Message from @razor2428

Discord ID: 800193220889018368

2021-01-17 02:37:43 UTC  

More arrests, a bomb threat, deaths

2021-01-17 02:37:47 UTC

2021-01-17 02:37:58 UTC  

Looks more like they are preparing war

2021-01-17 02:38:12 UTC  

This is not new news.....weve known for a week

2021-01-17 02:38:26 UTC  

Speak with the 10th mountain division come on guys, if you cant see it yet...

2021-01-17 02:38:38 UTC  

Some seem to be doubting

2021-01-17 02:38:40 UTC

2021-01-17 02:38:49 UTC  

me and my dad had a theory on why so many troops and military assets are being moved to DC, think its some sorta diversion tactic to make an enemy do something extremely stupid

2021-01-17 02:39:07 UTC  

Could be

2021-01-17 02:39:31 UTC  

They are scared of Trump

2021-01-17 02:39:49 UTC  

hard to say what they are movin for tho, not much info yet still

2021-01-17 02:39:55 UTC  

We have to see the whole picture too its not just US politics at play China is a serious issue right now

2021-01-17 02:40:26 UTC  

tho i dont think China's gonna do something, their window to attack Taiwan doesnt come till either May or March, and we are several months away from that

2021-01-17 02:40:31 UTC  

And we need Trump now more than ever

2021-01-17 02:41:04 UTC  

China already has troops in the US and has planned to deploy them wednesday

2021-01-17 02:41:12 UTC  

and Canada

2021-01-17 02:41:25 UTC  

and China isnt gonna hit Japan, not when they're building up their defenses

2021-01-17 02:41:29 UTC  

idk about that

2021-01-17 02:41:39 UTC  

"yo mama shue do care about your education"

2021-01-17 02:42:10 UTC  

Can china handle another 4 years of trump?
Did the deep state request help from foreign or domestic enemies?
If trump walks out on the 20th instead of biden will there be riots?

That warzone being built is not for an inauguration, however trump will still be president for another 4 years.

2021-01-17 02:42:38 UTC  

frankly the only open target for China right now is India, but Russia is pressing on China's back door so its not much of a viable option right now

2021-01-17 02:42:52 UTC  

so what are things gonna look like tomorrow?

2021-01-17 02:42:58 UTC  

much of the same perhaps

2021-01-17 02:43:17 UTC  

it is the 17th

2021-01-17 02:43:21 UTC  

i just really hope trumps gonna do something

2021-01-17 02:43:35 UTC  

i dont think he's gonna do anything

2021-01-17 02:43:38 UTC  

i saw what biden put out today, he aint even holding back

2021-01-17 02:43:48 UTC  

hes gonna screw us over big time without hesitation

2021-01-17 02:43:49 UTC  


2021-01-17 02:43:58 UTC  

What did bidens handlers have him say today?

2021-01-17 02:44:24 UTC  

basically a shit ton of EOs that reverse trumps achievements

2021-01-17 02:44:39 UTC  

put us into the climate accord

2021-01-17 02:44:40 UTC

2021-01-17 02:44:43 UTC  

Just expect so much inflation

2021-01-17 02:44:55 UTC  

were fucked guys if biden gets in

2021-01-17 02:44:59 UTC  

end of story

2021-01-17 02:45:02 UTC  

crash that fucking bus

2021-01-17 02:45:10 UTC  

i thought he would wait but jesus im scared

2021-01-17 02:45:36 UTC  

we still have a weapon up our sleeves and its worked once before to end disasterous tarriff

threat of secession

2021-01-17 02:46:03 UTC  

yeah like biden cares