Tris the Blancian
Discord ID: 115204094787846145
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I'm in virtually the same spot I was in back in 2016. 👀
Next they will go after Log Cabin syrup because something something Lincoln or something.
This stream is wild. Like why would people think there is no consequence for blocking a highway?
National Guard looks like they are ready to go 300
Where is Nathan Phillips when you need him?
Some of the questions are open to different interpretations
This protestor's ramblings makes zero sense.
That is one hell of a troll
<:cirThink:562505138548375552> For twitter mobs labelling right leaning individuals fascists, I don't see much in the way of authoritarian ideology on those compass tests.
The capitol building always looks cool at night. (Madison, WI)
@KumquatLord Noice! What gear do you shoot with?
It'd be amazing to earn a living with photography
I'm not sure if I like how this turned out or don't like how this turned out. <:rooShrug:699304431744712834>
I like the colors but I am feeling like something is missing
Fun with a puddle in a parking lot
I decided to try my hand at some automotive photography. I figure the worst outcome is I have a clean car.
Those are out of this world
It would be nice to get photography to pay the bills. The worst day in the field is still better than the best day in the office
Dubuque Iowa - County Courthouse
Dubuque Courthouse from an elevated position
Titania is one of the best satire accounts on Twitter. The sad thing is, reality has gotten closer to the satire
That computing meme is amazing. Jobs was good but people seriously forget about the rest
I never thought I would see Democrat referring to Far Right but here we are.
Does that mean that NASCAR fans can just say they are proud Democrats? <:thinking:726878987837636698>
The Mississippi River is thicc
More Dubuque from yesterday's trip.
Another take on last night's sunset
This was actually posted by the KFC of Trinidad
I still have tears from laughing so hard
All I care about: Do they make good chicken and is the cornbread fresh?
That's not a dude?
Non Action and Stop Excitement? Sounds like the WNBA
One time I bought a ticket and went to a women's hockey game. I like hockey so I figured it was worth a try. There was a nice body check followed by a whistle. The checker got 2 minutes for playing hockey.
Here is hoping SpaceX does the SN5 hop today.
Wooo. I might have my first ever client.
I'm sure this block party was a mostly peaceful protest to skirt the DC lockdown rules.
I absolutely lost it on that Chelsea Clinton book meme on today's vid. Whoever made that *slow clap*
I was farting around this weekend and took this shot of some urban wildlife
I was tinkering with some presets to get a OG 35mm film feel. Kinda digging the colors.
Last night in Wisconsin was more effective than any political ad
Saw this car during my walk last night
Its fun to photograph cars.
I have tried some astrophotography but sadly it isn't a skill I have really acquired yet.
I recommend used camera bodies. The Canon 5D mk2 is probably the best affordable starting full frame camera. Hey some good glass and you are golden.
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