Message from @White Feather

Discord ID: 797993320713420828

2021-01-11 00:51:17 UTC  

as a fellow centrist, I agree it seems reasonable. But who is the person who decides someone is not mentally healthy enough to purchase a firearm? But I do agree some level of mental health check should be necessary for purchasing a Semi-Automatic Rifle or Pump Action Shotgun

2021-01-11 00:53:12 UTC  

I think a handgun requires background check because Handguns can cause just as much problems as a Rifle

2021-01-11 00:53:37 UTC  

I’m back

2021-01-11 00:53:47 UTC  

I would like for a test that can not be revealed to the public. This so no one can cheat the test. The test should be made by doctors.

2021-01-11 00:54:45 UTC  

that is also fair, but liberals are for some reason not as scared about handguns, so no need to compromise there

2021-01-11 00:54:59 UTC  

Also, a handgun is just as fast a fire rate as an AR-15 just depends on how fast your finger is

2021-01-11 00:55:28 UTC  

Yeah, but the mag is smaller

2021-01-11 00:55:45 UTC

2021-01-11 00:55:50 UTC  

The rounds are less powerful

2021-01-11 00:56:25 UTC  

Desert Eagle

2021-01-11 00:57:13 UTC  

Finally, the handguns in the movies

2021-01-11 00:57:22 UTC  

I think guns that have the power to that with power should require a background check. Those handguns that have a very high rpm should require the same testing for rifles

2021-01-11 00:57:36 UTC  

Power doesnt really matter against a human

2021-01-11 00:57:52 UTC  

shut up, don't let the lefty's any ideas

2021-01-11 00:58:45 UTC  

It’s just a fucking handgun. I’d give it to my child to teach them how to shoot right

2021-01-11 00:58:49 UTC  

Handguns are far more easily concealed, which is why they're usually 21 to purchase rather than 18 for a long gun. That's also why so many murders are committed with a handgun vs a rifle, because of concealment.

2021-01-11 00:58:56 UTC  

I have gun license for a reason

2021-01-11 00:59:07 UTC  

"Guns dont kill People, People do" so instead of saying which kind of gun a person can have, decide what kind of person can have a gun

2021-01-11 00:59:18 UTC  


2021-01-11 01:00:12 UTC  

With that said, handguns don't go off by themselves. The trigger needs to be pulled by a finger. Attached to that finger is a person, and as @N.O.O.N.E said, that's where the responsibility lies.

2021-01-11 01:00:33 UTC  

The thing that matter the most in a shooting situation are how high is the fire rate and how frequently do you need to reload. A hand gun with a high rpm should be require a mental break down, while a revolver shouldn’t

2021-01-11 01:00:54 UTC  

Remember like two years ago a dude killed a bunch of people with a rental van? The van didn't do it, the driver did. I don't support regulations on vans because of the actions of that dude.

2021-01-11 01:01:41 UTC  

No what matters in a shooting situation is what kind of person has the gun because millions of people posess "high power/fire rate" guns and dont go out and commit mass shootings

2021-01-11 01:01:57 UTC  

Speed loaders for revolvers exist. They make it so that you load all 6 (or 8, depending on the revolver) rounds at once, doesn't take much longer than reloading a Glock lol

2021-01-11 01:02:10 UTC  

And if the fire rate matters in how bad a shooting situation is then why are a majority of shootings done with handguns

2021-01-11 01:02:37 UTC  

A mass shooting is something like 4 or more people so reloading isnt important

2021-01-11 01:03:11 UTC  

The type of gun that is used in a shooting incident doesnt matter if that incident doesnt happen in the first place

2021-01-11 01:04:21 UTC  

How about we have this. A computerized system with every person criminal record. If they have a crime on them, give them the mental evaluation, if they don’t, give them a gun

2021-01-11 01:05:22 UTC  

That's kinda what happens now, except for the mental evaluation part. They just don't get the gun if it was a violent crime.

2021-01-11 01:08:16 UTC  

True, just make wait times much much quicker

2021-01-11 01:10:04 UTC  

How long are wait times where you are? Because in VA it's virtually instant (on a good day at least)

2021-01-11 01:10:38 UTC  

I don’t know, live in Florida and I never felt that I needed a gun

2021-01-11 01:11:23 UTC  

In states where there isn't a mandatory waiting period, it's supposed to be under 15 minutes for a background check I believe

2021-01-11 01:22:37 UTC  

Oh, that’s good, I bet 15 minutes will make any difference in a any case of having to protect yourself. Also, imagine coming in to the gun store with the goal of killing someone

2021-01-11 01:27:40 UTC  

After 9/11 they used the fear of terrorism to pass the patriot act, which let them destroy our 4th amendment.
They are now inciting a fear of domestic terrorism so that people will let them pass a new bill which neuters the second amendment via banning ammo and limiting the amount of guns citizens can purchase.
They have also made the first steps towards destroying our first amendment, they're using the media propaganda machine to declare freedom of speech a threat to our democracy.
People will give up all of their liberties if you make them afraid and promise them security.
We must rise up and take action, before the first amendment is officially nuked.
Defending 2A is the **last chance** we have to turn this thing around, and they already have a bill in congress to neuter it. They must be stopped from passing this sort of legislation at any cost.

2021-01-11 01:52:18 UTC  

Indeed if we were to lose our right to bare arms we would essentially lose out ability to fight against a corrupt government invade it were to happen

2021-01-11 01:53:00 UTC  

Well the gov is corrupt but not to that we have to actually shoot them (almost there tho)

2021-01-11 01:54:57 UTC  

Also while I know most of you don't like Fox news, CNN is literally trying to get the government to shut Fox News down. And I find that scarier than removing parler from google&apple

2021-01-11 01:56:13 UTC  

Exactly like wtf. If Fox News goes down via the government then what would be the biggest infringement of our freedom of speech in history

2021-01-11 01:57:14 UTC  

They're already saying freedom of speech is a threat to our democracy. They're prepping us for their attack on 1A soon as they finish destroying 2A

2021-01-11 01:58:51 UTC  

They want to get rid of our gun laws so when they take away our right to freedom of speech we can’t do shit against the military