Message from @ImNotGas

Discord ID: 800119199463636993

2021-01-16 21:04:42 UTC  

“Police are not our friends”

2021-01-16 21:04:57 UTC  

Big facts

2021-01-16 21:06:57 UTC  

Trump supporters.
Hang Pence.!!!

2021-01-16 21:09:08 UTC  

No matter the result Pence is likely never working again in public.

2021-01-16 21:09:42 UTC  

Pence will be at the inauguration

2021-01-16 21:09:51 UTC  

More of an adult than Trump

2021-01-16 21:09:57 UTC  

I think he can still get support in the conservative states..

2021-01-16 21:09:59 UTC  

Lol @MatiLuc some have said this yes others think it would’ve been an overstep to force the hand his position was to hear the objections and let them play out. The riot stopped all that from happening

2021-01-16 21:10:15 UTC  

Apparently Ivanka will be there too

2021-01-16 21:11:31 UTC  

@james j i've never been a thin blue line guy

2021-01-16 21:11:42 UTC  

@james j i dont think ACAB, but i know what police are

2021-01-16 21:14:28 UTC  

Have anyone heard Charlie Kirk.?? Why he deleted his tweed when he wrote he send 80. Buses of patriots to DC. Capitol

2021-01-16 21:14:53 UTC  

Because it didn't age well.

2021-01-16 21:15:49 UTC  

Ted Cruz. His mouth is close after the 6th..

2021-01-16 21:22:30 UTC  

Ted Cruz could say 'Look, I know as well as most of this country what Trump was up to but the fact is that a bunch of people actually believed him, despite literally every other indicator screaming otherwise. My intent was to afford them the courtesy of an official airing of grievances to indulge their perception that no one thought to look into these election issues, if for nothing more than a last ditch effort to bring them back to reality.' and I would believe him.

2021-01-16 21:25:41 UTC  

Qui Bono? - who benefits? - it didn't benefit Trump to undercut his final chance of having the election fraud evidence presented and entered into the offical Congressional record after SCOTUS had denied the evidence presentation - the 6th was his last chance at having his evidence heard - he would not have wanted to have it stopped. The riot did not benefit Trump's progress so it makes no sense to claim he incited it. The riot *did* benefit others though.

2021-01-16 21:38:34 UTC  

@tomB63 Trump knew he lost , he has no evidence. His aides said as much

2021-01-16 21:41:57 UTC  

Also scotus was never presented a fraud case. They were presented a legislative/state constitution technicality case

2021-01-16 21:48:00 UTC  

if trump wanted an insurrection

2021-01-16 21:48:00 UTC  

@ImNotGas, you just advanced to level 27!

2021-01-16 21:48:02 UTC  

he could have had one

2021-01-16 21:48:11 UTC  

if he told those people to march inside and start arresting them

2021-01-16 21:48:14 UTC  

there wouldve been tens of thousands

2021-01-16 21:48:55 UTC  

his *aides*? So how are his *aides* spinning the afterhours unscrutinised under-the-table ballot suitcase grab video in Georgia? To be intellectually honest and convince conservatives that they are mistaken every point of evidence that they have would have to 'logically' accounted for - kind of like what you might expect to happen in a court of law ( the right does not have a leftist hivemind that responds en masse to the MSM dog whistle of slogans like Orange man Bad) and not with emotionally based white wash techniques where everything is simplified with a big rhetoric brush that 'there is no evidence' while not logically explaining away the evidence point-by-point that Trump claims to have.

2021-01-16 21:51:43 UTC  

@tomB63 the suit case thing was investigated. It is a non story and has been explained a thousand times.

2021-01-16 21:52:20 UTC  

Some lady presenting a 2 minute video with her opinions of what she thought she saw is not evidence

2021-01-16 21:53:28 UTC  

Also Gulannii presented very few fraud cases in court .

2021-01-16 21:53:33 UTC  

Like 2 percent

2021-01-16 21:55:07 UTC  
2021-01-16 21:55:48 UTC  
2021-01-16 21:59:28 UTC  

The Georgia election officals debunked it? weren't they the problem allowing this to happen that it even needed their explaination? - and 60minutes? Gabe Sterling? really? the Ministry of Truth? - putting the fox in charge of the henhouse -

2021-01-16 21:59:34 UTC  

Trump has no control of the mechanism of propaganda - mass media MSM, a dictator cannot be censored by the same propaganda machinery that he supposedly controls - so Trump isn't an Orwellian Tyrant - so the question arises, who controls the mass media? perhaps you will find the real tyrants and dictators there - globalists, corporate communists.

2021-01-16 22:06:03 UTC  

Its not the point that they didn't make it to court (like 2% as you claim) - that's part of the problem - the evidence wasn't properly debated over - no logical forensic defence against the numerous claims by leftist'expert witnesses, mathematicians, computer and data experts etc - its not that there was no evidence, its that it was prevented from being offically acknowledged and logically cross examined in a court - even if the judge finally ruled against the evidence with a logical response, then Trump supportes would have felt they had their day in court

2021-01-16 22:07:59 UTC

2021-01-16 22:09:31 UTC  

They never even attempted to bring fraud cases into court @tomB63 it’s not that they were all rejected. I’m talking about the Trump team bringing forth fraud cases in front of a court. That was like 2 percent. Two percent of all the sham hotel hearings were even brought into court because they knew it was trash. @tomB63

2021-01-16 22:10:14 UTC  

@tomB63 there was nothing that happened. Some lady not knowing what she is talking about is not evidence

2021-01-16 22:10:55 UTC  

The gbi and election investigators are independent

2021-01-16 22:12:41 UTC  

The star witness went in front of court . Her evidence was examined and found to be non credible.

2021-01-16 22:12:47 UTC  

She lied about her education