Message from @Starlaur18

Discord ID: 797646290191122462

2021-01-09 19:05:09 UTC  

Im just going to enjoy telling all my liberal friends i told you so when the socialists start to really destroy the country

2021-01-09 19:07:16 UTC  

lol that is not going to happen, they will deny it, i live in a socialist country, they will be eating shit but say things are better than before (without trump)

2021-01-09 19:08:46 UTC  

Probably but im still gonna hold to hope

2021-01-09 20:06:00 UTC  

you can't wait a little longer before givin up?

2021-01-09 22:05:30 UTC

2021-01-09 22:06:04 UTC  


2021-01-09 22:30:07 UTC  

That is the most Texas thing I have seen

2021-01-10 00:01:55 UTC

2021-01-10 01:50:52 UTC  

This is the end everyone. They got what they had been egging people on to do. Now that they have full control of all government, policy and law they will repeal everything they dont want. its the end of the first amendment, then once people cannot speak out against them they will come for the second one.

This is the end of the american era. It lasted longer than most, but its over.

2021-01-10 01:53:28 UTC  

that's more conspiracy than news

2021-01-10 01:55:28 UTC  

it's not over till it's over

2021-01-10 01:58:46 UTC  

Conspiracy? They are Alex Jonesing Trump, Nuking alternative media, conservative shadow banning on levels never before seen, calling for the dismissal of all republicans, have all 3 branches of government, can fix the votinghow they want and are now labeling all conservatives terrorists and treasonists while doxing and arresting them even before the riots they had started the arrests.
Tell me exactly what I am wrong about there @Starlaur18

2021-01-10 02:00:00 UTC  

i mean there is no legislation over those labels and banning off social media is not government issued, so as far as it stands, it's all based of media and not much else

2021-01-10 02:00:52 UTC  

So there is nothing wrong with my assessment, just a few semantics? As I thought.

2021-01-10 02:01:16 UTC  

Well not exactly, you share similar pieces to a puzzle but your conclusion is your own

2021-01-10 02:01:35 UTC  

therefore, your theory not everyone's and not a factually proven one

2021-01-10 02:02:09 UTC  

there's no "right wrong" only what "is" and "is not" proven

2021-01-10 02:04:23 UTC  

Sure. Tell you what, in 9 months after the economy has NOT crashed from further covid lock downs and money printing finally hitting the dollar worth like a serious hangover all the while while they push their progressive agenda and control and the world is basicly a giant California, you can tell me I was wrong.

2021-01-10 02:04:50 UTC  

i'm not here to argue with your view or theory, i'm just saying this is the news chat

2021-01-10 02:10:23 UTC  

Sorry, I guess Ill find a mainstream news source to authorize it.

2021-01-10 02:34:22 UTC  

Mainstream LOLπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

2021-01-10 05:10:03 UTC  

I totally disagree. You obviously do not understand the American spirit. We will fight to our last breath for our freedom and our rights. Wait and see. DON'T BE SO NEGATIVE!

2021-01-10 05:23:56 UTC

2021-01-10 05:24:16 UTC  

Parler being shut down tomorrow at midnight

2021-01-10 05:41:24 UTC  

Wow, its like I called it.
@Aristacah This is not negative.
My unique blend of cynical realism may seem negative, but the truth is a hard pill to swallow. Also I think you will find american spirit is about as spiritful as a Halloween party. Lotta flags, lotta internet tough guy talk but next to no action. but the fact of the matter is, if this year has proven anything, Humanity has sunken to new levels of stupidity not seen before by previous generations. From Coomer censorship, teenage #coronachallenge/spring break (yes I havent forgotten those) with a mix of TPanic and add in decrepid old people that run the system they barely know how to turn on

2021-01-10 05:42:16 UTC  

Rome has fallen. Trump might have delayed it but the cracks in the foundation are to great.

2021-01-10 05:49:04 UTC  

Just look at history, whenever the population of the stupid people outweighs the smart people you get: The French Revolution, Communist rise, Canada, Korean war, war on drugs, prohibition, the MANY times isreal was conquered due to incompetent leadership, Rome, Newyork, California, TLOU2, all the riots, Flat earth society and European monarchy.

2021-01-10 06:00:50 UTC  

My man really just up and roasted canada like that

2021-01-10 06:04:56 UTC  

Ive taken so many black pills my face looks like the prime minister.

2021-01-10 06:06:19 UTC  

Some would you're lying but you're really... Trudeau

2021-01-10 06:08:21 UTC  

WHAT COMES NEXT β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” Gun confiscation imminent... !

2021-01-10 06:37:44 UTC

2021-01-10 07:30:59 UTC  

It will be done my lord

2021-01-10 08:11:21 UTC  

The source they used was CNN. ^