Message from @butler

Discord ID: 800194551212933142

2021-01-17 02:43:48 UTC  

hes gonna screw us over big time without hesitation

2021-01-17 02:43:49 UTC  


2021-01-17 02:43:58 UTC  

What did bidens handlers have him say today?

2021-01-17 02:44:24 UTC  

basically a shit ton of EOs that reverse trumps achievements

2021-01-17 02:44:39 UTC  

put us into the climate accord

2021-01-17 02:44:40 UTC

2021-01-17 02:44:43 UTC  

Just expect so much inflation

2021-01-17 02:44:55 UTC  

were fucked guys if biden gets in

2021-01-17 02:44:59 UTC  

end of story

2021-01-17 02:45:02 UTC  

crash that fucking bus

2021-01-17 02:45:10 UTC  

i thought he would wait but jesus im scared

2021-01-17 02:45:36 UTC  

we still have a weapon up our sleeves and its worked once before to end disasterous tarriff

threat of secession

2021-01-17 02:46:03 UTC  

yeah like biden cares

2021-01-17 02:46:08 UTC  

biden is all talk tho for the most part he will do the bidding of his overlords

2021-01-17 02:46:16 UTC  

not those of us that live in liberal states 😦

2021-01-17 02:46:20 UTC  

just EO our rights away while hes at it

2021-01-17 02:46:22 UTC  

no, but if a big ticket state like Texas made the threat, then people would listen

2021-01-17 02:46:24 UTC  

Biden doesn't run his social accounts

2021-01-17 02:47:06 UTC  

If he did, it will be much more entertaining to watch what comes out of it. Maybe that is how he will get 80 million followers like Trump

2021-01-17 02:47:17 UTC  

no they wouldnt, they would just send the military in to reclaim texas by force

2021-01-17 02:47:27 UTC  

u think the dems give a shit about us

2021-01-17 02:47:31 UTC  

then they would be starting what we all fear would

2021-01-17 02:47:33 UTC  

let alone our soldiers

2021-01-17 02:47:37 UTC  

biden will buy bots like these teens on insta or snap

2021-01-17 02:47:37 UTC  


2021-01-17 02:48:18 UTC  

i betcha they would, they got us into how many unnecessary wars?

2021-01-17 02:48:22 UTC  

not all soldiers are conservatives, there's alot that hate places like Texas, because these soldiers are just regular people too, some read different news than others

2021-01-17 02:48:29 UTC  

Trump will win, the inauguration does not matter

2021-01-17 02:48:31 UTC  

u think reclaiming texas would be any different

2021-01-17 02:49:07 UTC  

Very interesting perspective here...

2021-01-17 02:49:08 UTC  

it wouldnt be just Texas making the threat and executing it, if other states see what happens they may step up to defend Texas

2021-01-17 02:49:08 UTC  
2021-01-17 02:49:20 UTC  

they use our soldiers as pawns to push their agenda, anything that comes between them and their goals will be ment with intimidation and force

2021-01-17 02:49:43 UTC  

Ignore the description it's audio

2021-01-17 02:50:11 UTC  

foreign wars are good for business, homefront ones are are not, the military industrial complex wouldnt be so keen on having a war right outside its factories

2021-01-17 02:50:28 UTC  

Mentions idea that the left have a plan to assassinate Biden after Harris is sworn in

2021-01-17 02:50:41 UTC  

Blame it on Trump supporters

2021-01-17 02:51:12 UTC  

All of Biden problems and dirt goes away

2021-01-17 02:51:16 UTC  

not if its to maintain power, the dems do not want us to have any sort of leverage, they will go to great lengths to make sure we are weak.

2021-01-17 02:51:51 UTC  

remember, he called us "domestic terrorists" trying to dehumanize us

2021-01-17 02:52:07 UTC  

Reminds me of the movie Shooter