Message from @[TDE] Smokie

Discord ID: 760601944187863070

2020-06-18 21:17:39 UTC  

Quick update for everyone:

First off, thank you all for being here on the server. It has been great getting to know some of you a little better and I will be trying to get on in the evenings and whenever I have time to meet more of you and hopefully learn a bit too! Also a huge thanks to @[TDE] Smokie for setting this server up and to the 5 other mods @BobiusPrime @Ironman @Stargatemaster96 @Gottschee & @Deleted User for helping fight off the few waves of trolls we've had so far, and some of the other things that could jeopardize this server.

Second, two videos are on the way and a few are in the works for next week already. I was going to publish a video today, but when I uploaded it YouTube flagged it with the yellow dollar sign icon, so I'm waiting for them to review it. Waiting for them to review it is not just about getting ads on the video (that is nice of course) but when they give the yellow dollar sign icon, it generally throttles the reach of the video by preventing the video from getting suggested and I have also heard many say that they don't get the video notifications on those videos. So, I will wait for youtube to review it. Hopefully the newest vid will be up tomorrow after they do, and then for sure a video on Sunday morning as usual.

23 out of 23 videos in the past few months have been marked with the yellow icon once I upload it, and after reviewing (usually in 24 hours but sometimes as long as 72+ hours) YouTube monetized 22 out of 23 of those videos. The fact that they even give it the yellow icon to begin with is ridiculous, but that's what we're dealing with at this moment in time.

Furthermore, if you aren't getting notis from YouTube be sure to turn on notifications here in the "zeds-video-updates" channel.

Thanks again everyone. A lot of work ahead of us the rest of the year, let's keep spreading good info and get through the madness!

2020-06-23 19:19:10 UTC  

We need some help making new role names for the purchasable and leveled/active members.
Please use the ",suggest" command in the <#719779303876722749> room to send us names you think we should use for roles!
If your role gets picked you could get it!
You can include the role color too if you would like (Discord uses the standard hex color code)


We need some discord emotes. Find em and suggest them in the <#719779303876722749> room (if that doesn't work please dm me the file)


2020-06-28 15:36:43 UTC  

@everyone 2,000 members on the server, thank you everyone for being here!

Please check out the server rules so we can keep this place around for a long time. A lot of good information being shared here and a lot of good conversation, so thank you all. It has been fun so far getting to know some of you a little better.

Any questions please message the mods or myself, I’ll try to respond as fast as I can.

Also, be sure to check out the meme contest above!

2020-06-28 19:01:49 UTC  

Every week the mods will pick the best memes and they will post them in <#726871110481870979> We need you all to vote on the best ones there by using the <:check:527014584830132226> and <:5643_pixel_nop:527014614534324225> reactions. The winner each week will receive the MemeLord role.
ALSO, you will receive the MemeLord role if Tyler happens to use your meme in one of his videos.
May the best meme win!

2020-06-29 19:05:06 UTC  

The Zeducation subreddit, almost 6,000 members and growing fast, has been banned for “promoting hate.”

This is beyond wrong and further proves that censorship is very real.

With this being said, we need to be tactful when creating and spreading memes, and just speaking on social media in general. Many things can be taken out of context by the big tech shit lords and spun as “hateful” to appease the mob. Also, when I say “tactful” I don’t mean censor yourself, but there are a million different ways to say the same thing and get the same point across.

Some of you here on the server may have noticed the moderators banning certain individuals and maybe even sending out warnings to others. I fully back their decisions to keep this server alive and well.

I fully expect censorship to ramp up leading up to the election, so please abide by the discord terms of service, and the rules of this server.

2020-07-03 02:12:08 UTC  

This server has grown very fast in the short amount of time it has been around & hopefully it continues to grow and be a place for people to come & meet like minded people on the right. Obviously this community shares memes & has a laugh at the madness currently going on in the world, but it has also become a place of productive discussion & sharing of good information.

We need to protect this community & keep cultivating it.

This brings up how we go about protecting this community & it starts with watching what we post. In today’s cancel culture climate anything can be taken out of context. You may be comparing Hillary Clinton’s ability to lie with Nazi Germany & their philosophy on lying to the public, but any image associated with Nazi Germany, even in this capacity, can easily be taken out of context by the Discord overlords & can get this place banned. If you don’t believe me, look at what happened with our Zeducation subreddit. We are in the middle of an information tug of war. Censorship is very real & the banning of YouTube channels, Twitter accounts, Reddit pages & Discord servers is all proof of that and it WILL ramp up leading up to November. So, we need to do our best at protecting this place & it starts with being aware of anything they can take out of context.

