Message from @Maw

Discord ID: 797975371085643796

2021-01-10 22:23:40 UTC  

I am a decent enough fiction writer maybe I can go work for Q as a "investigative reporter" just have to pull up some old sci fi and horror movies

2021-01-10 22:24:07 UTC  

> I am a decent enough fiction writer maybe I can go work for Q as a "investigative reporter" just have to pull up some old sci fi and horror movies
@JD~Jordan Precisely my point in the other chat.

2021-01-10 22:24:38 UTC  

> @Zuluzeit maybe I can get some of the Q people on it trying to figure out what's what's up...
@busillis Maybe search 'Qspresso'?

2021-01-10 22:42:56 UTC  

Serious question! New to discord. How do I turn off all the cherps. It's not very obvious.

2021-01-10 22:43:20 UTC  

I think it's notification of new posts. Driving me batty

2021-01-10 22:44:12 UTC  

If you click the discord channel name, you can set notification options for the entire server.

2021-01-10 22:46:05 UTC  

Yeah you can right click on the round thumbnail to the left and click mute to mute the whole server. You won't hear those sounds. Or you can just mute individual channells like <#776631125308997654> by right clicking on the name of the channel to the left and choose to mute it there

2021-01-10 22:46:52 UTC  

OK. think i got it. Thank you

2021-01-10 22:48:15 UTC  


2021-01-10 22:48:16 UTC  

@Maw, you just advanced to level 44!

2021-01-10 22:53:07 UTC  

lol. Panicked for a moment - chirped again. But apparently it wanted me to know I'm 'level 1'.

2021-01-10 22:54:13 UTC  

I've really enjoyed all of Robert's analysis, and appreciate how he takes a step back and looks at the actual documents.

2021-01-10 22:54:13 UTC  

@dcsports, you just advanced to level 1!

2021-01-10 22:54:59 UTC  
2021-01-10 22:54:59 UTC  

@Hsoj Nmad, you just advanced to level 1!

2021-01-10 23:21:03 UTC  

You're all wrong and you're a bunch of communist Nazis....

2021-01-10 23:30:43 UTC  

LOL... ugh he is another one of those...... "Youtube is refusing to show this video. Watch it now in this link to the YouTube video."

Freaking laughable.

He might be right on this... but that is only because Andriod and Apple are going to refuse to put it on their platforms because they find the content dangerous and misleading and they want nothing to do with madness like what happened at the Capitol on Jan 6th.

You make a shitty enough product that does nothing to combat shitty conspiracy theories then you don't get to blame someone else when you go out of business.

2021-01-10 23:44:52 UTC  

Somewhere toward the root of this confusion is that somehow 'the right' has assumed they have de facto ownership of Parler. There is literally no marker for navigation without branding it with ideology. No wonder everything seems so oppressive.

2021-01-10 23:47:04 UTC  

 in my opinion as they should! Liberals certainly have declared Facebook theirs and kicked off liberals from being able to use free-speech there. So if you want to use the same argument as to why it is that Facebook can go ahead and censor people, then we can make the argument that parlor can

2021-01-10 23:49:14 UTC  

You sure can.

2021-01-10 23:58:08 UTC  

Except it's a business. You are confusing business decisions with ideological imperatives.

2021-01-10 23:58:48 UTC  

That's what I meant by the root.

2021-01-10 23:59:11 UTC  

But whatever makes you happy. Everyone seems so happy.

2021-01-11 00:53:56 UTC  

you know left wing poeple can join parler and post whatever they want

2021-01-11 00:54:20 UTC  

its literally a free speech app, it has no political affiliation

2021-01-11 00:55:23 UTC  

if parler starts banning people for having edgy political opinions it loses its only single selling point

2021-01-11 01:03:27 UTC  

Have you guys been seeing this "List of Questions for Biden Voters by Trump Voters" ?

Apparently a Trump Supporter or two got together to ask some questions of Biden Supporters now that Trump will be leaving office. I felt I owed them some answers:

2021-01-11 01:24:28 UTC  

@busillis @ImNotGas I am Taiwanese 🇹🇼 Feel free to ask if you're interested in the Taiwanese perspective 😊

2021-01-11 01:44:05 UTC  

Hahahaha 'dainty little snowflakes, just like you.'

2021-01-11 01:45:29 UTC  

I understand your sentiment, but pouring salt into an open wound is rarely the path to emotional healing. If we want to move forward, it might do us all well to remember that the vast majority of Trump supporters are intelligent people that simply chose to believe the mountain of information that they were exposed to in their media echo chamber.

Those on the left are not immune to confirmation bias. I do believe that Trump has been treated unfairly by the left. He did much to alienate the left, but they did paint much of what he did in the most negative light. I think that had Donald Trump not focused on saying that the Dems were trying to "rig the election", he might well have pulled out an EC win. The difference was razor thin in several of the battleground states. Had he focused more on getting the vote out and less on claiming fraud and refusing to commit to a peaceful transfer, the Biden campaign might not have gotten the turnout that they did.

There is a case to be made that he was his own worst enemy during the campaign. Dems would do well to remember that and forgo the victory lap as the right is having to deal with the reality of what has transpired. A little compassion might go a long way right now.

2021-01-11 02:08:18 UTC  

I disagree by using the same tactics that got us here we fix nothing.

2021-01-11 02:09:31 UTC  

It's freedoms for all or we are through as a country.

2021-01-11 02:26:20 UTC  

Thank you

2021-01-11 03:06:27 UTC  

@Evonne are you an American of Taiwanese descent or a Taiwan national?

2021-01-11 03:35:49 UTC  

Let's hear it

2021-01-11 03:35:56 UTC  


2021-01-11 03:36:03 UTC  
2021-01-11 05:38:34 UTC  

R And R Law Group hasn’t gotten a strike yet on YouTube, right?

2021-01-11 05:40:34 UTC  

LOL.... I really think we can calm down about that.... Trump incited Violence.... Robert hasn't so he's good

2021-01-11 05:42:24 UTC  

I really do like your sentiment, but it’s simply not true that trump didn’t do enough to get the vote out. One only need look at trumps campaign schedule versus Biden’s. It was approximately 5 Trump rallies scheduled for every Biden’s 2. And then Biden routinely cancelled his, not to mention they were minuscule in size when he did have them. The Biden team clearly did not place any value in holding campaign rallies, which further lends credence to the thought they planned to fraudulently win the election.