Message from @Comrade Doggo

Discord ID: 797532650066935808

2021-01-09 18:26:16 UTC  

it hurts my brain.

2021-01-09 18:26:17 UTC  
2021-01-09 18:26:40 UTC  

Like getting called anti vax

2021-01-09 18:26:54 UTC  

Cuz I said I wouldn't take the vaccine until I could see what was in it

2021-01-09 18:27:04 UTC  

smort move. <:thinking:726878987837636698>

2021-01-09 18:27:14 UTC  

it's frustrated. it's similar to me with my friends, so i share the feeling with you

2021-01-09 18:27:24 UTC  

Which they said only virologist were allowed to see that. Which is highly incorrect

2021-01-09 18:27:45 UTC  

i've gotten called so much shit by my "friends", at this point it doesn't phase me. i get curious at what they'll call me. <:KEK:795742276549607456>

2021-01-09 18:27:52 UTC  

@isoboto That went down a month and a half ago lol. But I am better now, thanks. I never once insulted or name called them, and never backed down. The whole time they accused me of so many things and called me so many things. Like I was sexist for opposing the server owner on the issue, cuz she's a woman, despite it having nothing to do with that. I also offered a solution that fixed every grievance, and it was rejected, which proved the new rules for for nothing more than a power trip.

2021-01-09 18:27:56 UTC  

yes. this is very important. a safe habour is better than no habour at all.

welcome back, fren 😄

2021-01-09 18:28:36 UTC  

i was call a cultist today for saying people shouldn't pigeonholed trump supporters.........after i bashed trump for not doing enough <:KEK:795742276549607456>

2021-01-09 18:29:19 UTC  

In the end, I used their own tactics against them, and said, "Your feelings aren't the only thing that matters. We have feelings to, and they matter." (Classic tactic to tug at their little heart strings) and they finally backed down

2021-01-09 18:29:20 UTC  

They perpetuate an intense version of the for us or against us mentality

2021-01-09 18:29:20 UTC  

oh boy, let me think about some of the shit i've been called. one of my favorites is "you're just a spy for the jewish overlords.:

2021-01-09 18:29:26 UTC  

God people can be such sheep

2021-01-09 18:29:27 UTC  

tf does that even mean? <:KEK:795742276549607456>

2021-01-09 18:29:38 UTC  

some of the shit is just tarded.

2021-01-09 18:29:40 UTC  


2021-01-09 18:29:42 UTC  


2021-01-09 18:29:56 UTC  

some people hold rage inside their heart for a long time. i'm glad to hear you bounced back. it's digusting how people easily abuse power when things are not going their way. kudos to you for standing up and standing your ground

2021-01-09 18:30:01 UTC  

most of the "insults", if you could even called them that, are just personal attacks.

2021-01-09 18:30:05 UTC  

@isoboto what area of engineering are you in?

2021-01-09 18:30:33 UTC  

haven't heard that one before. good one <:KEK:795742276549607456>

2021-01-09 18:30:38 UTC  

Man, the positivity here is great. Thanks for that! @isoboto

2021-01-09 18:30:46 UTC  

a lot of them seem to be based around the holocaust..

2021-01-09 18:31:07 UTC  


2021-01-09 18:31:07 UTC  

Oof bread was a bad choice

2021-01-09 18:31:08 UTC  

industrial design. so i'm always staring at people & stuffs

cuz, aesthetic, ya know <:Nervous_Monkey:797288817115267082>

2021-01-09 18:31:13 UTC  

I'm going to be reading through the latest Clinton email dump on wiki leaks

2021-01-09 18:31:18 UTC  


2021-01-09 18:31:30 UTC  

"6 million wasn't enough, and i'll make sure of that". shit like this.

2021-01-09 18:31:32 UTC  

@isoboto you mind if I DM you to bounce some things off your braun

2021-01-09 18:31:39 UTC  

Trump 2024

2021-01-09 18:31:44 UTC  

👀 sure, go for it

2021-01-09 18:31:47 UTC  

The number keeps going up...I swesr

2021-01-09 18:31:52 UTC  

I can't wait to see what was on Pelosi's laptop! I hope that gets leaked too

2021-01-09 18:31:54 UTC  

In europe it's a lot lower

2021-01-09 18:31:58 UTC  

At least in ukraine

2021-01-09 18:31:59 UTC  


2021-01-09 18:32:06 UTC  

not gonna happen

2021-01-09 18:32:11 UTC  

ummmm. that's the true laptop from hell. hunter's laptop was nothing