The moderators have all of this in mind & they are here watching out for the best interest of the server. Do not be upset with them when they remove a meme or a comment -- be mad at me because I told them to do so. The moderators here have my full backing. Please respect them & their decisions. No suggestive images or things that can be taken out of context or this place will cease to exist.

If you have any issues please email me directly at [email protected]. Again, thank you everyone for being here. Let’s keep making this a good place for people to come & understand the right, as well as get a good laugh from the memes making fun of this crazy time we’re living in! @everyone

2020-07-04 12:58:27 UTC  

Happy 4th of July @everyone!

2020-07-08 19:19:51 UTC  

@everyone Please read! Lots of important stuff here!

Since the server is over 5k, the mod team has to sort through a LOT more memes. Because of this we are starting to enforce stricter no talking rules in the meme channels (especially since some conversations are going way outside of the server rules) Please do not talk in the meme channels. Warnings will be given.

Also please note! Warnings are simply a way for us to track repeat offenders while at the same time letting the person know what they did wrong. Warnings will dissappear after a short while (days). So there's no need to get upset if you get warned, just note that what you did shouldn't be done again.

We will be having a contest very soon for the server banner and animated icon! The prize is pretty amazing. (I can't tell you what it is but Tyler will announce it sometime in the near future). If you want to have your designs/art on the server, get a head start now!

The Zeducated member role is now our "mini mod" or mod in training role. They help keep things on topic and are active members in the discord. If you would like to be a mod you must earn this role first by both being active and helping out!

I hope everyone had a wonderful independence day! The memes, pictures, and videos posted in the 4th of July room were amazing! We will be adding meme channels and chat rooms with current topics often. If you have ideas on what new or seasonal rooms should be added please use the suggestion channel to send em to us!

If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask me or the other moderators online.


2020-07-23 22:26:26 UTC  

Hello @everyone

We have now reached 30 discord nitro boosts. This means out server url has been updated! It is now:
So if you're sharing the server, just use that! (Much easier to remember).

Reminder: We are currently having a contest!!!
The server needs a banner and animated icon. Please look under <#734384652843745350> for specifics.
The prize is the wooden flag Tyler uses in his videos!
So God speed!!! May the best art win!

Currently the server is in need of new emojis! Please dm me your ideas. (Suggestions doesn't seem to copy emoji image). If you would like to make specific ones for us, we need:
-Fake news emoji and animated gif/emoji
-Q anon emoji
-WWG1WGA emoji
-Zed animated emoji/gif (maybe another emoji with tyler?)
-Trump emoji or gifs.
-"Repeat" emoji, to react to memes recently repeated.
-Putin emoji & gif
-Xi Jinping emoji & gif
-Kim Jong-un emoji & gif
And any other GOOD emoji & gif ideas you have just send my way!! (please don't spam me with nonsense).

Also, we are constantly adding new rooms and removing old ones. You could help us with new room ideas by sending us the idea via <#725110151211778098>

Please make sure to read all room descriptions. They contain a lot of information about rules of what can be posted or not in those rooms. Also make sure you keep up to date on the <#719770967542333442> and <#731766520212094997>

Have a wonderful weekend!

2020-07-26 19:22:01 UTC  

@everyone, be sure to get your contest entries in at <#734384652843745350>. A bunch of great entries so far!

Also, 7,000 of us now here on the server. It has been awesome meeting some of you, hope to meet many more of you soon. Thanks for being here!

2020-08-09 17:28:53 UTC  

@everyone The server has been overhauled. To access rooms you now need to read and <:9360_pixel_yes:726877001138569286> the rules in <#719770967542333442>

2020-08-11 20:41:17 UTC  

@everyone Just a couple things,

First off, this server has almost 8k people here and though I enjoy talking to you all so much I cannot handle all the dm's about every little thing. PLEASE message a Mod before you message me.
Follow the chain of command:
1st: Zeducated
2nd: Mod
3rd: Admin
4th: Tyler

The server banner contest ends this week!!!!!! GET ALL YOUR SUBMISSIONS IN ASAP. Remember, the prize for the winner is the amazing, American made, wooden flag that Tyler has behind him in his videos. We have received a LOT of good submissions and I wish you all the best of luck!!

The meme channels and meme of the week have been absolutely amazing! Keep up the great meme work. And remember, NO TALKING IN THE MEME ROOMS.

The server rotates through channels constantly. Rooms that are not used are deleted and we add rooms from your ideas. So please use the suggestion room and send us some new ideas!

As you have noticed the rules have been changed and the server was overhauled. This is to prevent raids, trolls, etc... and it also means everyone has to look at the rules channel before they can join! So there is no longer any excuse to not know the server rules!!

