Discord ID: 379444258941304833
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Wow shit is getting real in Michigan
Must watch...did she just do what I think she did!!!
So Discord is banning free speech?
Thank God we have Parler...
Everyone moving there
Hey all...where are the memes from sunday's stream?
Happy New Year all
VP Pence left for vacation to Vail. Aircraft identifier was AF2 ( airforce 2). When both him and Trump came back from their vacation early. ( Confirmed by news networks) Aircraft identifiers where seen as AF1 and and SAM931( Pence).
Rumor in DC is Pence resigned on Dece.31 2020.
Michael Flynn is new VP
It's been flying around Parler....with these tags
Section 2 of the Twenty-Fifth Amendment requires the President to nominate a replacement Vice President when that office becomes vacant, subject to confirmation by a majority of both the House and Senate. In 1973, Gerald Ford became Vice President through Section 2 after Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned. When Ford took over the presidency the following year, he promptly invoked Section 2 to nominate Nelson Rockefeller to fill the resulting vice-presidential vacancy.
They only do the confirmation...they do not pick
article 2 supercedes the in what happened in 1973
But the scary part is in mean time the speaker of house fills in.
With your last class comment
Not sure
Trying to find more
Pompoe comment was huge...when asked about the Biden Harris transition....he said there will a definite smooth transition to a Trump white house. This was right after the pentagon abruptly stopped the Intel reports
The next 2 weeks will be crazy
Oh ya...where the hell is she
Parler has her in jail singing like a carney
Also rumor has it saying Trump can "primary" certain GOP members who are not backing him...I'm not sure on the way that happens.
Also I think they gave fake intel to Biden Harris and with in 24 hrs it was on China new media.
Who is the 4 person
Who were to the two peeps crop out?
Sitting across from Trump
Dave scavino
Not sure
Also have you seen this new bill
Also my buddy sent me this...he is a word coder... interesting stuff.
Well...not sure now
Based on this ...our military???
Ok so here is an interesting pic....
So much stuff out there hard to make sense of it all
Oh stuff on New York mayors wife...she has connection to #Pizzagate.
I can't get a finger on Lin Wood!! I'm not sure if he totally there, making shit up or spot on. If he is telling the truth...holy shit
Man if that island could talk
Biden and Harris called off there inauguration luncheon
@StonerWithABoner LoL...that could happen
@suurge hahahah
There was something on Coast to Coast about the mars rover and if they found microbes on the planet.... the Govt was going to just come out and say..." Oh roswell was real"
Man he must have a lot of dirt on people
Could work
Rumor has it Epstein is alive
Roberts is in trouble
Found this video uploaded on Parler just now.. we were talking about this a few night ago on here.
Scroll down and click on where it's online voice recording to listen.... can't make this shit up!!
The raid in Germany was for real....2nd arrest tonight in Italy....we know how the fraud happened now...
Better recording...
Hmmmm this is interesting...from a Italian court case about Leonardo SpA company..
Ya saw this...and yet no one in the media is talking about it
Source of the Italian court hearing on Leonardo SpA company elecrtion fraud
Ok all anyone here know what this hand signal video
What's up with the H60s in Colorado..
Hmmmm Executive order 13848 ....
How legit is this? Interesting, if this true and with the federal hearing going in Italy against Leonardo SpA company...this could actually happen...
Parler being shut down tomorrow at midnight
Where do you think Bill Clinton is right now. - Join the conversation on @clouthub
My daughter, who is still on Twitter, said its quite boring
Ok ....what's the Intel on seal team 6 , Bengahzi and Bin laden....there is intel saying they are all contracted the points to treason for Obama, Hilary, Bidden, brennan...
Not sure....OANN had a segment on it say evidence will be revealed
Anne Khait ...twitter account....
So much for fake news
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