Message from @isoboto

Discord ID: 798269921150238750

2021-01-10 23:53:09 UTC  

Btw, my comments aren't in opposition to anyone's thoughts. I don't have a large disagreement with anyone here so far. I was simply expanding upon the conversation of the Death penalty.

2021-01-11 00:10:08 UTC  

Extremely valid points all! I admit that this isn't a topic that I have pondered extensively, since it's never been applicable to myself or anyone I know. I wasn't thinking letting them walk free, and I certainly believe they should still be tried in court. If they seem truly penitent, I would say life sentence with a chance of parole if they continue to demonstrate over long periods of time (I'm thinking 10+ years) that they have been capable of self-transformation and have not demonstrated any violent or relapsing tendencies whatsoever. I recognize that some can still fall through the cracks here- I truly don't believe that there is a single solution that would work 100% of the time in the best interest of everyone involved.
Mental illness/instability is another matter entirely, though- in some cases, death is a preferable alternative to being sent to an asylum. It's a much harder topic to deal with because it's extremely difficult to prove whether or not they were acting fully and entirely under their own conscience and were fully aware of what they were doing, and they were aware that what they were doing was wrong. For example, the instance you provided above. Setting your own car on fire instead of shooting the woman until she's dead could be seen as an act that one wouldn't perform if they were operating entirely under their own mind, but then again, who can say for sure? The death penalty may be the best option in many of these cases.
I also believe that some crimes deserve the death penalty automatically- that's why I said it depends on the situation. I believe there should be basic laws enabling the death penalty for certain crimes and that that punishment should be widely made aware of. I do agree with what you've said, and I think your first three sentences sum up my views on the matter as well.

2021-01-11 00:15:01 UTC  

I apologize if I seem uneducated- I think the last time I did any research on it was for the speech and debate team in middle school

2021-01-11 14:02:18 UTC  

No worries. I'm not sure if it's normal for a death row inmate to be waiting 10 years. But, It certainly seems like an extremely long time. I doubt that anyone could keep up an act for 10 years.
I also agree that their isn't a perfect way of conducting this. It could be debated forever!
Certainly, it is significant that people know what crimes are worthy of death. I think it isn't stressed enough in this century. People should always be made aware of the consequences for their actions. It may sound ridiculous in this context. But, it would help people make an informed decision. To me and you, it may seem obvious, that murdering 21 people is wrong, but. we all haven't read the Bible/ understand God's Law's.

2021-01-11 15:51:48 UTC  

Very true! It does seem surprising that so many people are uneducated about crime, among other things. And with schools neglecting to teach things like this and instead choosing to spend time on things like gender identity, it's less surprising that the crime rate is so high. My state, for example, is in the forties in terms of education quality by state, but in the top five in terms of violent crime. It's certainly a multi-layered problem!

2021-01-11 16:11:59 UTC  

yep. What do you think happens when you've got a culture that breeds mental illness? Yes, I believe that the mainstream culture breeds mental illness. We encourage sexual immorality and deny that is it's even wrong to begin with. We are trapped in our homes, isolated or lucky enough to at least be with family. We waste our time in the consumer culture, and many others worship celebrities. Leftist culture rejects christian values, chooses emotions instead of rationality, and when you waste police resources on enforcing stupid covid lock down rules; The result will of course, be more crime. This problem is a big ogre, and like an ogre; it has layers.

2021-01-11 16:46:06 UTC  

With as many factories are in Mexico, I'm sure some are more advanced now days so of needed I'm sure I could find a job in cyber security protecting them. If you have enough money you can also still have REAL guns, can't be said of Canada.

2021-01-11 17:03:05 UTC  

If I had to leave America I'd go to Poland.

2021-01-11 17:22:38 UTC  

Yeah pretty much all of Canada is California

2021-01-11 17:22:43 UTC  

I'm used to it <:KEK:795742276549607456>

2021-01-11 17:40:49 UTC  

Canada: exists
Mods: you are gay 🏳️‍🌈

2021-01-11 18:10:43 UTC  

<:Greta:720119386668531763> we are only partially gay

2021-01-11 18:25:18 UTC  

I would click on Canada, but that flag... 😐

2021-01-11 18:26:11 UTC  

bias against canadians amonst mods, of course <:Greta:720119386668531763>

2021-01-11 18:56:46 UTC  

can I say UK, New Zealand, or Australia

2021-01-11 19:06:18 UTC  

Members: \*sees gay*
Members: clicks Mexico

2021-01-11 19:06:49 UTC  

Pretty much.

2021-01-11 19:18:17 UTC  


2021-01-11 19:18:20 UTC  

i choose poland

2021-01-11 19:19:24 UTC  

rigged election <:ScreamingLiberal2:760246375815839785>

2021-01-11 19:19:40 UTC  

i suggested venezula

2021-01-11 19:19:42 UTC  


2021-01-11 19:20:15 UTC  


2021-01-11 19:20:17 UTC  

its between poland and israel

2021-01-11 19:20:26 UTC  

Poland or Hungary for me.🇭🇺 🇵🇱

2021-01-11 19:20:26 UTC  


2021-01-11 19:20:40 UTC  

\*sees gay*
\*hits blunt instead*

2021-01-11 19:20:43 UTC  

i hear poland is conservative, though

2021-01-11 19:20:54 UTC  

I'd go to Poland

2021-01-11 19:23:38 UTC  

im pretty sure poland is mostly against LGBT, which is a huge plus for me

2021-01-11 19:25:17 UTC  

you and me both, brother

2021-01-11 19:35:53 UTC  

If I had to pick another country I'd pick Switzerland because they are fairly gun friendly and have a strong gun culture.

2021-01-11 20:06:54 UTC  

Canada’s cool idk what y’all are on about

2021-01-11 20:18:30 UTC  

why are they chosing mexico over canada

2021-01-11 20:18:59 UTC  

is it because of the gay flag next to canada

2021-01-11 20:19:07 UTC  

this is a rigged election!

2021-01-11 20:19:42 UTC  

I may prefer to go to Brazil

2021-01-11 20:23:44 UTC  

If I ever have to flee the US, it would be for a reason related to Communism. Canada would have already turned commie, or be well upon it's way, so Mexico it is!

2021-01-11 20:24:10 UTC  

even if canada were commie it would be better than mexico

2021-01-11 20:24:45 UTC  

taxes cant be *that* bad

2021-01-11 20:25:11 UTC  

Does Canada have Acapulco?
Didnt think so, lol.