Message from @dookiebot

Discord ID: 801206382120534037

2021-01-19 21:46:56 UTC  

cmon man

2021-01-19 21:46:58 UTC  

He had to remove the news section here, because people were posting conspiritard stuff from Jones and other lizard people/gey frog nonsense

2021-01-19 21:47:08 UTC  

Hold on I just realized something. Why would the staff have to delete chat history if Discord already reviewed the chat history and just gave Zeducation a warning for it and told you to "improve" your moderation?

2021-01-19 21:47:12 UTC  

I thought the people who first started discord were furries and gamers <:CursedEmoji:763140778770825247>

2021-01-19 21:47:16 UTC  

Weve considered guilded, but are planning,something a bit more decentralized

2021-01-19 21:47:17 UTC  

guys let me blow your minds
every state has a gas tax

2021-01-19 21:47:20 UTC  

Instead of posting real stuff, like a voting hack video by PBS News, they shared extremely hacked fake news and ruined it for all

2021-01-19 21:47:20 UTC  

I'm going to open a server, in case this one gets destroyed, I'll brb for about an hour

2021-01-19 21:47:22 UTC  

Aight homies, stay zeducated! Have a great evenin! We will get through these next four years!

2021-01-19 21:47:29 UTC  

Pretty much, and still lmao

2021-01-19 21:47:34 UTC  

I mean, Texas doesn't have a state income tax, but we still have the federal income tax, so we technically have both sales and income tax.

2021-01-19 21:47:40 UTC  

but alaska has the lowest tax

2021-01-19 21:47:43 UTC  

Do we have some kind of timeline for that?

2021-01-19 21:47:44 UTC  

People have to give a reasons for why they are going to join you might be able to avoid more leftist reporting you that way

2021-01-19 21:47:45 UTC  

Gives them less ammo to ban us retroactively

2021-01-19 21:47:45 UTC  

You too bro, you too

2021-01-19 21:47:49 UTC  

ah so its run by fat or wimpishly skinny gamers and furries still

2021-01-19 21:47:59 UTC  

soo either someone reported us or discord us machine leanring to read everything on every server to find viloters

2021-01-19 21:48:06 UTC  

*makes sense*

2021-01-19 21:48:06 UTC  

Presidents dont really do anything anyways.. its the corrupy senate and house

2021-01-19 21:48:07 UTC  

"misleading information" so which discords got shut down for saying Trump colluded with Russia? Zero? Yes. Zero. Discord's reasoning for supression is a lie

2021-01-19 21:48:23 UTC  

does discord have people in the server?

2021-01-19 21:48:35 UTC  

they run the server they dont need tooo

2021-01-19 21:48:35 UTC  

Ah, got it

2021-01-19 21:48:37 UTC  

discord has spies

2021-01-19 21:48:43 UTC  

I'm a fat and lazy person but I'm still a Trump supporter <:KEK:795742276549607456>

2021-01-19 21:48:48 UTC  

it is all because amazon will shut down discord.... if people post lizard people/geyfrog nonsense from the conspriisheeple infowars channel

2021-01-19 21:48:51 UTC  


2021-01-19 21:49:00 UTC  

Yeah basically their own KGB

2021-01-19 21:49:05 UTC  

So pretty must I we are planning on creating a cloud based hosted server, so that if the main one goes down, copies will,still exist and we will still be able to congregate, until,then we have to treat this like a gaming server with,memes

2021-01-19 21:49:06 UTC  

they're left wing organisations I don't understand why anyone thinks they'd be impartial

2021-01-19 21:49:07 UTC  

i have 2 masters degree a well paying job and still a trump supporter :p

2021-01-19 21:49:08 UTC  

Like an app? Or a website

2021-01-19 21:49:15 UTC  


2021-01-19 21:49:18 UTC  

only a few corporations run all the big data servers for the cloud... without a cloud your app is useless and up for attack by DDos

2021-01-19 21:49:20 UTC  

A mesh of both

2021-01-19 21:49:23 UTC  

i find it hard to believe that misinformation can get a server terminated

2021-01-19 21:49:23 UTC  

*at least I look good, being how short and fat I am* and i take care of my skin for the most part <:KEK:795742276549607456>

2021-01-19 21:49:32 UTC  

We have plans to prevent ddos

2021-01-19 21:49:36 UTC  

soo can we post randmom gaming memes in general room then @Dstar_Destroyer

2021-01-19 21:49:38 UTC  

Lol like actually same