Discord ID: 300455927524360193
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awe c'mon
killing me
boo hoo
looks like Filet magnon .... ...
oh damn
Yeah, but the Texas ones are still on the docket. all good
Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny. - Lao Tzu
it missed an important one however
other wise its perfect
it should start off with Watch what you consume, they become your thoughts.
https://streamable.com/x1ivl4 another view of BLM protester car thing
aparently there were two women in the car
just more fear porn
It will never happen
still lots of options left still
What what would KIT think mahn. c'mon chin up.
but you are right 100%
well this is interesting to watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEhO2DGrNfI
they will have to kill me
shit tight Rig!
nice vet
nah just a GT 5.0
I did the stripes like a 350 tho
its pretty quick. no turbo yet. but everyone calls it the punisher.
American Muscle
thats a hot ride
something like Phantom or something
yeah C8 too crazy not much of an upgrade as c6 to c7
Phantasm or phantom blade.
the black is sweet
C7 Phantom sounds dope
I got to work Monday morning but if you do the judy wood stuff early enough i have some good info to provide
cool I studied it a great deal
biden won
but still needs to be certified by US congress
but they were counting states that had sent electors for Trump so basically double counting states
Bidens speech today made me mad
He was talking trash propaganda about how he wont
He was slurring speech bad, he cant talk
he sounds like a stroke victim
Pretty sure his wife is his handler
yeah anyone to not think so is blind or willfully ignorant
its so blatant now Trump has no choice
oh the election is over
not the inauguration tho
fake? dunno
He said he laid him off
lack of funds
but did also say he was hard to work with at times
If Biden gets in Taiwan will be invaded by China
So they have a vested interest.
Hi AZ, thanks
I don't see how they can force that with current HIPPA regulations.
holly shit
You guys see how many people are there now?
Yeah, I have a False Flag itch about tomorrow
@A voice in the dark Yeah, I really am hoping I am wrong, there will be children there
That is so cool how many people are there
None of this is any good
storming the Capitol building is not good
thats what i think too
man shot too
they went past the deadline
this can now go to SCOTUS
4 D chess
after that its IA time
trump card
anyone know Lin Woods parler link?
Thank you sir
everything besides the military get rid of
Looks like the Q folks are still holding on to hope. whatcha think?
has until the 20th at 11:59 am est
wave them in traitor
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