Message from @JD~Jordan

Discord ID: 800232570901102623

2021-01-17 03:05:41 UTC  

Along with NTD and news max

2021-01-17 03:05:57 UTC  

I haven’t watched it but it can’t be worse than CNN or MSNBC.

2021-01-17 03:08:35 UTC  

LOL... well CNN is pretty bad... but yes... its way worse. It might as well be called Trump TV. Not to mention I have found completely false shit they have printed... and it wasn't even that difficult to establish it.

Its one of the very few "sources" that I give next to no credibility. The MOST I would ever do with one of their articles is look at the headline and then research it myself.

2021-01-17 03:15:18 UTC  

The few clips I’ve seen on the internet seemed normal. I don’t think you realize how little credibility CNN and some others have, in my opinion.

2021-01-17 03:16:58 UTC  

I don’t watch any “news” channels regularly.

2021-01-17 03:17:02 UTC  

To each their own. I have watched CNN in a long time. I don't consider it news. Its an opinion show on current events... at best.

But I havent been able to catch them straight up lying like OAN.

And seriously... if you honestly think OAN is a good source then... fucking wow.... kinda hard to have an honest discussion if that is the case.

2021-01-17 03:17:42 UTC  

sorry..... "I have NOT watched CNN in a long time"

2021-01-17 03:20:17 UTC  

LOL... wow... you honestly think that hunter Biden got 1.5 BILLION dollars? bahahahahahahahahah

2021-01-17 03:30:38 UTC  

I have found a fairly conservative or right wing leaning news source.... The Hill. They really don't do a lot of editorializing in most of their articles. Now obviously some of their articles do some editorializing. But they try to make it clear when they are offering their opinion or are trying to interpret the information and provide conclusion instead of just providing the facts.

I don't care what CNN, FOX, MSNBC, NewsMax or OAN anchors opinions or conclusions are... I just want the facts. I can make up my own mind on how to interpret the facts.

2021-01-17 03:31:38 UTC  

I really enjoy the Epoch times.

2021-01-17 03:31:40 UTC  

I can’t chat right now but I have to say this. The Hill’s articles are super left wing. The YouTube show I’ve seen is not representative of The Hill.

2021-01-17 03:32:51 UTC  

Yikes... ok. Well clearly that is why we are not going to agree on much.

According to a Knight Foundation study, The Hill is generally read by a moderate audience, leaning slightly toward the right.
Owner(s): Capitol Hill Publishing Corp., a subs...
Founded: September 1, 1994; 26 years ago
Founder(s): Jerry Finkelstein and Martin Tolchin

2021-01-17 04:12:11 UTC  

Before I deactivated Facebook, I would read their articles. I don’t know if it was the algorithm FB used, but all the articles were very left-leaning and inflammatory.

The premise was almost always left and the frame of the situation was left. Once in a while, there would be an article written by a Republican, but they were usually soft-Republicans. Bush/Romney types that accepted the left-leaning paradigm of the media.

2021-01-17 04:13:13 UTC  

I’m very picky about paradigm because that determines the conclusion, most of the time.

2021-01-17 04:13:18 UTC  

I dont get "news" from FB.... so no clue there. I just go to their website. They are a solid source if you want facts and not the rest of the horseshit.

2021-01-17 04:14:45 UTC  

Some of it was likely due to the algorithm. The inflammatory stuff caused me to comment due to their ridiculous nature, so FB likely prioritized those articles.

2021-01-17 04:15:12 UTC  

I did notice articles that were less inflammatory when I would go there directly.

2021-01-17 04:15:46 UTC  

I use Feedly now. I choose all my news sources and it acts sort of like a custom Drudge. I love Feedly.

2021-01-17 04:18:40 UTC  

Yeah... I would never recommend using FB as a way to get news... they choose what goes on your timeline.

I use the app "SmartNews" and that way I get tons of different sources... The Hill is right leaning, I promise. But I trust it.

2021-01-17 04:23:33 UTC  

They have not only censored my posts, but once on FB I was touch typing a message and found other words coming out on screen. If my hands were misplaced they would not have been real words that came out. But what came out were real words, but not what I was typing. So I am no longer on Facebook.

2021-01-17 05:18:32 UTC  

Never seen anything like that... gremlins maybe

2021-01-17 06:02:53 UTC  

fake news next

2021-01-17 06:04:39 UTC this is happening after taking vaccine true or false