Message from @SwordX
Discord ID: 795801467603910676
Yeah I know of those
There was someone, completely anonymious who posted of upcoming events and Q not posting for awile
People weren't sure they were LARP or the real deal
Santa surfing had him on her YouTube away at the start when he first appeared on twitter
I watch her every once in a while but not a lot
Nah I haven't watched in about a year
But she had a video up back then about john here to help. She was pretty tight with him and he proved to be a liar and she called him out, thats when I blocked him
Was there any warnings of 2020 events in Q posts back in the days of 2017-2019?
Sorry new Anon(since August)
WOW, thanks for the heads-up
Guessing I’ll puke if I watch this
What is it?
I don't recall anything as far as a warning was ever listed on 'Q' about 2020 but I'll look around some tonight
People aren't affected by "vibes" thats new age mumbo jumbo. The passion and anger in the American people and the anger around the world is enormious watch videos, watch what Trump has posted. There isn't Apathy just the opposite
Again, trying to mystify the enemy into something they aren't. A victorious enemy doesn't try to silence people with guns, or threaten impeachment(again) over a doctored phone conversation(which was a trap by Trump btw). No
There isn't Apathy, there is PASSION. There is Faith, there is excitement
And btw, Trump already won.
Don't put stock in lies like that post, when the exact opposite is happening. People are waking up, and they are fighting
Its just more fear porn, like CNN, only from another angle aka Alex Jones
Are u talking about frequency?
Is this the same ryan white tho?
sound thing is bogus, there isn't apathy just the opposite. i dont know what planet he is on
Truth is the enemy is scared. They like to put mystifying things that demoralize people
Frequency has major effects on everything, proven
Whats up Patriots! Who is watching Trump tonight!
yeah hes having a rally
Hey @markd2323 ✌🏻🇺🇸
Hey Rabbit!
Whaskully wabbit!
Im just saying a bunch of sound waves isnt going to cause anons and trump supporters not to care. we have free will. they dont believe in God so they think they can do that crap
but its just crap
Well that's true
How is our side apathic? Just the opposite. Look at the millions and millions of us
Hmmm im missing something here
sound doesnt do that. The 5g is to record and be part of a surveillance state that will never happen
Instead it will be used for high speed internet as it sould
Don't mysify the enemy, they are human beings, noting special about them