Message from @SwordX
Discord ID: 777314501895782421
Trump getting ready to finish this I think
Maybe not next week, but its coming very soon
Yea it is.
I have a feeling next week won't be an ordinary announcement
Still no word of Supreme Court either
I think its going to be alot of things all at once
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Trump deployed military around the country for Warp Speed. Military are deployed. Pentagon is on board. Weird announcement with the secret service. I think Secret Service prepared in case of something as well. Announcement this coming week. Possible use of Quantum Emergency Broadcast?
Where Supreme Court fits in Idk
He has all the evidence he needs
And then some
Insurrection not Election
Sedition and treason.
Treason, collusion with China for sure
I'm think SC will rule first, disqualify Biden, they will go to violence, based on Trump's actions. Either that or he is simply going to invoke the acts and just end it, IDK. But that system of communication they worked on for three years is important. It tells the american people why he is doing it and what is going on
Something going on with Durham too I hear
Here was my view
A ton of newly elected reps were there and they were fired up and ready to actually stand up for America
I watched on RSBN a bit. I need to do a donation to them and to President legal fund.
DURHAM...someone brought up the fact that Sydney Powell is from Durham, NC. And sheβs out front of the evidence that is supposedly coming out. So is the q post about John Durham or Sydney Powell? Time will tell...
You don't know until its done, then the moment shows what Q meant in the past
Its how they operate
Either way its Release the Kraken, and then the storm is coming. Military Deployed, Trump is getting things ready
Those secret service, all hundreds of them gettign covid the same time? I think they are preparing as well
Just like the "peaceful protest" thing Trump is using the cover of Covid against them
Trump has said he will be coming out with the numbers this coming week, something about "stay tuned" he said to Ryan of Project Veritas whom he retweeted
This around the same time as "Release the Kraken"
I wonder if this evidence will be presented at a Supreme Court case
Hey @amERIKA, thanks for joining! :v::flag_us: Please read info in {announements} please! Thank you!
I've found a few interesting kraken references
1. Kraken botnet... Its malware and can pretty much alter anything its programmed to do
2. ODNIsent spy satellites up in 2013 (I th ink) there logo is intersting