Message from @ImNotGas

Discord ID: 799428470987423744

2021-01-14 19:57:45 UTC  

Lol okay.

2021-01-14 20:00:53 UTC  

Yes.... I am absolutely convinced he won the election.... Too many Republicans ran away from Trump.

Almost my entire family voted for Trump in 2016 and none did in 2020. And yes I know that is not excellent evidence but that is a wide spread phenomenon

And whereas even some Democrats could not vote for Hillary... many Republicans voted against Hillary instead of for Trump. But that reversed itself in 2020.

Even that little old lady in GA that Tucker Carlson said her dead husband voted - but it was just her that signed her name "Mrs. Dead Voter" (I forgot her name). She said that she have voted for Biden but then clarified and said "well, I voted more against Trump than for Biden"

2021-01-14 20:21:20 UTC  

Fair point, but wouldn’t that phenomena occur country-wide and not only in a few select locations?

2021-01-14 20:21:21 UTC  

@shade, you just advanced to level 1!

2021-01-14 20:23:18 UTC  

I believe it did.

It also explains why Republicans did so well down ticket. I mean, lets face it Democrats got their ass handed to them in November.

What this means is that people were voting for Biden as President but Republicans for not on the US House and Senate but also voting for Republicans in State level races.

2021-01-14 20:25:11 UTC  

Obviously, the runoff in GA didn't go for the Republicans but I think that is in large part a self inflicted wound. I live on the border of GA and TN and lots of people were saying "why the hell vote if its rigged"

And then you had a rather larger segment of Trump voters who don't give a fuck about politics.... but love Trump and Trump wasnt on the ballot. So they didnt vote at all

2021-01-14 20:25:56 UTC  

And still others that voted against the two Republicans because they felt they did not do enough to stand behind Trump in his election challenge

2021-01-14 21:20:41 UTC  

I don’t think that is a valid court argument but Parler violating their agreement and refusing to censor violence is probably enough to shut the lawsuit down

2021-01-14 21:27:44 UTC  

I don't think its a good argument either... but its one that has been argued and even won in some courts. I personally think the idea of refusing to do business with a person on a basis of something that is innate to that person is very shitty indeed.

But, that is not at all the same thing as refusing to do business with a person or group based on the way that person or group behaves.

So to say I will not do business with a blond haired blue eyed German is not at all the same thing as saying I will not do business with a Nazi. The first is deplorable the latter is admirable.

2021-01-14 21:28:32 UTC  

I think with the Twitter argument falling flat they won’t get anywhere but I guess we will see

2021-01-14 21:33:32 UTC  

So wait... you are saying that a person that likes Joe is a criminal?

And you are willing to say this about a person you have never met and know nothing else about?

2021-01-14 21:47:50 UTC  

LOL..... There is a picture floating around Twitter of someone leaving the White House with the Abe Lincoln bust

and gotta love the moving Trucks outside the White House... whew...

2021-01-14 21:48:57 UTC  

Trust the plan!

2021-01-14 21:49:46 UTC  

It's all a ruse.

2021-01-14 21:49:55 UTC  

Trump is actually moving in **more**.

2021-01-14 22:25:34 UTC  

@RobertGrulerEsq did you see the news on AOC wanting to rein in media

2021-01-14 23:01:30 UTC

2021-01-15 00:00:44 UTC  

Joe is a sick criminal

2021-01-15 00:02:49 UTC  

bro clean your kitchen

2021-01-15 00:02:57 UTC  

im gonna get a staff infection just looking at the photo

2021-01-15 00:03:20 UTC  

*staph infection

2021-01-15 00:25:25 UTC  

Yeah they caught confederate flag and his father and fire extinguisher throwing monsters. Flying enemy flags in our capitol. Despicable

2021-01-15 00:26:24 UTC  

Please don't infect your whole staff 😂

2021-01-15 00:32:40 UTC  

Hey question, are they impeaching Trump so he can't run again?

2021-01-15 00:34:54 UTC  

No 2nd term. No secret service. No top secret briefings. No retirement money. No named buildings

2021-01-15 00:35:13 UTC  

Yes especially since the GOP has direct voting

2021-01-15 02:12:28 UTC  

@RobertGrulerEsq @FaithJoy Loved the "I'm peachy party" (my take on it!) Keep up the awesome work both of you. Keep being awesome.

2021-01-15 02:14:15 UTC  

So out of curiosity was is the plan with this server once Trumpster has disappeared into obscurity?

2021-01-15 02:14:57 UTC  

Isn't going anywhere!

2021-01-15 02:15:29 UTC  

Very likely yes.

2021-01-15 02:15:46 UTC  

Well... debates won't be as lively... Sleepy Joe is not exactly exciting

2021-01-15 02:16:17 UTC  

The original idea of the channel wasn't really about politics wholly.

2021-01-15 02:16:36 UTC  

And I don't imagine the schism between the right or the left is going to continue being quiet.

2021-01-15 02:16:41 UTC  


2021-01-15 02:16:43 UTC  

Even with boring Joe in office.

2021-01-15 02:17:21 UTC  

There seems to be an error in the Kamala Harris Impeachment document under Article 1, 1st paragraph, lines 12 and on: Hamala is referred to as "her" as well as "his" and is said to not faithfully execute the office of President of the United States.

2021-01-15 02:18:16 UTC  

Yeah, that is a part of it. But another aspect is your average Democratic voter thinks we need to prosecute Trump because this shit is important. We need to send a signal that any would-be despot that wants to learn from Trump's mistake and remain in office long after the voters have outsted them

2021-01-15 02:18:47 UTC  

She may wield a bigger johnson than biden.

2021-01-15 02:18:53 UTC  

That may have been an easter egg!

2021-01-15 02:19:17 UTC  


2021-01-15 02:19:28 UTC  

True.... but it appears the overwhelming majority of us in here are very suspicious of cops and prosecutors or at least don't pledge blinding loyalty to the police