Message from @Devil Monkey

Discord ID: 557112899768942612

2019-03-18 08:02:08 UTC  

Even if life isn't a simulation. just remember that you're a speck of dust on a grain of sand in the ocean we call space. In a civilization that can hardly understand itself.

I find comfort in knowing we're so small.

2019-03-18 08:02:10 UTC  

@Five, Seven, and Two we don’t have the tech right now, I’m just saying it’s not impossible

2019-03-18 08:02:45 UTC  

@[chase dreams] were also whirling about in a galaxy at what.. 500k mph? Or something? Insane

2019-03-18 08:03:41 UTC  

I think reincarnation is true to an extent.. those atoms and that consciousness had to go somewhere

2019-03-18 08:03:50 UTC  

And energy can not be destroyed or created, so

2019-03-18 08:03:52 UTC  

@[chase dreams] "Billions, and billions, and billions... (takes a healthy hit of cannabis to deal with his cancer) ....and...COUGH.... and billions."

2019-03-18 08:04:20 UTC  

There's a big silver lining to life having no meaning. It means you can make your own without the weight of a checklist written by some unknown deity.

People seem to forget that though.

Then again, I'm just a highschool kid. I ain't Socrates or Neitzsche.

2019-03-18 08:04:34 UTC  

Maybe we’re just borrowing the atoms were made of right now. And when we die it’ll be someone else’s turn

2019-03-18 08:04:42 UTC  

well then

2019-03-18 08:04:58 UTC  

your soul will always be yours.

2019-03-18 08:05:01 UTC  

Nihilism isn’t bad imo, it’s actually liberating in a way

2019-03-18 08:05:21 UTC  

I don’t believe in a soul, or any kind of afterlife

2019-03-18 08:05:44 UTC  

Or rather.. I should say I know not of any. And neither does anyone

2019-03-18 08:05:50 UTC  

If there exists an afterlife, it's far beyond our comprehension.

2019-03-18 08:06:00 UTC  

And it's not worth pondering.

2019-03-18 08:06:04 UTC  

Maybe the multiverse has some truth to it

2019-03-18 08:06:26 UTC  

Just focus on what you can do while your fingers still move.

2019-03-18 08:06:43 UTC  

Rebirth/Reincarnation is logically.

2019-03-18 08:06:55 UTC  

Which is.. our basic primal instincts? To feed, to breed, to rest and to stave off death as long as possible

2019-03-18 08:07:26 UTC  

I mean on what you WANT to do. You don't have to be a slave to your biology.

2019-03-18 08:07:45 UTC  


2019-03-18 08:08:01 UTC  

To break free of that is to be something of a god. Idk about you, but I still need to eat, and fuck, and sleep

2019-03-18 08:08:16 UTC  

We are all slaves to our biology, despite whatever lies we tell ourselves

2019-03-18 08:09:11 UTC  

I guess I've got some pretty lenient biology.

2019-03-18 08:09:57 UTC  

Even if you never fap or fuck, your body will expel whatever cum is not ejaculated. And begin the process over again. Short of having your balls removed it’s impossible to defy our genetics

2019-03-18 08:10:37 UTC  

If beating my dick is the most of my worries. That doesn't really sound like slavery to me.

2019-03-18 08:10:50 UTC  

I mean slavery as in the desire to have kids.

2019-03-18 08:10:57 UTC  

to be a woman's provider

2019-03-18 08:11:09 UTC  

I don’t mean we’re literally in shackles to our biology, but it influences us whether we realize it or not

2019-03-18 08:11:10 UTC  

you don't have to do that if you don't desire.

2019-03-18 08:12:02 UTC  

It’s not impossible, just very difficult

2019-03-18 08:12:39 UTC  

I believe Plato or Socrates likened it to being like a god, if a man could handle being alone and able to suppress his nature

2019-03-18 08:13:29 UTC  

So if I stop beating my dick, I'll become a god?

2019-03-18 08:14:50 UTC  

Just a figure of speech. I’m a hedonist myself, I fuck whenever I get the chance. Drink. Smoke. Be merry. I’ll be dead in the ground one day, might as well live it up

2019-03-18 08:15:02 UTC  

But I don’t let pleasure rob me of my goals

2019-03-18 08:15:16 UTC  

I'll be dead too. but at least I've got my personal checklist.

2019-03-18 08:16:01 UTC  

I've got my goals and my struggles.

2019-03-18 08:16:53 UTC  

Everyone does, never lose sight of them

2019-03-18 08:26:09 UTC  

My fucking throat's been burning like a Jew in Poland for the past 2 hours.

2019-03-18 08:26:16 UTC  

I need a Tum or something

2019-03-18 08:26:56 UTC  

So you're saying that your throat doesn't exist?