Message from @Black Plague

Discord ID: 590159809261600769

And what beats me is that that meme didn’t even have the N-word or any variation thereof in it—and it was autoflagged!

2019-06-16 21:18:40 UTC  

GG @Ferdinand de Bourbon 🇮🇹🇦🇹🇪🇸🇫🇷, you just advanced to level 1! View the leaderboard by typing !levels in any channel.

I guess even a pic of black thugs chimping out on top of a police car in Baltimore counts as “hate speech” in post-truth Clown World 🙄

2019-06-16 23:53:43 UTC

2019-06-16 23:54:08 UTC  

How do I fight with this kind of people

2019-06-17 01:55:55 UTC  

Lol you rly can't

2019-06-17 01:56:01 UTC  

Don't even bother

2019-06-17 01:56:11 UTC  

This is why I stopped arguing with internet strangers

2019-06-17 01:57:13 UTC  

At the end of the day, they will remain too closed minded to have a change of opinion, so it's pointless

2019-06-17 04:19:31 UTC

2019-06-17 07:59:50 UTC  

"in post-truth Clown World" - Brilliant, I'm adopting this

2019-06-17 12:42:07 UTC  

@Ferdinand de Bourbon 🇮🇹🇦🇹🇪🇸🇫🇷 Yet when the black LGBT climbed on top of a DC Metro police car, the left clapped

2019-06-17 12:42:34 UTC  

Even if you censored it, the bot still worked

2019-06-17 12:43:03 UTC  

If I was a cop and someone climbed on my car I’d either shoot em or knock em off and beat them.

2019-06-17 12:43:16 UTC  

DC Police were maximum tolerance

2019-06-17 12:43:31 UTC  

Well DC is a leftist shithole too

2019-06-17 12:43:35 UTC  

Even if I wasn’t a cop I’d someone was climbing on my Jeep I’d beat em. I hate how much of a pussy some cops have to be

2019-06-17 12:43:58 UTC  

Or they were told by their Politically correct commissioners not to react

2019-06-17 12:44:07 UTC  

It was pure degeneracy

2019-06-17 12:44:12 UTC  

Why based gays hate pride

2019-06-17 12:44:23 UTC  

I expect nothing less from DC and Pride fags

2019-06-17 12:44:49 UTC  

It was like a scene from Rise of the Planet of the Apes

2019-06-17 12:45:22 UTC  

Lmao a bunch of gay apes 🦍

2019-06-17 12:46:46 UTC  

Cringe fest

2019-06-17 12:46:52 UTC  

<:pratik:463767965343547412> <:crygun:461797181343662080>

2019-06-17 12:47:13 UTC  

Gay rights was a mistake

2019-06-17 12:47:27 UTC  


2019-06-17 12:47:46 UTC  

The gays that fought for rights would roll over their graves seeing this degeneracy

2019-06-17 12:48:11 UTC  

The Mayan Doomsday was real in the form we have to live through a degeneracy apocalypse

2019-06-17 12:48:30 UTC  

Harvey Milk didn’t see this one coming

2019-06-17 12:48:31 UTC  

Same shit with civil and women’s rights movements

2019-06-17 12:48:32 UTC  

Like as soon as they got equal rights they demanded more and more

2019-06-17 12:48:58 UTC  

They don’t want to be equal any more. They wanna be dominant.

2019-06-17 12:49:22 UTC  

Muh rights muh reparations

2019-06-17 12:49:39 UTC  

As long as Trump is president, we will see more of these degenerates thinking they are part of the resistance

2019-06-17 12:50:12 UTC  

They think they’re the rebel from star wars lmao. Got to go, I got class.

2019-06-17 15:26:26 UTC

2019-06-17 15:26:28 UTC  


2019-06-17 22:44:26 UTC  

what's your best excuse to still be pro life?

2019-06-17 22:50:43 UTC