Message from @Friedrich

Discord ID: 798283510157803610

2021-01-11 20:09:59 UTC  

Doesn't mean I didn't think that was a fringe opinion.

2021-01-11 20:10:19 UTC  

What? My dude, that is literally what protest is.

2021-01-11 20:10:25 UTC  

Civil unrest.

2021-01-11 20:10:33 UTC  

Redress of grievances.

2021-01-11 20:10:36 UTC  

I think motive and fear matters a lot there. If I'm surrounded by an angry mob and my car windows are getting smashed out.. yes I am running them over. If I run them over without any justified fear then yes murder.

2021-01-11 20:10:50 UTC  

Does the right denounce violence on bkth sides, yes or no.

2021-01-11 20:11:06 UTC  

Does the left denounce violence on both sides, yes or no.

2021-01-11 20:11:19 UTC  

Sure, I agree when they're smashing your car/windows in, you can gun it. They were simply saying that the fact that they're in the road blocking their path was enough to run them over.

2021-01-11 20:11:33 UTC  

If you answer that question HONESTLY. Then you have what I'm talking about. Not "peaceful protests"

2021-01-11 20:11:33 UTC  


2021-01-11 20:11:37 UTC  


2021-01-11 20:12:17 UTC  

You're getting caught up in the partisan talking points.

2021-01-11 20:12:22 UTC

2021-01-11 20:12:39 UTC  

if you're moving at all in a car protesters will say you're trying to kill them lol

2021-01-11 20:12:40 UTC  

@Friedrich, you just advanced to level 6!

2021-01-11 20:12:48 UTC  

you better turn the car off

2021-01-11 20:12:51 UTC  

I appreciate your thorough response.

- This point is actually false. There were only temporary changes made under emergency powers granted by the legislatures to the Secretary of State, Secretary of the Commonwealth, and/or election boards to ensure the safe, secure, and fair elections. These were tested in the courts all the way to the state SC and to the US SC in some cases. RWM kept describing this as going against the legislation, it just simply isn't true. The changes were temporary for this election cycle only.
- WI Indefinitely Confined. This, too, was litigated and determined that people could determine for themselves if this was their circumstance. They clearly could not do it to avoid showing ID. If the Trump campaign wanted to prove fraud, they could have investigated and determined if these individuals did not have ID. I am guessing it is pretty easy to check the DMV records against the voting records to find individuals who did not have ID.
- Signature verification - I have yet to find a single jurisdiction where this is true and the Trump campaign has made this claim about every battleground state. If you have any information about places that did not verify signatures, I would love to see it. So far, nobody has been able to provide a credible accounting of this.
- The FBI/Trump Campaign have had Braynard's findings for a couple of months now. I followed his efforts closely and had some concerns about his methodology, but was very interested in where it would lead. I expected that there would be some arrests that came out of it. He claimed to find people that said they didn't vote, tho ballots were cast. The FBI or Trump PI's should've been able to build cases by now. The longer it has taken, the more I am certain there was nothing to it.

With around 60 elections, there are statistical anomalies each time. The focus on bellwether outcomes could also mean that Trump campaigned there to make sure he won in order to bolster his claims of victory.

2021-01-11 20:13:02 UTC  

When you look at that the hypocrisy is astounding

2021-01-11 20:13:04 UTC  

You're referring to the 7 percent in one image, and the 93 percent in the other image.

2021-01-11 20:13:13 UTC  

You can't do that.

2021-01-11 20:13:40 UTC  

just keep a BLM hat in your car for emergencies in case you get stuck in something lol

2021-01-11 20:14:05 UTC  

You think I'm referring to one image. Its An Example. Don't play dumb, you're not.

2021-01-11 20:14:37 UTC  

It's not a fair example. If you're going to compare the worst of two images, then look at the worst of both events.

2021-01-11 20:14:39 UTC  

Low key a very solid strat

2021-01-11 20:14:58 UTC  

I don't agree that it's the worst day in American history obviously.

2021-01-11 20:15:07 UTC  

But that comparison alone is questionable at best.

2021-01-11 20:15:23 UTC  

You're missing every point I've made to excuse your side. In essence you're proving my point.

2021-01-11 20:15:35 UTC  

Never excused my side though.

2021-01-11 20:15:45 UTC  

But then if we take one picture from every antifa / BLM riot we don’t have many comparison pictures....

2021-01-11 20:16:10 UTC  

yea in Wi they had both so it is just insane for anyone to think they did not do just that. They refusal to even so much to look into it and say none of this happens is nuts. just the perfect storm for Fraud...

2021-01-11 20:16:11 UTC  


2021-01-11 20:16:15 UTC  

Oh you can get plenty of BLM pictures that would look awful, 100%, it was something that lasted 9 months.

2021-01-11 20:18:39 UTC  

Thats what I’m saying. We maybe have 4 comparison photos at best (of separate events).. and then it’s no longer a comparison, it’s just antifa /BLM alone. If that makes sense...

2021-01-11 20:19:06 UTC  

The idea of the image is to make as strong a contrast to opposing ideologies/ideas.

2021-01-11 20:19:20 UTC  

To the point where it's disingenuous in my opinion.

2021-01-11 20:19:28 UTC  

Because there is so much context left out.

2021-01-11 20:20:01 UTC  

I know what you mean

2021-01-11 20:20:11 UTC  

I wish antifa would quit using those green lasers to blind people - doesn't seem right

2021-01-11 20:20:13 UTC  

Sure. I think also is used to point out the hypocrisy a little.

2021-01-11 20:20:29 UTC  

Which isn’t bad

2021-01-11 20:20:30 UTC  

And I agree the left has been hypocritical.