Message from @Book

Discord ID: 801629945431719966

2021-01-21 01:48:05 UTC  

It's too cringey

2021-01-21 01:48:14 UTC  

The thing about Gold, and other metals such as silver, is that they always be valueable unlike a country's currency.

So my Gold could be worth 1800 USD or in the next four years it could be worth, a worthless 180000 USD.

Or I could take it to another country like the UK where it's worth about 1600 Pounds.

2021-01-21 01:48:30 UTC  

is tungsten bullets a thing

2021-01-21 01:48:38 UTC  

Isn’t there a new nuclear power plant that’s main focus will be to run off nearly depleted uranium cells/cores? ....or has my mind melted like Biden’s?

2021-01-21 01:48:46 UTC  

At least I'm glad that no violence happened

2021-01-21 01:48:57 UTC  

They won't be valuable in the event of TOTAL economic collapse, at least no immediately, so dont put all your money into gold, put a good ammount into tangible goods, food/seed and ammo

2021-01-21 01:49:13 UTC  

Yeah sure if the WHOLE WORLD had one.

2021-01-21 01:49:22 UTC  

Hmm dont know, would probably be real heavy

2021-01-21 01:49:43 UTC  

Will the US having an economic collapse effect most other countries? Yes alot, but not enough that they can't support themselves

P.S Ofc I won't put it all into metals

2021-01-21 01:49:45 UTC  

Why food? If a person tries to come at you..that’s food, probably a new gun or weapon, and some ammo right there

2021-01-21 01:50:03 UTC  

your precious gold brick won't help you very much escaping the US if its economy collapses to the point the dollar is worthless

2021-01-21 01:50:05 UTC  

What if we bought all of the above? Precious metals, seeds, land, animals, guns?

2021-01-21 01:50:21 UTC  

you need to be self sufficient, raiding people for food is a short anf fickle life

2021-01-21 01:50:25 UTC  

Why are we making it an either or?

2021-01-21 01:50:25 UTC  

Yeah but where the dollar is worthless, another Country's currency may not be

2021-01-21 01:50:26 UTC  


2021-01-21 01:50:46 UTC  

thats the kinda diversity we can use

2021-01-21 01:51:01 UTC  

I said, “if a person tries to COME at you” so they will be raiding, and that’s food.

2021-01-21 01:51:05 UTC  

so uh u folks wanna talk about 2022?

2021-01-21 01:51:12 UTC  

it will be in the US, if the dollar here is worthless people will riot, total anarchy

2021-01-21 01:51:12 UTC  

no not really

2021-01-21 01:51:21 UTC  


2021-01-21 01:51:34 UTC  

turn a .223 55g into a .223 107 grain <:KEK:795742276549607456>

2021-01-21 01:51:42 UTC  

Your missing the point, if I have some gold, and the dollar is worthless, I wouldn't trade my gold for a dollar, instead I'd trade it for a more valueable country's currency

2021-01-21 01:51:45 UTC  

As long as I can get to another nation it’ll be fine. If the dollar were to collapse overnight most nations would jump to the Euro instantly and it would be ok

2021-01-21 01:51:45 UTC  

If you are in one place you can't rely on eating people, after you kill a few no one would be insane enough to attack you again, thus thee need for seeds

2021-01-21 01:52:19 UTC  

The obvious solution is to then start going out and hunting food

2021-01-21 01:52:26 UTC  

Some people will be just pure desperate.

2021-01-21 01:52:46 UTC  

Desperate to be my dinner

2021-01-21 01:52:49 UTC  

Heck, I've been building up for several years, seeing this coming.

2021-01-21 01:52:59 UTC  


2021-01-21 01:53:02 UTC  

Oh no people are comparing kayleigh mcenany to jean paski

2021-01-21 01:53:03 UTC  

hunting will be depleted within months ngl, farming is necesary a little gardening wont kill ya

2021-01-21 01:53:43 UTC  

Hunting is never out if you’re down for any source of meat. Also I’m allergic to most plants, so yes gardening could kill me

2021-01-21 01:53:49 UTC  

Yup, I do that yearly, freeze, freeze-dried, dehydrate....

2021-01-21 01:54:00 UTC  

Or at least make me wish I was dead.

2021-01-21 01:54:14 UTC  

I just came here again
To say that pineapple pizza is delicious

2021-01-21 01:55:06 UTC  

Fortunately, I've had the means and the skill to get ready, and the fore-sight, we are in fro rough times over the next few years. The demoKKKrats will see to that.

2021-01-21 01:55:23 UTC  


2021-01-21 01:55:35 UTC  

I love pineapple...BUT NOT ON PIZZA!!!!

2021-01-21 01:55:47 UTC  

mmm pineapple pizza