Message from @WOMP WOMP boi

Discord ID: 455253011027984384

2018-06-10 05:50:53 UTC

2018-06-10 05:50:59 UTC  


2018-06-10 05:51:07 UTC  

Old meme but

2018-06-10 05:52:26 UTC  

Marty Robbins is woke

2018-06-10 05:53:32 UTC  


2018-06-10 05:53:35 UTC  


2018-06-10 06:05:11 UTC  

just finished an anti-israel article for the young americans for freedom newspaper

2018-06-10 06:08:16 UTC  

Bububububububbububububut Israel is the freest nation in the moodle eest

2018-06-10 06:08:28 UTC  

i think its pretty good

2018-06-10 06:08:41 UTC  

everything wrong with israel condensed into a page and a half

2018-06-10 06:09:28 UTC  

Is that even possible??? (fitting it onto a page and a half)

2018-06-10 06:10:05 UTC  

(I don't even care if Israel exists, and don't think it's the cause of all our problems, but there's still a lot wrong with it)

2018-06-10 06:10:34 UTC  

here it is

2018-06-10 06:12:14 UTC  

tell me if i missed anything lol

2018-06-10 06:12:45 UTC  


I like the title, one minute, Ima read this, respond, then go to bed

2018-06-10 06:12:56 UTC  

cool and thanks

2018-06-10 06:16:31 UTC

2018-06-10 06:17:28 UTC  

i cant take any Israel critique seriously if it mentions illegal settlementes

2018-06-10 06:17:44 UTC  

I need more idf women in my collection

2018-06-10 06:17:48 UTC  

I cant take any israel critique seriously when the women look like they do

2018-06-10 06:18:13 UTC

2018-06-10 06:18:43 UTC  

What's wrong with mentioning illegal settlements

2018-06-10 06:18:58 UTC  

its leftist terminology

2018-06-10 06:19:30 UTC  

also part and parcel of nation building

2018-06-10 06:19:35 UTC  

Daily Reminder: The only reason there are good looking jews is because of gold digging women

2018-06-10 06:19:50 UTC  

It's like if Mexico built illegal settlements in Texas

2018-06-10 06:20:01 UTC  


2018-06-10 06:20:10 UTC  

I'm actually an English tutor at college (despite being a Computer Science major, a history professor recommended me and so here I am; easy hours and pays well, I hate it though)- point being, I hope my criticism is helpful; don't take it too personally.

"Despite that, his fellow Republicans and conservatives often seem to have an interest in protecting a foreign nation ahead of their own—no, Democrats, not Russia."
Much as I like this sentence, it's like 20% awkward; if possible, I'd use parenthesis instead of the end dash.

"Our foreign policy is awfully Israel focused"
I'd reword this.

Final sentence is good but I don't like the dash there either

Anyway, it's all good as an intro piece, and is legitimate. Uses some normie terms (and avoids some of the more controversial topics like the USS Liberty), but it's not supposed to be a full-redpilled article I suppose.

2018-06-10 06:20:33 UTC  

yeah and if you were a turkoman and got all bent out of shape about it you would look retarded

2018-06-10 06:20:33 UTC  


2018-06-10 06:20:40 UTC  


2018-06-10 06:21:09 UTC  

damn those perfidious mexicans and their illegal settlements in the north bank

2018-06-10 06:21:30 UTC  

Thanks buddy I will fix

2018-06-10 06:21:39 UTC  

i unironicly love and want to marry beauitiful isreali girls

2018-06-10 06:22:18 UTC  

like Natalie portman?