🎄Brandon P-R2k🎄

Discord ID: 763029199056797717

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Online statistics are worse... 2hr zoom like meeting

Nice pfp @Chief Kirby and yes, the left doesn't want to see Trump in a position of power and being a symbol for America, to show that the coronavirus is not as bad as msm claims it is.

College english courses are the worst. I am in one at the moment. One of my professors claims is that some peoples arguments and ideas shouldn't be heard. Anti 1a. She also quotes from people such as Judith Butler. 🤮 I am saving screenshots of every time a professor in college has tried to make me a leftie. The things I do for a bachelor's degree in IT.

Revelation 22 is why I believe the book of Mormon is wrong. I believe the full cannon of scripture is the old and new testament and revelation 22 says anyone who adds onto the bible will get some serious punishment. Plus they have a lot of messed up claims. E.g. doctrine of covenants and the pear of great price. Works can't get you to heaven, it is only by placing your full trust in Jesus and accepting him as your savior. Just my thoughts

God will forgive you for any sin, if you ask for forgiveness

Shaggy what you talking about

The only unpardonable sin is the state of continued disbelief. Matthew 12 shows that the pharasees are in a continued state of unbelief and do not turn away. If your claim was true @TheBlackRedneck anyone who says Jesus name in vain is destined for hell, when in reality, people mess up and they can repent that what they did was wrong

Jesus forgives any sin

Then you reject the trinity?

I am going to agree to disagree @TheBlackRedneck

Gotquestions.org is a great resource for anyone who has questions.

Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit has to do with accusing Jesus Christ of being demon-possessed instead of Spirit-filled. This particular type of blasphemy cannot be duplicated today. The Pharisees were in a unique moment in history: they had the Law and the Prophets, they had the Holy Spirit stirring their hearts, they had the Son of God Himself standing right in front of them, and they saw with their own eyes the miracles He did. Never before in the history of the world (and never since) had so much divine light been granted to men; if anyone should have recognized Jesus for who He was, it was the Pharisees. Yet they chose defiance. They purposely attributed the work of the Spirit to the devil, even though they knew the truth and had the proof. Jesus declared their willful blindness to be unpardonable. Their blasphemy against the Holy Spirit was their final rejection of God’s grace. They had set their course, and God was going to let them sail into perdition unhindered.

This will answer your questions on Matthew 12 https://www.gotquestions.org/blasphemy-Holy-Spirit.html

even though we disagree on some things, we are still homies right?

homie gang

indeed homie no homo gang

watching some dutchsense rn, have y'all watched him?

the Lebron James version (LJV)

yea, but it can't be repeated today

Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit has to do with accusing Jesus Christ of being demon-possessed instead of Spirit-filled.

@TheBlackRedneck I still have to agree to disagree on your article

@TheBlackRedneck I do not believe in speaking in toungs

Benny Hinn a messed up person

do yall have interpreters @TheBlackRedneck

“If anyone speaks in a tongue, two—or at the most three—should speak, one at a time, and someone must interpret. If there is no interpreter, the speaker should keep quiet in the church and speak to himself and God” (1 Corinthians 14:27-28).

defund netflix big time

I'm going to watch it. Where would I find it though? Is it under comedy?

Indeed @Aletro

I am skeptical at what taco bell put in my taco

btw has anyone bought a taco from taco bell? I haven't

KFC is the worst place to go in my neck of the woods

Ight, ima dip. Got things to do. Homie no homo gang

Ight, so I made a zeducation intro. I emailed it to him a few months ago, but got no response. Thought I would post it in here!

I used blender for the modeling and rendering

gotchya, thank you!

Regans debates were 10x better than anything we have today tho


I missed that Kenobi reference lol

I guess that is ThE WaY for them

I think a lot of stupidity comes out on the internet, but the left is just on another level of that stupidity



and marxism

yeah I remember that

or when they said the 9/11 remembrance wasn't going to happen

big brain


!p Red Hat DC Capital

!p The Basics Have love, will travel

!p you can leave byson gray

!p steven malcom vigorous

!p bullet for my valentine The marine rapper


naa it's cool! I don't want to interrupt you lol. I like listening to other people's music as well. I mainly have it on in the background

!p evil Project 86

!p heart fight the fade

!p The last one alive demon hunter


I mean, for all that stuff, it isn't that bad. You got equipment and took your mom out to lunch, I would call it a win

5/10 nose too white and oppressive


is it @its_Jimmy s nose?

I think I killed this chat by insulting Jakes nose

pro gamer move

Get bitmoji addon in chrome or firefox, sign in, rightclick on the image you want to download and press "save image as" It will save it as a png


maga 2020 show them the facts

lol 😆

I saw that one the other day @Dr.Induction . Btw a good movie suggestion is ford vs ferrari. It has Christian Bale and Matt Damon who are liberal, but if you can separate the actor from the acting, it was really good.

Miniladd yet another child predator. Messed up people. I liked miniladd in the past, but I don't think I will ever see him the same

Unhealthy = whatever hinders you from becoming a productive person

Sup y'all

I hate it when people change their minds after one answer they hear and they live their live changing opinions and stances on important topics. Kinda like Biden changing his mind on fracking


Wanna see something crazy I did today?

Introducing blade on a weedeater

Indeed! Or prep for the zombie apocalypse

One thing is for sure, it is gonna rip through those weeds. I will be clearing high brush around a pond this weekend

I like lawncare btw 😂

I killed the chat sry.

@Birbdude that hat on the turkey made my day!

Pineapple deserves to be on pizza, change my mind...🍕 🍍

Idk, maybe they haven't tried it

Don't judge a book by it's cover

Unless if it is biden

It would be a jumbled mess of leg hair and cornpop

True, but what has he done to fix "race issues"? All i see is a lot of talk and no action, which isn't the way I roll

Trump has done a lot for the black community and has really shown that he cares, Biden, like you said, just fans the flames of the victim mentality and openly supports blm in the process which hasn't done a lot to help the black community.

Just my thoughts. U owe me a penny for my thoughts lol. And yeah, even businesses who support blm are still targets for rioters because in the end, rioters don't care about race, they only care about what you own and themselves.

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