Message from @SwordX

Discord ID: 782368608856178699

2020-11-27 08:24:59 UTC  

She knows of Julian's Rum and codemonkeyz and other Anons...

2020-11-27 15:22:29 UTC  

Did you see Pompeo's Tweet with his CBD 'Y' dog treat and circular 'purple' chew toy??? Making the comment, "When the tryptophan hits...."
I looked it up and it was banned from US due to illnesses to humans in the 80's....
'Y' = Pedophilia ?
'O' = Odummer or Ops ???
Purple = Cabal Royalty ?? We're in charge so that could mean "Submission" ???


2020-11-27 15:30:38 UTC  
2020-11-27 15:31:59 UTC  

You're so awesomeness πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ GM sis πŸ™πŸ’œπŸ™Œ Thank you πŸΏβ˜•πŸΏ

2020-11-27 15:32:51 UTC  

Hope u had a lovely Thanksgiving!!

2020-11-27 15:35:55 UTC  

Yes πŸ‘ me and my doggies 😎 I cooked a huge dinner but nobody showed, guessing they're still brainwashed about the FLU bug πŸ™„ oh well.... My kids are grown and have their lives to playout and I have my canines πŸ’•πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ I hope you had an enjoyable, Blessed day as well....

2020-11-27 15:45:33 UTC  

The 46yr old male found dead on NY Subway was interesting as well....
A #42 on the wall to the left + Green Neon Light '0' in Subway window + 1674 train# ????
Had a comment in the Tweet about Tim Allen and The Last Man Standing Thanksgiving Special about 'Ham Radios'
Black out Friday???

2020-11-27 15:55:43 UTC  
2020-11-27 16:16:59 UTC  

Ohhhhhh Man πŸ€” looky here about the 'Y'

2020-11-28 07:43:22 UTC

2020-11-28 22:13:02 UTC  

This is what Ellis mentioned that will lead to a SCOTUS case
[5:09 PM]
Keep in mind that the SCOTUS judges(Five that matter anyway) have been getting information directly as they have positioned themselves over specific areas, Thomas over Georgia area for example
[5:09 PM]
This is VERY unusual for the SCOTUS. I means they are taking this VERY seriously
[5:10 PM]
Did I tell you in a past SCOTUS case in the 1800s because of Fraud on behalf of one person, they disqualified him, saying that if even ONE state had fraud they weren't qualified

2020-11-28 22:13:32 UTC  

Not just PA involved with this look at this:

2020-11-29 03:12:58 UTC  

Congrats CuriousRabbit!

2020-11-29 03:27:45 UTC  

Thank u @SwordX

2020-11-29 03:28:57 UTC  

I haven been on twitter much today, what's this about soldiers killed during the server raid? Is it true what's the source?

2020-11-29 03:29:37 UTC  

Gen McInany said it. But was vague.
Were you able to watch the whole hour ?? Worth it.

2020-11-29 03:30:17 UTC  

I haven't seen any of it

2020-11-29 03:30:59 UTC  

Where was he on

2020-11-29 03:33:41 UTC  

Ohhh he was on with Flynn

2020-11-29 06:07:16 UTC  


2020-11-29 11:59:12 UTC  
2020-11-29 11:59:53 UTC  

General Flynn's first interview after pardon

2020-11-29 16:34:22 UTC  


2020-11-29 22:56:01 UTC  

1. CIA killed agents that raided and got the servers. The battalion that was responsible for Raid was called "Kraken"

2020-11-29 22:57:10 UTC  

2. Iran, Russia and China among others DID help with dominion and ballot fraud, activating Trump's emergency acts of 2018 and 2019(martial law, insurrection act, sedition act, internet blackout etc). That condition has been met. Trump will use it when time is right

2020-11-29 22:57:50 UTC  

3. Navy intercepted Chinese ships carrying NUCLEAR weapons towards us. Enemy knows the Biden thing isn't working.

2020-11-29 22:58:24 UTC  

4. This isn't guesswork or riddles or whispers. But credible and real

2020-11-29 22:59:01 UTC  

We are effectively at war. Iranian Nuclear scientist was taken act for example. Full action by President will come soon