Message from @Requiem
Discord ID: 338863964983263233
protocols of zion is accurately describing todays society, "fake" or not
im as anti commie as it gets
Have you ever killed a communist with your bare hands?
i kill a communist for fun
Im serious
Have you ever killed a man?
Have you ever killed a *communist?*
tru nebie
@Hateful Hapa u live in philly
Damn we have too many philly boys
U know where Erie is?
The Liberty Bell inspires anti communism
Weslo u wanna get vetted
@Hateful Hapa u know where Erie is??
I can't atm. But I'm very interested.
@AmericaFirst you've got the gist of it go ahead and get yourself vetted
roger roger
Daily reminder
Drop em here
Wrong pic
religious people do tend to donate more to nonprofits
Tho most NGOs are corrupt shits that don't do shit
What is "punching right"
Many more.
I imagine it's ridiculing another right wing ideology
I would like to offer my sincere apologies for everything i have done while a member of Anticom. They were reckless, irresponsible and plain idiotic. I would like to apologize directly to all who have been affected by my actions. Those being @Pablo Seshcobar @An Craoibhín Aoibhinn @Ulstèr-Scotch and everyone in the now defunct Irish chapter. I would like to express my gratitude for allowing me to let back into the ranks of Anti-Communist Action and my desire to do better and to follow orders from this day forth. I would like to apologize to all <@&284498674887688192> 's <@&277856240418160640> 's and <@&278459485687644161> 's specifically. And i would like to clear the air in regards to allegations about @Verm and @Ulstèr-Scotch . I alleged that both were hacked or compromised as i did not understand the situation and the gravity of my mistake. I then contacted @Requiem in a blind panic and he rightfully chose to lead me on a shitpost wild goose chase. He said and i will publish the dm if he gives me permission, That the server had been deleted and he had been doxxed, sent gay porn and threatened with