Message from @TheTransWithClaws{SuperCatsYT}

Discord ID: 801446497228685343

2021-01-20 13:33:09 UTC  

Better... not because of him...

2021-01-20 13:33:53 UTC  


2021-01-20 13:34:33 UTC  

well, it wasnt only made as a hoax and to help democrats cheat ..

2021-01-20 13:34:55 UTC  


2021-01-20 13:35:29 UTC  

Prediction they end the lockdowns because it makes them look good if the economy bounces back

2021-01-20 13:35:35 UTC  

sarcasim and opposite world work well

2021-01-20 13:36:25 UTC  

it kinda was because of him he his trade deal and others caused people to agree that the last 3 years of trump administration was better than obamas

2021-01-20 13:37:39 UTC  

Who says that

2021-01-20 13:38:45 UTC  

Again im not denying its not better... just saying its not because of him, the economy followed the exact same trend it did under Obama, it failed to achieve the promises Trump made and frankly it ended abruptly with crisis

2021-01-20 13:38:47 UTC  

he is gonna talk for a while now

2021-01-20 13:39:12 UTC  

Iā€™m so heartbrokennnnnn

2021-01-20 13:39:23 UTC  

For Republicans who are historically so concerned with the deficit, why don't you care our debt has risen by over $7 trillion, NOT including COVID support?

2021-01-20 13:39:43 UTC  


2021-01-20 13:40:15 UTC  

The great reset of poers and economy- rich wil lget richer poor get poorer

2021-01-20 13:40:26 UTC  

That has nothing to do with the deficit

2021-01-20 13:40:34 UTC  

if trump was not there the economy would just be fine trump made it great

2021-01-20 13:40:48 UTC  

Just a note here: I was given a 24 hour suspension from MEWE on Monday for what I thought was a Jefferson quote about a rebellion every 20 years was a good thing. Turns out it was a post that the Demonrats and Repukes were in collusion with each other and we were being played. I was suspended again last night for appealing.

2021-01-20 13:41:00 UTC  

@SaredSword but you don't care about the deficit? That doesn't matter to you anymore?

2021-01-20 13:41:11 UTC  

yeah i can see that

2021-01-20 13:41:35 UTC  

Trumps economy is just fine in comparrisson to the earlier trends, if there was an abrupt increase it would be great, it didnt... it followed the exact same trend... thats fine

2021-01-20 13:42:15 UTC  

Dumb question but what happened to the leftist channel? I have another funny story to tell

2021-01-20 13:42:57 UTC  

The fun channels got nuked apparently

2021-01-20 13:43:20 UTC  

It got deleted, along with all other politics/new channels. Discord 'Trust & Safety' threatened to shut down the server, so it's been sanitized as an interim solution

2021-01-20 13:44:38 UTC  


2021-01-20 13:44:41 UTC  

3 years of trumps economy was amazing we can agree on that saying its just fine is a bit off trump broke records in 3 years

2021-01-20 13:44:55 UTC  


2021-01-20 13:45:31 UTC  

but you IGNORE the deficit. Wow... sounds like you really just care about what makes you look good

2021-01-20 13:45:57 UTC  

"Broke records", aka rode someone elses achievements

2021-01-20 13:46:04 UTC  

Trump giving his final goodbye ceremony, think that says it all.

2021-01-20 13:46:43 UTC  

Did he accept Bidens victory?

2021-01-20 13:47:08 UTC  

No, but he agreed to a peaceful transfer of power

2021-01-20 13:47:15 UTC  

Obama when asked about Presidents Trumps achievements; "He doesn't doesn't some magic wand" then when Trump does it yall say Obama did it. No, Obama did not do it all.

2021-01-20 13:47:24 UTC  

The economy is following the trend it has since the Reagan administration. The government steals money from future economies by going further into debt, then injects that money into this economy. The markets scramble to get their share of that $27 trillion and everything "LOOKS" great. That is the reason for record high stock market numbers, and for excellent employment rates. Prior to the Reagan administration, they printed money instead of going into debt, that avoided debt, but blew up inflation. Reagan ran on "WIN"- Whip Inflation Now.

2021-01-20 13:48:09 UTC  

And the primary reason for the increasing income gap is that same injection of money stolen from future economies.

2021-01-20 13:48:34 UTC  

And Obama was right... Trump didnt achieve his promises... he didnt have a magic wand... Trump promised 3.5% per year growth on average and didnt even break 3%

2021-01-20 13:48:55 UTC  

You can do anything with stats, but I can attest from my personal experience in the US workforce that during 2008 through 2016 there were layoffs every year at my workplace. After 2016, there was 1 layoff in early 2017 but it was small by comparison to previous years and then we didn't have any layoffs afterwards.

2021-01-20 13:49:04 UTC  

I recall almost every quarter he broke 4.5% but I could be wrong

2021-01-20 13:49:43 UTC  

if anything, more job openings were created

2021-01-20 13:50:41 UTC  


2021-01-20 13:50:44 UTC  

Also, In every economy there is an income gap. People are lazy and lots don't know how to do this or that (Taxes, good jobs) so they fail. The reason the rich are rich is because they came up with unique ideas that benefit us all and people worked towards that goal to better it making themselves and the artist rich.

2021-01-20 13:50:59 UTC  

I dont think so? Unless 2020 was magically 4.5% (it wasnt)