Message from @SwordX
Discord ID: 787197178422624257
Sorry to hear that. Our prayers are with you and your grandfather.
Yes they named a storm...Flynn
Karli used to be big on Twitter...then they banned her
Tommorow Flynn's Jericho prayer marches begin
Someone's comment: He's speaking tomorrow at the DC rally. Maybe he's planning on starting a snowball that can't be stopped from growing.
He says "FISA" three times and Pzitlzer(spelling) once.
What is FISA?
Trump's latest tweet contained this video
Man we’re being pushed into a corner
YouTube censoring like crazy
Facebook it’s a no go zone
Twitter tightening up things daily we’re going to end up chatting on HAM radio soon
Happening right now
@sidneypowell1 tweeted a couple of hrs ago filed emergency suit with SCOTUS re GA & MI; will be filing soon on Az & WI. Will be presenting massive fraud evidence direct to court.
@kagsundarum tweets an interesting question:
"What if the commentless rejection of standing by the three is in the knowledge that they do intend to hear the actual fraud cases, and that the SCOTUS five do not trust the four state legislatures involved to reject the fraud?
If Texas had won, SCOTUS would have been bound by logic to defer all fraud issues to the legislatures."
If Texas had won, SCOTUS would have been bound by logic to defer all fraud issues to the legislatures."
If Texas had won, SCOTUS would have been bound by logic to defer all fraud issues to the legislatures."
Get it? It was a cunning trap, one that so many fell into and when the SCOTUS rejected it, WE felt defeated, SCOTUS we feel betrayed by, but legally, if they did hear the case and it won, thats actually what would have happened. Fake News and that Puke Shiff or whatever his name is using this for all its worth. But that Texas case was never a case that Trump was aiming to bring to the court. Because Fraud, Dominion, that is something that will work. This is why Flynn told people to relax. And Trump responded in his own....interesting way. I checked. He did say FISA FISA FISA in the video, then Pzitzer once. Research FISA. That was important.
You see how Rudy came back and sounds/looks great
I think I rather take that mix of drugs than the vaccine
Vaccine is a tool of the great reset
just like Covid was used
But unlike Covid, Vaccine is sinister
Learned today one of the vaccines has an ingredient called luciferin
Its a biometric tattoo they will place on all vaccinated that will allow them to know who is cooperating. Under Great Reset society it will allow you a normal covid restrictions free life
Anyone who doesnt take vaccine will be lockdown
That’s right
Eventually peopple will have to take it, or be taken to medical camps , given one last chance to take it, if they refuse then, they w ill be branded a danger to public health and trapped
or worse
Also, they eventually will eliminate priviate ownership
All buying will be renting
All things you have will belong to the state and anything more you want will be delivered by drone
All travel will be to recreational activities, seeing family. Eating out. No more buying things in stores
No privacy either
All devices in your home will monitor you
And you will have a chip implanted that records things as well