Heavy Is Mama

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No cap, I’ve interviewed around 20-23 Cubans in person. None of them enjoyed communism

Yeah I hear shit about how they don’t have toilets there

Sounds horrible

Guaranteed with how the left sees countries, they would say turkey is good for doing that

It’s kinda ironic every time I tell them to do that they often reply “no” or some ridiculous excuse

At this point China just says their communist tbh

As a Polish boi I am Christian, it’s nice

I just wish China would just fall apart and the nationalists take it over again

It won’t but one can dream. If it falls then likely it won’t be nationalist China but one can dream

Personally it’s China and history always repeats itself. It’s only a matter of time before China falls

So that’s my stance on that

It doesn’t matter how much they are suppressed by their government, they will fall eventually like they did so many times in history. The phrase “history repeats itself” stems off of China rebuilding itself and falling apart again and again

If America just got rid of its debt then we wouldn’t have any problems lol

As much anyway

That’s why I love trump

Anything to hurt the Chinese gov is a win to me


Imagine a world where China was out of the picture, North Korea’s economy would be fucked and South Korean take over would be inevitable for the north. The Chinese people actually learn how bad their lives was.

I hate free trade, we need to lock ourselves up like Japan did all that time ago until we can fix ourselves and become nonrelyant on China. Then we open our shit up again and don’t overspend 

I can see opening shit up to increase the economy and having modern tech. But like seriously we overspend

Eh we Can always do what Japan did back in the 40’s

I wish Hong Kong was British again

If the British goes to war with China then that’ll be really good

Considering that America would maybe declare war with China, India would def declare war on China

Yeah, if I were to become president. My whole goal would be to eliminate as much debt as possible and getting rid of the debt would cause our taxes to lower significantly

We need to get rid of it tbh

Or else tax will raise

If we get rid or our debt in America, then we can technically get taxed the same and the government would be stronger then it ever was

In other words, no foreign bullshit

Yeah that was kinda what I was also gonna type but then I was like “too damn much” lol

Then again it’s kinda hypocritical for me to save time writing considering I literally write stories for a hobby

I just would defund all the useless shit lol

Like if I were to run for president my whole thing would be “make this country strong again!” And the goal would be to get rid of the debt and thus lowering taxes

Me a polish man: *christianity intensifies*


I don’t live in Poland but blood comes from Poland

It’ll turn America into Poland :/

Defunding police would literally make America like Poland but worse

And this is coming from the Polish man

Poland got serious problems with drugs and kidnappings so... imagine America like that but worse. Don’t get me wrong I love America and Poland more then anything but like bruh

That too

Polish cow meme is a literal joke about the drug problem in Poland

And many tourists gets kidnapped in Poland

If I had to guess people gets kidnapped because poland doesn’t have a good history with foreign people

Far from

Poland had a few bad politics

Made country not necessarily to the people’s favor

France ain’t much better with the yellow vest movement that the left claims ain’t happening anymore but it is


France always be fighting itself like it’s a sport

The British acts like it got no problems but *cough cough* northern Ireland *cough cough*

*cough cough* Scottish rebels *cough cough*

I don’t think I have to continue with how the UK isn’t a wet dream like the British thinks and is just as bad as the US aswell

Always has been

The left would start crying if you say it tho

Don’t get me started on russia

The left really would have a melt down, i spoke to some lefties and some of them really like it believe it or not

No poland was around before russia. Just Russia ate it once

Bruh this bread thiccer then your chick


Hey anyone got advice on how not to be shit at an argument against 4 people at once

Also any advice on how to prove to a leftist they are brainwashed by the media

I know in the UK students are told media in the UK isn’t trustworthy but not every country gets the memo

Shit that’s a good idea

Thanks guys, some leftist dudes cannot keep the convo civil because they are to lazy to check the news and resort to Twitter :/

Unless it’s the election lmao

Also isn’t humor used as a way to cope? Like legit I got in so much heat a history nerd saying “yo man that was so funny it killed Chrysippus of Soli”

It’s a cope kinda thing. How do you explain that taking dark shit to light is humor to a leftist

I find it very hard to express my humor around leftists. I’ve got called so many shit simply because I have dark humor.


Yeah I was called racist and all sorts of phobias in the book for literally making a joke


George Floyd’s ghost wonder why people are doing the thing that killed him like: 😑

You really want to make a lefty boi mad insult a communist country. Since Cuba can’t afford toilets for its people I decided to poke fun by throwing a bucket towards my cousin who watched my throw the bucket and said “catch the Cuban toilet”

But my favorite joke has to be “yo help me hang up these posters, just like Jeffery Epstein it isn’t gonna hang itself”

I swear the left really really isn’t a fan of me. So much meltdowns

Perfect 👌

I don’t know much about it tbh. I just know they are acting like he killed himself


You know how when people are drunk and can’t text right. Someone sent me a drunk ass text and needed a ride and I couldn’t read it so I replied “stop speaking Joe Biden”

Oh shit, we all know what happens when dirt is uncovered on the Clinton’s LMAO

There needs to be more tbh

I thought she already died

I’m surprised Hillary Clinton hasn’t hung her herself

2020-12-16 05:45:35 UTC [Zeducation #📜|history]  

Fun fact: Chrysippus of Soli is one of the very few men who died from laughter. He died in 206 BC

I feel like this turned into <#707691030748594294> real quick

Lol same

Alright so I have a conspiracy theory! So the German Flag in WW1 was pretty sexy right? Well Idc on your opinion. The flag symbolizes that it loves Poland and wants to free Poland because if you were to remove the Black from the WW1 German flag you get modern day polish flag except wider.



Don’t take this seriously lol

So any good lefty melt downs lately



Ever told a leftie a joke? Legit idk how many of them are ok with a dark joke

I once said to a lefty while I was a bar “hey the guys flying the planes to hit the twin towers. They must’ve had a damn good high score” and seconds later I was fighting the lefty

Shot brb

Bruh the left in Delaware can’t even handle a joke in the slightest about depression, im surprised that left can handle such a level of dark humor


I’ve had arguments with people who get spoon fed info from their mama’s and can’t get info themselves

So evil lmao

Vegans aren’t healthy because meat is important for muscle mass and vegans can’t get the nutrients they need which is why many vegans have to go to hospitals to get their lack of nutrients

Yo any idea how to invite someone here

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