Message from @Your New President Elmo

Discord ID: 801462243660267606

2021-01-20 14:42:02 UTC  

They are wrong but ok

2021-01-20 14:42:03 UTC  

Damn, a Whole 30 second wait / countdown for messages. The server really is getting ready for the inauguration.

2021-01-20 14:42:04 UTC  

AHAHA this kid has a bowl cut but at the back it keeps going down what the hell

2021-01-20 14:42:08 UTC  

Biden's inauguration will be gay, cringe and full of degeneracy.

2021-01-20 14:42:29 UTC  

There high schools are more like trade schools that are based around careers not just general info

2021-01-20 14:42:35 UTC  

no, we have a highschool we just finish it earlier than Americans, then go to college, then to university

2021-01-20 14:42:48 UTC  

lets rename biden's inaguration to memestock 21

2021-01-20 14:42:50 UTC  

clowns clowns clowns

2021-01-20 14:42:55 UTC  

sounds like any socialist meeting

2021-01-20 14:43:01 UTC  

All of thems are clowns

2021-01-20 14:43:06 UTC  

'Tis more civolaized, that way, chump.

2021-01-20 14:43:08 UTC  

Ya'll I just want to jump in here real quick to make sure everyone has read the announcement in <#801170115957489724>. Just please be careful with what you say, especially today.

2021-01-20 14:43:35 UTC  

my dad was like now the commies are in they taking over

2021-01-20 14:43:45 UTC  

We need to move to telegram where there is no thought police

2021-01-20 14:44:07 UTC  

No it's not. Socialism needs the State to run things. The media and big tech are more powerful than the State. They can ban the fucking president. How is this socialism? Stop coping with boomer takes on politics.

2021-01-20 14:44:09 UTC  

What’s so special about today? It’s not like we’re making a lunatic president or something. Today is just a normal day and normal things are happening

2021-01-20 14:44:23 UTC  

I literally saw this stupid leftist on tiktok say whats wrong with paying people more money(regarding the Biden's 15 dollars min wage) and i was like "genz is fucked"

2021-01-20 14:44:27 UTC  

Can we make a bet on which country Biden its gonna nuke first?

2021-01-20 14:44:35 UTC  

In Britain we leave highschool at 16, then go to college or get an apprenticeship or join the military

2021-01-20 14:44:41 UTC  


2021-01-20 14:44:49 UTC  

i hope it rains in dc

2021-01-20 14:44:55 UTC  

mornin' true americans

2021-01-20 14:45:05 UTC  

Morning good sir.

2021-01-20 14:45:08 UTC  

You're fooling yourself if you think megacorporations are private entities. They are de facto government departments, no different from agencies like the FDA and CIA.

2021-01-20 14:45:33 UTC  

Well I too went to college, MS in economics, MS in History, BS degrees in Mechanical and Civil Engineering and a JD. I own several businesses employing over 800 people and I've been studying politics in the US for six decades. You are uninformed.

2021-01-20 14:45:50 UTC  

I did not know that my son was on a political server

2021-01-20 14:46:05 UTC  

Shit im found out

2021-01-20 14:46:09 UTC  

well this is awkward

2021-01-20 14:46:17 UTC  

Studying politics in the U.S is living in it?

2021-01-20 14:46:32 UTC  


2021-01-20 14:46:40 UTC  

if y'all get sick of earth you are welcome on Nevarro

2021-01-20 14:46:45 UTC  

Yea he talks a lot of smack and swears at everyone

2021-01-20 14:47:01 UTC  


2021-01-20 14:47:11 UTC  

sounds about right

2021-01-20 14:47:13 UTC  

No, its studying it, need the definition??

2021-01-20 14:47:47 UTC  

I wanna know what you mean by you've been studying politics for 6 decades?

2021-01-20 14:47:59 UTC  

I feel like everyone has gotten more political these days.

2021-01-20 14:48:00 UTC  

Why go to both?

2021-01-20 14:48:16 UTC  

"When I was elected senator...........180 years ago"-Creepy Sleepy Joke Hiden

2021-01-20 14:48:24 UTC  

Dude, you are coping hard on boomer takes. Stop. No one fucking cares about socialism. Globalist corporatism is the real threat in America. Megacorporations *are* rivate entities. Face reality. Being a private entity does not mean they cannot grow stronger than the government. All you need is a private entity buy favors to the government to keep silent on their acts and start censoring citizens. The media does not answer to the government; it's the other way around. Wake the fuck up from 1945 crap. We are in a *globalist corporatist* oligarchy. Facebook is not owned by The State, what kind of fucking idiotic convoluted take is that? Facebook *owns the State*.

2021-01-20 14:48:39 UTC  

yeah. seems it has intruded every aspect of life