Message from @Kouang Tcheo Wan

Discord ID: 797359473420402730

2021-01-08 23:34:09 UTC  

He really attracted the Pennsylvania voters with that

2021-01-08 23:34:29 UTC  

So must be good

2021-01-08 23:37:16 UTC  

Thank God I am moving to a state without a gun registry

2021-01-08 23:38:40 UTC  

listen to the song "Ain't I Right" if you havent already. A Priest, a Rabbi, a Nun, or an Educated Man can all fall victim to the promises of communism. How? I dont know. It defies all logic, but its sadly the case... and goes to show how evil it really is, and why we are in such a bad situation.

2021-01-08 23:48:36 UTC

2021-01-08 23:55:03 UTC  

I love tea, but I can drink coffee instead. Where we dumping the tea this time?

2021-01-09 00:03:35 UTC  


2021-01-09 00:03:46 UTC  

Love the smell of fresh tea in the morning

2021-01-09 06:57:25 UTC  

I know right?

2021-01-09 06:57:59 UTC  

Yes, it's very simple. You don't feed the hungry in other countries until you've taken care of hunger problems in your own country, for example.

2021-01-09 06:58:05 UTC  

Wanting the best for your country and citizens, above all others FIRST - racist. Wanting stronger borders- racist

2021-01-09 06:58:12 UTC  

But like I said some people don't even think in country's anymore, america doesn't even exist for them. They think in one world, globalistic way. Marxists want like everything to be the same

2021-01-09 06:58:15 UTC  

I just don't get it

2021-01-09 06:58:42 UTC  

Globalists are big gay.

2021-01-09 06:58:55 UTC  

Well yeah is Trump president of earth or president of the US🤔

2021-01-09 06:59:25 UTC  

If you were the President of Africa (hypothetical scenario) your agenda would be Africa first. Easy.

2021-01-09 06:59:30 UTC  

It'd be kinda epic if he was King of Earth, and buys Earth and calls it Planet Trump.

2021-01-09 06:59:51 UTC  


2021-01-09 07:01:52 UTC  


2021-01-09 07:02:04 UTC  


2021-01-09 07:02:20 UTC  

I wish he would do something like that for the shits and giggles

2021-01-09 07:02:34 UTC  

who was behind the john barron thing

2021-01-09 07:02:45 UTC  

on twitter

2021-01-09 07:04:45 UTC  
2021-01-09 07:04:57 UTC  


2021-01-09 07:05:54 UTC  

Going to give that a watch then try get a couple of hours, just after 7am here and still not slept haha. Catch you guys soon- take care

2021-01-09 07:06:27 UTC  

yo take care

2021-01-09 07:10:45 UTC  

Fine, i think the tarrifs with China are bad. They gutted small business, because China had a lot cheap goods that went to small business with low profit margins. The tarrifs just hurted the business by making the profit margin to small. Also, farmers who sell there crops to China lost a lot. The wall is a bad idea
1. It won’t stop drug getting in,
2. It would hurt farmers who use seasonal Mexican workers than only come to work In the harvest sea son.
3. It would divide Mexican American community’s

He failed to do anything about the the caged children. He should take responsibility for that and send the children to back to there parents. He enables a lot of negative stereotypes even though he is not racist. He letting for the cancellation of Obama care which thousand of people need to live, mostly disabled people. He did nothing about the capital breach. He let China flourish while doing infective foreign policy to them. He has signed out of the Paris agreement which will cause untold consequences to natural habitat. His deregulation let for companies to abuse our nation wilderness. To me he hasn’t done anything about our nation debt. He didn’t Call out extremist groups like the proud boys. He haven’t done anything notable about school shootings. He say that the dems faked an election. Which has caused uncivil arrest. He haven’t done anything about BLM. And finally, he messed up COVID by a lot. He created a bunch inflation from the COVID stimulus. That’s all I can think off the top of my head

2021-01-09 07:11:30 UTC  

Didn’t we American fight to be free from a cruel king

2021-01-09 07:12:48 UTC  

Do you also fall for the global warming, climate change, we are the fault of it and the planet is gonna die in 10 years type of thing?

2021-01-09 07:13:37 UTC  

😂😂😂😂😂😂, my home town of miami won’t exist in 100 years at this rate

2021-01-09 07:14:50 UTC  

I came to America when I was five, I been in the America school system

2021-01-09 07:14:51 UTC  

He denounced extremist groups more times than every previous president combined?? Where do you get your info from?

2021-01-09 07:15:00 UTC  

Yes of course 100 and like people like al gore didn't tell the thing of our planet wouldn't be there in 10 years he said things like that 20 years ago🤦‍♂️

2021-01-09 07:15:09 UTC  

Schools are states not federal

2021-01-09 07:15:14 UTC  

You do know the founding fathers placed tariffs on a lot of goods exported outside the united the states?

2021-01-09 07:15:31 UTC  

He called for a peaceful protest at the capital building

2021-01-09 07:15:35 UTC  

Agree, I think he's naive that's jsut my opinion