Message from @Literally Shaking
Discord ID: 453454365458694145
panicky pete
Couple cute girls waved at me from the train today and blew kisses at me. The gym is a blessing
Never quit, kings
ill buy it this time tho
i get skanks tell me my muscles r gross to them all the time
they're lying thots of course but that's usually the response
crossfitters that juice get 10x the attention i do
Hahaha that’s fair. But you know it’s real because I didn’t get a number and I’ll never see them again
People tell you you look gross? Wtf?
ya dude
watch like a buff guy vs crossfitter girl reaction video
ofc they're just lying and virute signalling
but they like 90% go for the beta in simluated tests
Being a woman and feeling a need to go with the flow with everything must be fucking cancer
Not that half of them even know what they want, of course
Imagine feeling an urge to lie about what you find attractive and following that
I honestly love this scene
least im 6'0 so im covered, but it seems like thats all they care about
Only until he criticized the jews does the guy get super angry
ah shit forgot timestamp 2:34
Mfw 5’11.5” manlet :/
i remember looking around in the movie theater
when he said jdl
i found one other homie
Holy fuck. Is that scene real?
I like the movie tbh
That’s so obvious it’s a schlomo trying to play the blackpeepoles
He’s such a bitch too
that was a large premise of the movie
how this jew fucked everything up because he was greedy
and they are explicit about it too lol
its really accurate
Hell ya dude love my hotep brothers