Message from @KenneticEnergy

Discord ID: 557111638394798081

2019-03-18 07:56:32 UTC  

@Five, Seven, and Two I wouldn’t put it past people to call for robo-babes to come with a artificial womb, capable of making a baby

2019-03-18 07:56:33 UTC  

The artificial births.

2019-03-18 07:56:47 UTC  

The artificial insemination.

2019-03-18 07:57:02 UTC  

Imagine the backlash that will come of that if that ever becomes a debate topic.

2019-03-18 07:57:16 UTC  

Elon Musk says we’re pretty much already cyborgs. Look at how much integrated into tech we already are

2019-03-18 07:57:26 UTC  

"all men are created equal" under law. Meaning , if you''re a man, you're fucked in case of an accusation

2019-03-18 07:57:53 UTC  

They’re building insanely complex arms and legs for amputees that could one day surpass even normal human tissue and bone

2019-03-18 07:58:31 UTC  

It’ll make anakin skywalker look commonplace

2019-03-18 07:59:11 UTC  

I’d hate to lose an arm

2019-03-18 07:59:12 UTC  

Not Vader suit, but arms and legs

2019-03-18 07:59:46 UTC  

I continue thinking that we're in a simulation.

2019-03-18 07:59:49 UTC  

I want nanomachine enhancement

2019-03-18 07:59:55 UTC  

Artificial humans might be what we need to explore space

2019-03-18 08:00:00 UTC  

I'm just someone's fucking dirty USB plug in device.

2019-03-18 08:00:02 UTC  

Made in China.

2019-03-18 08:00:07 UTC  

Their bodies could handle what ours could not

2019-03-18 08:00:09 UTC  

Some altered carbon shit

2019-03-18 08:01:47 UTC  

@KenneticEnergy People who call for androids to have artificial wombs have no concept of how technology works. (Referring to your earlier ping.)

2019-03-18 08:02:08 UTC  

Even if life isn't a simulation. just remember that you're a speck of dust on a grain of sand in the ocean we call space. In a civilization that can hardly understand itself.

I find comfort in knowing we're so small.

2019-03-18 08:02:10 UTC  

@Five, Seven, and Two we don’t have the tech right now, I’m just saying it’s not impossible

2019-03-18 08:02:45 UTC  

@[chase dreams] were also whirling about in a galaxy at what.. 500k mph? Or something? Insane

2019-03-18 08:03:41 UTC  

I think reincarnation is true to an extent.. those atoms and that consciousness had to go somewhere

2019-03-18 08:03:50 UTC  

And energy can not be destroyed or created, so

2019-03-18 08:03:52 UTC  

@[chase dreams] "Billions, and billions, and billions... (takes a healthy hit of cannabis to deal with his cancer) ....and...COUGH.... and billions."

2019-03-18 08:04:20 UTC  

There's a big silver lining to life having no meaning. It means you can make your own without the weight of a checklist written by some unknown deity.

People seem to forget that though.

Then again, I'm just a highschool kid. I ain't Socrates or Neitzsche.

2019-03-18 08:04:34 UTC  

Maybe we’re just borrowing the atoms were made of right now. And when we die it’ll be someone else’s turn

2019-03-18 08:04:42 UTC  

well then

2019-03-18 08:04:58 UTC  

your soul will always be yours.

2019-03-18 08:05:01 UTC  

Nihilism isn’t bad imo, it’s actually liberating in a way

2019-03-18 08:05:21 UTC  

I don’t believe in a soul, or any kind of afterlife

2019-03-18 08:05:44 UTC  

Or rather.. I should say I know not of any. And neither does anyone

2019-03-18 08:05:50 UTC  

If there exists an afterlife, it's far beyond our comprehension.

2019-03-18 08:06:00 UTC  

And it's not worth pondering.

2019-03-18 08:06:04 UTC  

Maybe the multiverse has some truth to it

2019-03-18 08:06:26 UTC  

Just focus on what you can do while your fingers still move.

2019-03-18 08:06:43 UTC  

Rebirth/Reincarnation is logically.

2019-03-18 08:06:55 UTC  

Which is.. our basic primal instincts? To feed, to breed, to rest and to stave off death as long as possible

2019-03-18 08:07:26 UTC  

I mean on what you WANT to do. You don't have to be a slave to your biology.

2019-03-18 08:07:45 UTC  


2019-03-18 08:08:01 UTC  

To break free of that is to be something of a god. Idk about you, but I still need to eat, and fuck, and sleep

2019-03-18 08:08:16 UTC  

We are all slaves to our biology, despite whatever lies we tell ourselves