Message from @MattyBoyCx
Discord ID: 787229454820048926
Ellis and Flynn's takes
Someone said this too: Texas doesn't have standing because the fraud was in collusion with foreign states making the fraudsters enemy combatants... and therefore classifed and under military law not constitutional law. see executive order on election interference.
**Donald Trump** on it: So, you’re the President of the United States, and you just went through an election where you got more votes than any sitting President in history, by far - and purportedly lost. You can’t get “standing” before the Supreme Court, so you “intervene” with wonderful states.........that, after careful study and consideration, think you got “screwed”, something which will hurt them also. Many others likewise join the suit but, within a flash, it is thrown out and gone, without even looking at the many reasons it was brought. A Rigged Election, fight on!
President is very good at putting up a face
Interesting how even I and so many put such importance in that case, Allen West is suggesting that all Law-Abiding States form a new Union in response
But this isn't stopping Sidney Powell from her case. I haven't seen if Trump's legal team will bring a SCOTUS case.
Man it’s crazy how so many people still believe MSM blindly
I’m like where we are 150 deaths of 10,000 outside of retirement homes in 9 months
People just make fun and “oh you’re one of those” I just tell them go look at the stats yourself on the gov site
They still don’t want to
That’s why we’re doomed people so easily manipulated it’s not even funny
Well when things go down they will be given the truth as things happen. But even then 6-8 percent will not accept it
Remember there are more who know the truth then you would expect
As for the sheep, I'm a wolf, and I won't wait or care about their feelings, I will fight for my freedom and survival if need be, even die. And I know the President and Military knows whats happening, and they will and are doing the same
IF brainwashed people will refuse the truth, then so be it. They can either get out the way for those of us who want to live, or they can get run over. I don't care
I'm DONE being nice
That links to triple FISA remark on that video
It makes sense.
The collection of fraud evidence and dominion is not to defeat Biden, its to END him, and alot of others
Like Trump said leaving the final debate "LETS FINISH HIM"
To whoever was with him
Nothing like the smell of fresh censorship in the morning
You can just feel it Twitter can’t wait to boot him
This week should be the booms. Let’s see. Hold the line. And pray.
Interesting thing about the SCOTUS ruling is that they denied on standing and then referred the ruling to pertain to Article III...Article III deals with treasonous actions. Maybe means SCOTUS said to Trump you can go ahead and deal with this by other remedies
1yr Delta for Monday 12-14 ~ When a B2 bomber is no longer stealth (think public statements made last week) what must that signal?
Planned/coordinated attacks on BARR coming [smear campaign].
Public opinion is important.
Information warfare.
A Traitor's Justice.
Yeah the SCOTUS giving the go with Article 3 along with Trump's Fisa statement hidden in plain site inside the Warpspeed announcement right after the ruling was a quiet nod for Trump to use the military, knowing that only Military Tribunals have jurisdiction in this situation, not the SCOTUS. Quiet nod from the good Supreme Court justices "go ahead, do it." Nevertheless Sidney is coming to the SCOTUS. She is a military attorney. Maybe a link?
Interesting. "Retool"
So filed correctly and for the right reasons this time
Good The Lies melt in the pressence of truth
Hard for people not paying attention to notice but, Trump seems to be abandoning the legal strategy, and by certain things coming out plus Trump's Fisa statements, moving towards the Military is the only way.
[4:26 PM]
Keeping other side busy with the legal stuff, probably so they don't see what is coming.