Message from @Lori
Discord ID: 776375367694942208
I like Florida
St Augustine area. So beautiful there.
Good governor.
Let me find the clip for you. It’s crazy.
You can look all this up. Brittanica, Wikipedia, etc.
My neighbors are Nigerian and they went Ham after they saw this.
Ex-CIA Chief Under Obama Urges Palace Coup Against Trump So He Doesn't "Declassify Everything" | Zero Hedge
Love her.
To all my fellow vets on here I’m wishing y’all a safe and happy Veterans Day and thanks for everything ❤️🇺🇸 love to all my fellow patriots!
Happy veterans day @Nikiek2020 ! ✌️🇺🇸
Thank you!! ❤️🇺🇸✌️
I realized I forgot to share this here but I got this from Tommy G's server and he's going to do a podcast on it tomorrow but he went ahead and filled us in on news he got directly from a person very close to president Trump
Lin Wood has hinted towards this being true after joining Trump's legal team
Can you invite me to Tommy's server?
This is just the bullet points of a longer voice chat so if you guys have questions I can try to elaborate more based on what I was told
Oh brilliant!
The girl that tweeted out the cliff notes version is also worth a follow. She's brilliant
I think they're still going in the voice chat too lol
It is the after dark hours over there so I can't promise the conversations are clean haha
Here's the tweet I was referring to
Yeah, and pompeo saying what he did also 💥
So basically everything we've theorized has been happening has been happening x20
It sure is, I love it!
Arrests should be coming by the holidays
And tommy is the last person to put a date on something like that
There's a whole 3 degrees of separation between him and Trump with this info too
It sounded like the Trump team was looking for places to leak info that wasn't a Q board and because of Tommy's wayfair story and audience size they sent him this and some more that he isn't allowed to say yet but maybe can by the time he does the podcast
But they straight up wiretapped the news and caught them making up a narrative lol
Well well.. This will be interesting. Has Tommy got another twitter?
Lol no
He's on a special list there
Lol thought so, he doesn't last long in there at all,