Message from @Maw

Discord ID: 799741091079127061

2021-01-15 18:05:27 UTC  

confederate flag man

2021-01-15 18:05:30 UTC  

at the capitol hill riot

2021-01-15 18:05:35 UTC  

kevin seefried, registered democrat

2021-01-15 18:11:32 UTC  

Someone please drop a link to the video of Ruby Freeman (GA poll worker) talking about creating a distraction to count illegal votes... It was circulating last night and now the video was taken down and I can't find it.

2021-01-15 18:15:28 UTC  

Nevermind... Found it. Forgive me if this is not the place for this. I'm new here and am not sure about the rules.

2021-01-15 18:16:36 UTC  

Also open to interpretations. They are hard to hear and I know captions have the potential to be misleading.

2021-01-15 18:18:08 UTC  

Hey @Maw do you all follow Tim Pool? He was on the Joe Rogan show 2 years ago and Jack Dorsey was saying the same stuff that Rob talked about on the show yesterday. Nothing has changed in 2 years in fact it's gotten worse which I think goes to show Jack Dorsey is full of crap

2021-01-15 18:18:29 UTC  

I have watched Tim yes.

2021-01-15 18:19:50 UTC  

If tou haven't watched that episode Rogan has Tim, Jack, and Twitter's head lawyer on. It's pretty telling when you look at what they talked about and how things are now. Love the show!

2021-01-15 18:25:19 UTC  

I have.

2021-01-15 18:25:26 UTC  

And thank you!

2021-01-15 18:43:23 UTC  

@boudica, you just advanced to level 1!

2021-01-15 19:10:03 UTC  

I'm curious about the other investigation thus last couple months. Like SolarWinds and such that just happened to happen at the right time for the left.

2021-01-15 20:23:40 UTC  
2021-01-15 20:25:35 UTC  

My mom has been obsessed with Simon Parkes theory of what Trump is planning. Ex.he signed the insurrection act and the military being posted in all 50 states have to do with his next plans. Im on the fence about it. I have a vid I can post but I'm not on board with everything the guy says. Anyone have opinions? Or want to see a vid?

2021-01-15 20:27:07 UTC  

Ah yes, the Q anon theory.

2021-01-15 20:29:39 UTC  

Yeah. I've only heard negative things about Q anon. Like its satanic. The guy doesn't seem negative at all, but his alien theories seem ridiculous to me. So how credible is the info?

2021-01-15 20:38:46 UTC  

I agree it's really hard to tell what's going on in this video. But I also don't understand why it won't even be looked into, and it won't. It's at the very least very suspicious.

2021-01-15 20:45:22 UTC  

I mean, I can only tell you they're conspiracy theories.

2021-01-15 20:45:34 UTC  

If there is no evidence, then obviously they're not credible.

2021-01-15 20:51:50 UTC  

Yeah he doesn't present evidence just says look into it and keep an eye on things in the next few days. Guess we'll find out.

2021-01-15 21:01:32 UTC  

Certainly, no military op of that size or stature would be leaked to a bunch of morons on the internet. Pretty safe to assume its all conjecture from what people are seeing happening in dc and across thr country. Certainly does not seem ordinary. Interestingly enough, 3 events out of a 6 step plan have occured in the last few days, so im not entirely sold Q is a crackpot. Just dont trust anything you see or hear. Question everything. Executive orders have been signed regarding ccp money and military inteligence in our media (another thing Q called, btw) ... i dont fuckin know whats goinf on but its all a lil too creepy.

2021-01-15 21:01:32 UTC  

@Joe Snow, you just advanced to level 10!

2021-01-15 21:07:13 UTC  

@boudica I'm a trump supporter, Q is complete and utter bullshit. all its done is led people to be complacent and keep 'trusting the plan' while we continually get fucked by the gop

2021-01-15 21:09:09 UTC  

I am holding out hope. But sure does stretch my patience. Of course we are in the want it now generation

2021-01-15 21:09:35 UTC  

I agree with that because they keep saying something is going to happen and then nothing does. Then they say its okay something else will happen. It would be nice to see results.

2021-01-15 21:21:24 UTC  

its been 4 years of '2 more weeks'

2021-01-15 21:29:53 UTC  

hahaha i new there was fake news going around making up stories about what people are saying and doing cnn abc nbc msnbc new york post fake news very fake news we got 75 people fact checking there lies all over the internet they really dont even know whatr a fact check looks like and we the real people and patriots are going to take them down and give the american public the real facts of the real information thats about to hit them like a ton of bricks patriots are feed up with the lies

2021-01-15 21:33:44 UTC  

It also does nothing but give the left fuel to think Trump supporters are nuts.

2021-01-15 21:34:04 UTC  

Literally you could make the argument that Nancy Pelosi is literally Q.

2021-01-15 21:34:10 UTC  

And it'd make more logical sense.

2021-01-15 21:34:22 UTC  

it honestly would since its only served the establishment

2021-01-15 22:24:49 UTC  

As Former LEO I can agree. I understand the movement because bad officers make every officer look bad. But I cannot and will not advocate for or support a movement that uses violence to spread its message. (Using violence and fear to spread a political message is the actual definition of terrorism)

2021-01-15 22:26:51 UTC  

Well, domestic terrorism anyway.

2021-01-15 22:31:01 UTC  

> The unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property in order to coerce or intimidate a government or the civilian population in furtherance of political or social objectives.

2021-01-15 22:33:49 UTC  

```(5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that—
(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;
(B) appear to be intended—
(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
(C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States; and
``` See: (C)

2021-01-15 22:40:27 UTC  

Well... Fair enough... I was generalizing it, since the BLM movement actually affected some global companies/organizations. Including things like Federation Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) which is the governing body for a lot of global motorsports. And the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

The definition of domestic terrorism is much more narrow that terrorism as a whole.

2021-01-15 22:40:53 UTC  

Don't think I've seen them going around blowing up people/buildings in other countries.

2021-01-15 22:41:05 UTC  

Might not want to water down that definition too much.