

2021-01-19 20:21:11 UTC  

there *is* absolute truth though

2021-01-19 20:21:21 UTC  

@isoboto oh my ❤️

2021-01-19 20:21:34 UTC  

I don't want to get this server banned, but the only absolute truth in the universe is pineapple belongs on pizza. #TRUEFACTS #NotFakeNews

2021-01-19 20:21:38 UTC  

There are a few refugee servers that were made while Zed was being revamped
some members recommend following Zed on instagram or twitter for updates

2021-01-19 20:22:02 UTC  

I tried it today and yes, it does

2021-01-19 20:22:12 UTC  

I suspect Instagram and Twitter will be following this line as well very soon.

2021-01-19 20:22:16 UTC  

They have antifa organizations all over these platforms that are literally incurring violence and they have no problem with the thought police

2021-01-19 20:22:24 UTC  

My favorite kind of pizza. Ham, pineapple, extra cheese... 👌

2021-01-19 20:22:28 UTC  

You damn sinners and your pineapple pizza!!!!

2021-01-19 20:23:16 UTC  

Is it likely that discord will find a way for the server to be terminated

2021-01-19 20:24:11 UTC  

Maybe who knows only time can tell lol

2021-01-19 20:24:21 UTC  

yeah, though I hope that the the changes to the server will keep it afloat, I figured that they want to take anyone that opposes the new media guidelines no matter what they do to meet their guidelines

2021-01-19 20:24:25 UTC  

Can someone make a Discord clone, but call it the Gulag?

2021-01-19 20:25:11 UTC  

My favorite kind of pineapple pizza; with extra pepperoni instead of ham, extra cheese and no pineapples

2021-01-19 20:25:18 UTC  

The winners write the history. So I suppose we see... where the winners are.

2021-01-19 20:25:36 UTC  

lmao, I'll accept that as a good pizza sans pineapple.