Message from @red
Discord ID: 797699871066030120
Time to see what happens!!
I’m the meantime, watch this!
<:emoji_16:647444709739986945> <:covfefe:647445899378819103>
It Has been even better
And now, a few wise words. I hope Trump is indeed following this advice right now.
And another one of my favs:
Take it for what it’s worth, but Lin Woods’ post from 30 mins ago was just echoed by NewsMax.
Still unconfirmed by another source yet.
>>> _“...are these the good guys or the bad guys?”_
Jan 6th
We watched that video here with family, and I thought that exact same thing.
If you listen carefully to this video, Trump says, “those that engaged in the acts of violence and destruction, you do not represent our country...**and to those those that broke the law, you will pay.**
Who do you suppose **those that broke the law** could be?
Pillowsee et al
I have been trying to not read too much into things. you can go crazy.
Not a concern when you're already there 😜
a lot of Flat eathers here, I recognize many.
I used to be in that flat earth server like awhile back
I use to do a 24/7 stream
also interviewed mark sargent
I was pretty tight in that circle until i got doxed
That sucks
yeah left for a few years after
never went back
was friends with patricia
wonder if she is still around