Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 655485368715706408
Pete The Patriot is going live she speaks to me
LIve now with sangmore
Morning Dallas
Hey thx
It's like living in a parallel reality
@Deleted User Welcome
What's up AZ
some good points made here
This <#627030086964740096> channel is kinda becoming a catch-all, making it not so easy to go back and find interesting links you guys are posting.
I’m also guilty, but maybe we should post stuff in the proper channels.
Just an observation.
There are definitely some links posted that need to be watched and perhaps discussed.
Are usually used General to Post Live YouTube links
I started watch a video posted a few days ago, and I’m trying to hunt it down again. LOL
Use the search function it'll give you a selection of things you can search for
Like I said, I’m just making an observation and suggestion.
By the way, @Deleted User , what are you going to produce with that drilling/milling beast?