Message from @Speck
Discord ID: 797726893742620682
>>> _“...are these the good guys or the bad guys?”_
Jan 6th
then invoke the insurrection act mr.president, STOP STALLING
We watched that video here with family, and I thought that exact same thing.
If you listen carefully to this video, Trump says, “those that engaged in the acts of violence and destruction, you do not represent our country...**and to those those that broke the law, you will pay.**
Who do you suppose **those that broke the law** could be?
Pillowsee et al
I have been trying to not read too much into things. you can go crazy.
Not a concern when you're already there 😜
a lot of Flat eathers here, I recognize many.
I used to be in that flat earth server like awhile back
I use to do a 24/7 stream
also interviewed mark sargent
That sucks
yeah left for a few years after
never went back
was friends with patricia
wonder if she is still around
super nice
but i wouldn't pick a side so each side went after me when i started to get popular
I shut everything down and deleted all my content
good times
Far out
interesting time
course i figure out how to prove the shape of the earth
its easy
but globebusters and the ballers didnt want to hear it
It got aids for me over petty stuff and I was done of listening to flat earth for some time
yeah it doesnt matter
regardless we we have been lied to