Message from @s_whole

Discord ID: 777717353114238986

2020-11-16 01:59:14 UTC  

Trump took an oath too. There is no way he is letting the Globalists have this country

2020-11-16 01:59:26 UTC  

Thankyou for serving s_whole 🙂

2020-11-16 01:59:26 UTC  

Nor are we

2020-11-16 01:59:56 UTC  

It was my honor to serve

2020-11-16 02:01:13 UTC  

Military already on alert and ready when Trump needs them. I think that will happen, I think mass arrests and such are our only way to stop the scope of the enemy,

2020-11-16 02:01:55 UTC  

Miller replaced Esper for a reason

2020-11-16 02:02:17 UTC  

Military is saving children as well

2020-11-16 02:02:44 UTC  

Yeah a lot is going on we don't know about it

2020-11-16 02:02:49 UTC  

Underground bunkers, cities

2020-11-16 02:04:57 UTC  

Its frustrating waiting for this to end but its all strategy and they have the information and know when its best to act and when to do things. A lot don't understand that

2020-11-16 02:05:17 UTC  

But i understand the frustration. Everyone wants 2020 over

2020-11-16 02:05:28 UTC  

despondant over the fraud

2020-11-16 02:06:52 UTC  

U.S.S COMFORT and MERCY helped as well

2020-11-16 02:08:16 UTC  

On taking down the traffickers?

2020-11-16 02:08:21 UTC  


2020-11-16 02:08:47 UTC  

It makes me feel good that the military has the President's(and our) back

2020-11-16 02:08:52 UTC  

Human/Child trafficking

2020-11-16 02:08:53 UTC  

Because I know we will win

2020-11-16 02:09:43 UTC  

As I have said GOD picked Trump for a reason, zero doubt in my mind

2020-11-16 02:09:51 UTC  


2020-11-16 02:11:06 UTC  

January 1st an E.O. goes in to effect, Trump stated in a Michigan rally. No one can stop it !!!

2020-11-16 02:11:56 UTC  

did he say what it is?

2020-11-16 02:13:54 UTC  

Not disclosing....Just said " It's big...really big"

2020-11-16 02:14:46 UTC  

I wonder if that date will stick if Trump goes to Supreme Court and Biden and company ignore them

2020-11-16 02:15:00 UTC  

In 2018 he did an E.O. on election fraud...they are fooked

2020-11-16 02:15:37 UTC  

I am thinking repeal of the 1871

2020-11-16 02:15:49 UTC  

May be wrong

2020-11-16 02:16:21 UTC  

Yeah and SC will likely rule(its been done in the past) that any Presidentual canaudate guilty of election fraud is disqualified, even if its just in one state

2020-11-16 02:16:26 UTC  

The act of 1871

2020-11-16 02:23:48 UTC  

ill have to look that one up....

2020-11-16 02:30:08 UTC  

It is an interesting one

2020-11-16 02:39:27 UTC  

BardsFM Podcast is off the charts, loving it

2020-11-16 03:14:38 UTC  

About time !!!

2020-11-16 03:14:59 UTC  

I really hope they get rid of her

2020-11-16 03:15:06 UTC  

Awesome. I asked attorneys here. Can’t do it in NY

2020-11-16 03:15:32 UTC  

First she leaves office, then she is arrested for her crimes by Trump

2020-11-16 03:15:41 UTC  

Double whammy

2020-11-16 03:15:45 UTC  

insult to injury

2020-11-16 03:15:56 UTC  

We fight together, for the benefit of all

2020-11-16 03:16:25 UTC  

@SwordX I like the way you think