Message from @Orange.

Discord ID: 797883626510483496

2021-01-10 04:45:24 UTC  

Burn Loot Murder

2021-01-10 05:29:12 UTC  

BLM: covid disproportionately affects minorities

Also BLM: covid only spreads in white conservative gatherings

2021-01-10 07:20:32 UTC  

What in the world happened to all of the "conservatives"? Everything seems to be going silent and they are just allowing the left to control the narrative same as always! What happened to fighting back and draining the swamp

2021-01-10 07:35:11 UTC  

idk tbh

2021-01-10 07:38:16 UTC  

By Alex Zer0

1. It hasn't done jack shit to help black people
2. It promotes racial segregation
3. It promotes censorship
4. It promotes racist ideas
5. It puts forth racist arguments
6. A lot of it's overarching goals contradict their actions and aims (being against body cams on cops)
7. It's full of hypocrites
8. The people in the movement are too stupid to realize their hypocrisy
9. It's completely ineffective in ways that would actually benefit society
10. The only changes they've made are detrimental to society
11. The movement constantly uses double standards
12. The movement cherry-picks instances of racism
13. The movement only cares about black people dying or getting hurt at the hands of white people or cops
14. The movement disregards women who speak out about getting sexually harassed or assaulted in it
15. The movement disregards black slavery still happening in Africa on the basis that it's not being done by white people
16. The movement disregards racism of any kind if it's not being perpetrated by white people
17. The movement shoehorns racism into every little issue faced by black people, even when race is not a factor in said issue
18. The movement straight up lies about black slavery in western societies, saying that it lasted 400 years when it only lasted for 200-250 years
19. The movement doesn't seem to realize that black slavery at the hands of white people ended nearly 2 centuries ago
20. The movement goes out of it's way to blame white people for all the issues faced by black people
21. The movement excuses racism against white people
22. The movement constantly uses logical fallacies
23. The movement disregards factual evidence
24. The movement twists other bits factual evidence
25. The movement is only concerned with trivial issues that "harm" black people
26. The movement excuses violence against white people

2021-01-10 07:52:43 UTC  

27. They can scrap murder away from there to do list

2021-01-10 07:58:35 UTC  

28. They come out of hiding only once every four years

2021-01-10 08:05:36 UTC  

na, every 2yrs actually...every time theres an election against a non dem

2021-01-10 08:06:50 UTC  

they didn't pop out of the woodwork in 2020 til the general public decided they didn't want to be locked down anymore

2021-01-10 08:07:15 UTC  

and then the georgie incident happened to make an excuse for them to come out early

2021-01-10 08:07:36 UTC  

then it rehashed again over the summer

2021-01-10 10:29:30 UTC  

May I use this as a copy paste thing to send to a "friend" ?

2021-01-10 14:57:36 UTC  


2021-01-10 15:16:02 UTC  

29. The riots have caused more than 2 billion dollars in damage and none went to black communities

2021-01-10 15:16:46 UTC

2021-01-10 15:17:31 UTC  

30. It also killed more unarmed black people than police officers did

2021-01-10 16:54:05 UTC  

Picking a nice title for your movement is the new thing. BLM, sure, Anti-Facist, sure, The Lincoln Project, sure... until you turn over the rock and look underneath.

2021-01-10 17:17:25 UTC  

The idea of antifa isn’t bad. The movement and riots are bad

2021-01-10 17:44:08 UTC  

Reminds me of the PATRIOT act and who could forget the Affordable Care Act. Just because the name says something doesn't mean that's what is inside the box. I just wish people would call it what it is.

2021-01-10 17:44:40 UTC  

Taking orders from a rock

2021-01-10 17:44:45 UTC  


2021-01-10 17:46:53 UTC  

I disagree. The ideas are directly tied to the Weimar Republic. When there were clashes between communists (Antifa) and fascists (Nazis). The whole point is to draw extremism battle lines and try to bring about a new structure of government

2021-01-10 17:47:53 UTC  

I mean yeah antifa is basically communists withtheir radical ideas

2021-01-10 17:51:24 UTC  

Not basically communists. Actual communists.

2021-01-10 17:53:02 UTC  

tf I dind't know it came from german

2021-01-10 18:00:57 UTC  

That's why I think they need to be called out for what they are rather than their branding of "Anti-fascists"

2021-01-10 18:01:49 UTC  

Onsiderig that people want to be under communism. I can’t be suprised

2021-01-10 19:43:39 UTC  

Facist lmao

2021-01-10 22:00:49 UTC  


2021-01-10 22:22:35 UTC  

People truly are despicable.

2021-01-10 22:33:03 UTC  

People storm capital, so bad
BLM riots, It is for a good cause

2021-01-10 22:35:00 UTC  

Riot Gear? it looked like they taped half of a plastic barrel to their arm

2021-01-10 22:35:53 UTC  

well antifa are stupid enough to believe it's riot gear

2021-01-10 22:36:25 UTC  

Give them some lead than, it will prove it's not

2021-01-10 22:53:18 UTC  

Fascism is fucking epic, change my mind.

2021-01-10 23:06:20 UTC

2021-01-10 23:15:50 UTC  

indeed fascism is the bost based ideology there is