Message from @JD~Jordan

Discord ID: 799366163066912799

2021-01-14 19:51:01 UTC  

He just claimed '"I'm in" *in hacker voice*' with literally 0 evidence.

2021-01-14 19:51:04 UTC  

Yes. That is true. Many were not heard on the merits, but some were and those were dismissed as well.

And the fact a case was not heard on the merits it just part of the legal system. If a plaintiff doesn't have standing then he/she doesnt have standing and the case must be dismissed. And that decision can be appealed.

2021-01-14 19:51:42 UTC  

Which also meant he claimed he committed a crime on live TV.

2021-01-14 19:51:47 UTC  

No. That is not accurate. Team Trump had cases heard on the merits in GA and in Michigan and in Pennsylvania

2021-01-14 19:51:50 UTC  

It was mind-blowing.

2021-01-14 19:51:56 UTC  

More votes than registered should be a pretty decent indicator

2021-01-14 19:52:15 UTC  

Getting more ballots back than you mail out ought to send up some red flags

2021-01-14 19:52:25 UTC  

Shredding ballots in GA is ultra suspect

2021-01-14 19:52:28 UTC  

And in Wisconsin, if not mistaken Team Trump had a case dismissed on the merits

2021-01-14 19:52:51 UTC  

So, a case? Or 60?

2021-01-14 19:53:07 UTC  

Where is the evidence of that again? They shredded secrecy envelopes I believe. Otherwise it'd be illegal, and they'd not be able to perform recounts.

2021-01-14 19:53:28 UTC  

@Joe Snow so do you have this link for the "hacker" ? Or is @Maw accurate in that there was actually zero evidence provided that he was "in"?

2021-01-14 19:53:36 UTC  

Literally 0.

2021-01-14 19:53:48 UTC  

They fought audits at every turn

2021-01-14 19:53:59 UTC  

I just dont understand why that would even be a thing

2021-01-14 19:54:10 UTC  

They counted in private after they faked a water pipe bursting

2021-01-14 19:54:12 UTC  

There were over 60 cases in total... I have no clue how many were heard on the merits but there were several. I personally read at least 3.

2021-01-14 19:54:43 UTC This is what he's talking about.

2021-01-14 19:54:45 UTC  

They told the observers to go home and ran the same pile thru tabulators 18 times in a row

2021-01-14 19:55:53 UTC  

I mean i could go on and on and on and on with all of the stupidly obviously sketchy shit that went on, but it doesnt sound like you guys believe that couldve happened despite the existence of video

2021-01-14 19:56:24 UTC  

Good thing this shows up in recounts.

2021-01-14 19:56:30 UTC  

Which it never did.

2021-01-14 19:56:34 UTC  

No man... you just keep going over the same debunked allegations...

2021-01-14 19:56:44 UTC  

You guys are sold on joe "cant finish a sentence without having a stroke" biden getting 80M votes?

2021-01-14 19:57:05 UTC  

You didnt see the counts being subtracted on live tv broadcasts?

2021-01-14 19:57:14 UTC  

Didn't even vote for Joe. I just was hugely disturbed with how Trump responded to losing.

2021-01-14 19:57:23 UTC  

He didnt lose

2021-01-14 19:57:26 UTC  

By completely disregarding the results.

2021-01-14 19:57:38 UTC  

Reality disagrees with you.

2021-01-14 19:57:45 UTC  

Lol okay.

2021-01-14 20:00:53 UTC  

Yes.... I am absolutely convinced he won the election.... Too many Republicans ran away from Trump.

Almost my entire family voted for Trump in 2016 and none did in 2020. And yes I know that is not excellent evidence but that is a wide spread phenomenon

And whereas even some Democrats could not vote for Hillary... many Republicans voted against Hillary instead of for Trump. But that reversed itself in 2020.

Even that little old lady in GA that Tucker Carlson said her dead husband voted - but it was just her that signed her name "Mrs. Dead Voter" (I forgot her name). She said that she have voted for Biden but then clarified and said "well, I voted more against Trump than for Biden"

2021-01-14 20:21:20 UTC  

Fair point, but wouldn’t that phenomena occur country-wide and not only in a few select locations?

2021-01-14 20:21:21 UTC  

@shade, you just advanced to level 1!

2021-01-14 20:23:18 UTC  

I believe it did.

It also explains why Republicans did so well down ticket. I mean, lets face it Democrats got their ass handed to them in November.

What this means is that people were voting for Biden as President but Republicans for not on the US House and Senate but also voting for Republicans in State level races.

2021-01-14 20:25:11 UTC  

Obviously, the runoff in GA didn't go for the Republicans but I think that is in large part a self inflicted wound. I live on the border of GA and TN and lots of people were saying "why the hell vote if its rigged"

And then you had a rather larger segment of Trump voters who don't give a fuck about politics.... but love Trump and Trump wasnt on the ballot. So they didnt vote at all

2021-01-14 20:25:56 UTC  

And still others that voted against the two Republicans because they felt they did not do enough to stand behind Trump in his election challenge

2021-01-14 21:20:41 UTC  

I don’t think that is a valid court argument but Parler violating their agreement and refusing to censor violence is probably enough to shut the lawsuit down

2021-01-14 21:27:44 UTC  

I don't think its a good argument either... but its one that has been argued and even won in some courts. I personally think the idea of refusing to do business with a person on a basis of something that is innate to that person is very shitty indeed.

But, that is not at all the same thing as refusing to do business with a person or group based on the way that person or group behaves.

So to say I will not do business with a blond haired blue eyed German is not at all the same thing as saying I will not do business with a Nazi. The first is deplorable the latter is admirable.

2021-01-14 21:28:32 UTC  

I think with the Twitter argument falling flat they won’t get anywhere but I guess we will see