Message from @Sengorn Leopardae

Discord ID: 798010060739051552

2021-01-11 01:10:38 UTC  

I don’t know, live in Florida and I never felt that I needed a gun

2021-01-11 01:11:23 UTC  

In states where there isn't a mandatory waiting period, it's supposed to be under 15 minutes for a background check I believe

2021-01-11 01:22:37 UTC  

Oh, that’s good, I bet 15 minutes will make any difference in a any case of having to protect yourself. Also, imagine coming in to the gun store with the goal of killing someone

2021-01-11 01:27:40 UTC  

After 9/11 they used the fear of terrorism to pass the patriot act, which let them destroy our 4th amendment.
They are now inciting a fear of domestic terrorism so that people will let them pass a new bill which neuters the second amendment via banning ammo and limiting the amount of guns citizens can purchase.
They have also made the first steps towards destroying our first amendment, they're using the media propaganda machine to declare freedom of speech a threat to our democracy.
People will give up all of their liberties if you make them afraid and promise them security.
We must rise up and take action, before the first amendment is officially nuked.
Defending 2A is the **last chance** we have to turn this thing around, and they already have a bill in congress to neuter it. They must be stopped from passing this sort of legislation at any cost.

2021-01-11 01:52:18 UTC  

Indeed if we were to lose our right to bare arms we would essentially lose out ability to fight against a corrupt government invade it were to happen

2021-01-11 01:53:00 UTC  

Well the gov is corrupt but not to that we have to actually shoot them (almost there tho)

2021-01-11 01:54:57 UTC  

Also while I know most of you don't like Fox news, CNN is literally trying to get the government to shut Fox News down. And I find that scarier than removing parler from google&apple

2021-01-11 01:56:13 UTC  

Exactly like wtf. If Fox News goes down via the government then what would be the biggest infringement of our freedom of speech in history

2021-01-11 01:57:14 UTC  

They're already saying freedom of speech is a threat to our democracy. They're prepping us for their attack on 1A soon as they finish destroying 2A

2021-01-11 01:58:51 UTC  

They want to get rid of our gun laws so when they take away our right to freedom of speech we can’t do shit against the military

2021-01-11 01:59:39 UTC  

Remember the Sedition Act with Woodrow Wilson? They’re basically just doing the same thing and torching anyone in their way

2021-01-11 01:59:49 UTC  

Also, this happened today

2021-01-11 02:01:26 UTC  

This is why I had sat down and theorized what would fix this country and two simple changes will fix the country. 1: remove the political parties, and 2: destroy the ability for politics to make deals with corporations

2021-01-11 02:03:07 UTC  

If we FORCE those changes then america will slowly gain its stability and become stronger then ever now that two sides aren’t always fighting each other. And no more corrupt politics

2021-01-11 02:04:52 UTC  

I fear that even protesting won't be enough. They despise us and they fear us. They think we're brainwashed and thus they refuse to even listen when we speak.

2021-01-11 02:05:12 UTC  

We have to use the second amendment while we have it

2021-01-11 02:05:14 UTC  

It's not that they ignore us, they lack the ability to hear us

2021-01-11 02:05:36 UTC  

The government is no doubt corrupt but they sure as shit heard us when we protested the lock downs

2021-01-11 02:05:54 UTC  

Waving guns outside of official houses. If we do that they have to listen

2021-01-11 02:07:04 UTC  

Anything we do will only cement in their minds that they were correct about their assumption that we're violent extremists who have been brainwashed by Trump.

If we use force, they will only harden their stance and dig their heels in. They're not going to listen to us.

2021-01-11 02:07:57 UTC  

Oh trust me, what happens when you get people shaking in their boots enough? They give you what you want

2021-01-11 02:08:01 UTC  

Is this paragraph land

2021-01-11 02:10:32 UTC  

That didn't work at the capitol, it only gave them an excuse and an example they can use to manipulate citizens with fearmongering.

Anything we do is ammo they can use against us. We can't do anything until we find a way to take control of the mainstream narrative

2021-01-11 02:12:33 UTC  

We have to prove to CNN and Fox that Democrats nor Republicans are the enemy. We have to prove to those corporations by going on interviews in those stations and hopefully that convinces the people watching that our government is corrupt and we must fight it now

2021-01-11 02:14:20 UTC  

We are the UNITED states for a reason! If we don’t get all of us to fix our government then we are fucked. United we stand, divided we fall

2021-01-11 02:16:03 UTC  

and how do we prove it to them when they're so brainwashed I can show them a literal picture of trump asking for peace, and they only reply by saying I am deluded and brainwashed? they fall for MSM narratives hook line and sinker

2021-01-11 02:17:45 UTC  

They are so brainwashed that they claim this is peaceful protest

2021-01-11 02:18:51 UTC  

Easy, It’s a simple idea to easily prove it. Go on their and say “you guys are brainwashed by the media and I’ll prove it. Your scared of the corns virus aren’t you? Well abortion killed 42.7 million people in 2020. That’s more then 41 million covid deaths worldwide”

2021-01-11 02:20:00 UTC  

In the UK their schools teach them to not trust the media. If you were to go on an interview ask why they do that

2021-01-11 02:21:32 UTC  

They would just see you disagree with them, and then instantly they will view you as an enemy. That second they will then refuse to contemplate your words and their programming will only allow them to find a way to attack you, likely by saying you're a facist, you are on the same side as NAZIs or that you're just wrong

2021-01-11 02:21:45 UTC

2021-01-11 02:22:15 UTC  

I’m only telling you how I became a freethinker

2021-01-11 02:22:27 UTC  

We are in 1984 now...

2021-01-11 02:22:31 UTC  

You got to ask psychological questions

2021-01-11 02:23:13 UTC  

To break people from the media you have to ask psychological questions, by making them second question their selves on what they were taught can easily go a long way

2021-01-11 02:23:27 UTC  

They are so brianwashed, this is how they respond to their own family members (me) when I provided them absolute proof that trump called for peace, and not violence.

You cannot reason with the irrational. This is a law of nature.

2021-01-11 02:24:37 UTC  

Yes I’m aware I was in that same boat. Some people can’t be saved sadly, but thankfully most people can. You have to hit them psychologically on why stuff happens and likely they will question it themselves and think for themselves

2021-01-11 02:26:16 UTC  

How do we convince the people on our side to all agree to be friendly towards the left, and thus destroy their perception that we're hostile enemies? Our side is full of people that work against us and do stupid things

2021-01-11 02:28:19 UTC  

There is a solution to it and that solution is that we show them what it means to be United, make democratic-republican propaganda

2021-01-11 02:28:47 UTC  

Show them that without each other the country cannot stand and thus we should all accept each other