Message from @Night

Discord ID: 797629556961968128

2021-01-10 00:48:29 UTC  

why the russian dude from riot so fucken rapey?

2021-01-10 00:49:08 UTC  

My mom would prefer that I stay out of a guns range

2021-01-10 00:49:10 UTC  

Being in the Navy will be a bonus

2021-01-10 00:49:20 UTC  


2021-01-10 00:49:55 UTC  

Yeah, but I couldn’t be elected as a conservative

2021-01-10 00:50:01 UTC  

i was landbased when i was in the military. a few week trips to shit hole places but mostly landbased

2021-01-10 00:50:54 UTC  

Yes that’s sad. Unless the mentality changes drastically

2021-01-10 00:51:42 UTC  

Maybe 60ish years can pass and all will mostly heal

2021-01-10 00:51:54 UTC  


2021-01-10 00:52:51 UTC  

lets see how this plays out. Biden might be a puppet. but I do not thing anyone will destroy our fabric. however I do belive they will change the US to such that republicans can never win again. By giving statehood to DC and PR

2021-01-10 00:53:26 UTC  

Well there is already talk about the electoral college dying

2021-01-10 00:53:32 UTC  


2021-01-10 00:53:41 UTC  

can anyone give me some data about covid death numbers being inflated?

2021-01-10 00:53:41 UTC  

then dems will win every election herafter

2021-01-10 00:54:10 UTC  

@fuckyourtunes In Sweden if one eldery at an retirement home died of covid everyone the next week died of covid without testing

2021-01-10 00:54:14 UTC  

I want the electoral collage to be destroyed.

2021-01-10 00:54:21 UTC  
2021-01-10 00:54:24 UTC  

What's the chat here about?

2021-01-10 00:54:27 UTC  

Although I don’t like Biden, I’m kinda worried for the guy because obviously the Democrats will backstab him possibly fatally

2021-01-10 00:55:03 UTC  

It stops 3 parties from gaining any power. I want political diversity in our government.

2021-01-10 00:55:05 UTC  

Dems will push him out for harris they know harris could never win alone and they are vurtue signaling so hard now

2021-01-10 00:55:33 UTC  

Can someone ask me about my policies to see if I’m a reasonable candidate

2021-01-10 00:55:37 UTC  

remeber back in 2020 fall when the pick for VP was still up? Biden said "It will be a woman of color" as if that was the only needed qualifications

2021-01-10 00:55:39 UTC  

Like give a topic

2021-01-10 00:56:11 UTC  

What's you stands on guns

2021-01-10 00:56:40 UTC  

@Thunderstr1ke limiting power of China and to what extent

2021-01-10 00:57:08 UTC  

I think restrictions are dumb. Americans that lack protection, will be weaker to attacks and will be vulnerable to any person that wished harm

2021-01-10 00:57:12 UTC  

just thinking out loud.

2021-01-10 00:57:16 UTC  

Me when Trump gets back in to office:

2021-01-10 00:57:16 UTC  

I was against it but when I see the violence by BLM and Antifa through last year, I understood why it’s needed

2021-01-10 00:57:47 UTC  

Do you think we should at least have a back ground check

2021-01-10 00:58:08 UTC  

@Thunderstr1ke but is gun a fundamental right to everyone? or should that right be earned and proven?

2021-01-10 00:58:12 UTC  

China is a very bad country. The re-education camps and the totalitarian state are to much for their people, or any people for that manner

2021-01-10 00:58:21 UTC  

Yes, China bad.

2021-01-10 00:58:23 UTC  

not what i asked.

2021-01-10 00:58:25 UTC  

So what would you do, how would you restrict it?

2021-01-10 00:58:33 UTC  

We mostly do already, we can do simple crime checks

2021-01-10 00:58:35 UTC  

china bad yeah but that does not say about their powrr in trade

2021-01-10 00:58:45 UTC  

simple crime check is mute and not enough

2021-01-10 00:59:01 UTC  

China is very powerful in trading. Yes.

2021-01-10 00:59:10 UTC  

Hard to tell. I’m not deep into that subject