Message from @Joe Snow

Discord ID: 799365102213922826

2021-01-14 19:48:03 UTC  

Most of the cases were dismissed on procedure not on merrit

2021-01-14 19:48:16 UTC  

Supreme court wouldnt even hear it

2021-01-14 19:48:20 UTC  

Congress wouldnt hear it

2021-01-14 19:48:27 UTC  

I'm saying because there is no evidence of fraud doesn't mean it hasn't happened, but I'm anything but suggesting there was wide-spread fraud. I follow Hanlon's Razor and Occam's Razor as principles.

2021-01-14 19:48:28 UTC  

The media wouldnt dare entertain it

2021-01-14 19:48:37 UTC  

This isn't really true.

2021-01-14 19:48:48 UTC  

It is absolutely true

2021-01-14 19:48:53 UTC  

Many, many cases were looked at the merits.

2021-01-14 19:48:57 UTC  

The texas case was dismissed on standing

2021-01-14 19:49:10 UTC  

The texas case wasn't even about fraud really.

2021-01-14 19:49:10 UTC  

Many were not even heard

2021-01-14 19:49:13 UTC  

Well... we have to disagree there. There have been over 60 cases. I have watched hours of hearings and read dozens of affidavits and I personally do not see even a reasonable suspicion.

And, I would truly like to see the link of the guy hacking into the system in the GA hearing. I truly didn't hear about that at all .

2021-01-14 19:49:33 UTC  

Trump and his team did not file 60 suits

2021-01-14 19:49:46 UTC  

You're literally just cycling talking points right now.

2021-01-14 19:49:54 UTC  

Rather than discussing.

2021-01-14 19:50:04 UTC  

Other ppl have filed suits that have failed, thats correct. But they were not his cases that were ridiculous.

2021-01-14 19:51:01 UTC  

@Joe Snow, you just advanced to level 9!

2021-01-14 19:51:01 UTC  

He just claimed '"I'm in" *in hacker voice*' with literally 0 evidence.

2021-01-14 19:51:04 UTC  

Yes. That is true. Many were not heard on the merits, but some were and those were dismissed as well.

And the fact a case was not heard on the merits it just part of the legal system. If a plaintiff doesn't have standing then he/she doesnt have standing and the case must be dismissed. And that decision can be appealed.

2021-01-14 19:51:42 UTC  

Which also meant he claimed he committed a crime on live TV.

2021-01-14 19:51:47 UTC  

No. That is not accurate. Team Trump had cases heard on the merits in GA and in Michigan and in Pennsylvania

2021-01-14 19:51:50 UTC  

It was mind-blowing.

2021-01-14 19:51:56 UTC  

More votes than registered should be a pretty decent indicator

2021-01-14 19:52:15 UTC  

Getting more ballots back than you mail out ought to send up some red flags

2021-01-14 19:52:25 UTC  

Shredding ballots in GA is ultra suspect

2021-01-14 19:52:28 UTC  

And in Wisconsin, if not mistaken Team Trump had a case dismissed on the merits

2021-01-14 19:52:51 UTC  

So, a case? Or 60?

2021-01-14 19:53:07 UTC  

Where is the evidence of that again? They shredded secrecy envelopes I believe. Otherwise it'd be illegal, and they'd not be able to perform recounts.

2021-01-14 19:53:28 UTC  

@Joe Snow so do you have this link for the "hacker" ? Or is @Maw accurate in that there was actually zero evidence provided that he was "in"?

2021-01-14 19:53:36 UTC  

Literally 0.

2021-01-14 19:53:48 UTC  

They fought audits at every turn

2021-01-14 19:53:59 UTC  

I just dont understand why that would even be a thing

2021-01-14 19:54:10 UTC  

They counted in private after they faked a water pipe bursting

2021-01-14 19:54:12 UTC  

There were over 60 cases in total... I have no clue how many were heard on the merits but there were several. I personally read at least 3.

2021-01-14 19:54:43 UTC This is what he's talking about.

2021-01-14 19:54:45 UTC  

They told the observers to go home and ran the same pile thru tabulators 18 times in a row

2021-01-14 19:55:53 UTC  

I mean i could go on and on and on and on with all of the stupidly obviously sketchy shit that went on, but it doesnt sound like you guys believe that couldve happened despite the existence of video

2021-01-14 19:56:24 UTC  

Good thing this shows up in recounts.