It was just announced that Biden has selected Kamala Harris as his vp running mate. So let's get started on some Kamala and Biden memes! I look forward to laughing at them :)

Hope everyone is well!

🇺🇲Trump 2020🇺🇲

2020-08-13 22:27:18 UTC  

Thank you @everyone for submitting your contest entries, there were a lot of amazing entries and it was tough to choose. Congrats to @E Rob and @PrincessSakura for winning!

More contests in the future so stay tuned.

2020-08-14 19:07:29 UTC  

New room <#743709051568783400> and roles for first responders and military personnel have been added.
Please visit the <#743681899456626743> channel for details.

2020-08-27 23:13:39 UTC  

Hello @everyone

The discord server has reached 12,000 members! Tyler and I are so glad you all came and are enjoying this place. We are growing everyday and its great to see our community expand so fast with such great people!

Some updates for everyone:

New roles have been added, and more are on their way. Including doctors, nurses, pilots and veterinarians. If you have ideas for new roles please send them in <#725110151211778098> for review.

Check out <#743681899456626743> for information on how to get roles.

A gaming category has been created with text and voice rooms as well as a live stream room. Members can request to live stream their game by contacting a <@&719764873759686687> with streaming info to receive the live stream roll.

We have also added video streaming to the voice channels and will be hopefully streaming the presidential debates and other political shows, news etc... that way we can all watch and comment on it live!

Meme of the week contest has been going strong! You all have posted amazing memes, so in response to this popularity we will now be giving MOTW winners a discord nitro subscription! So good luck! And may the best meme win!

Again, we rely on you guys for ideas of new channels and emojis. So keep them coming! Use the <#725110151211778098> room to send us ideas.

Have a great weekend!
🇺🇲 🇺🇲 🇺🇲 🇺🇲 🇺🇲 🇺🇲

2020-08-30 21:59:23 UTC  

As most of you have heard. Last night in Portland Oregon a man named Aaron "Jay" Danielson, a proud patriot, Christian, and Trump supporter was shot and killed by a member of antifa/blm.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family during this difficult time.
Here is a link to the gofundme for his family. Also a link to the patriot prayer youtube and Facebook account.
May he rest in peace.

2020-09-03 19:30:16 UTC  

Hello @everyone !!

A couple new channels are here. <#741520846484537404> , <#750516136189231135> and <#750393154150203402>
Check em out!

Also! We have a few people who have set up a minecraft server for all the other gamers here in zeducation. Check out <#728414443901550602> for access to the server.

Please make sure to post things in the correct rooms. A lot of people have just been dumping random things everywhere. This clogs up the rooms. Please follow the server format and keep things in their proper place. If you don't know where something goes, read room descriptions (above the list people on the right) or ask, theres lots of helpful people here.

Make sure you read <#731766520212094997> , it has a lot of information there that some of you are asking for.

Make sure to read my post in <#725110151211778098> before you send a suggestion. If your suggestion doesn't follow the instructions it will get deleted instantly and not reviewed.

Last thing. We have quite a few people skirting very close to the rules and then complaining when they get warned. If you do not want kicked or banned make sure you're following the <#719770967542333442> its pretty easy to do. Otherwise the mods will happily ban you and you won't have to be here anymore.

Have a great weekend all!
And Trump 2020!!!

2020-09-11 14:02:28 UTC  

19 years ago, Tuesday September 11, 2001
America saw the greatest loss of life from a terrorist attack in world history.

This cowardly attack involved four passenger airlines flying to California from the northeastern parts of the US.
United Airlines Flights 175 (51 people aboard) and American Airlines Flight 11 (87 people aboard) were crashed by Al-Qaeda into the South and North towers in New York’s World Trade Center.
(In less than two hours the two 110-story towers had collapsed).
American Airlines Flight 77 (53 people aboard) plowed into the Pentagon where the western side of the building collapsed.
The fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93 crashed in Stonycreek Township. Although the terrorists aim was Washington, D.C. their efforts were thwarted by the passengers. Unfortunately all 44 patriots aboard sacrificed their lives that day to save others.
By the end of the day Approximately 3,000 people were dead and more than 6,000 were injured.

Today we remember these events.

We honor the victims of these horrific attacks.

We honor the first responders who bravely and fearlessly ran into the heart of danger to help others.

And we honor the soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice defending this great nation.

We will never forget.

2020-09-18 23:45:19 UTC  

BREAKING NEWS: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died. RIP Justice Ginsburg.

If you thought the 2020 election was already crazy, buckle up because things are bout to amplify and it's going to get even nastier. @everyone

2020-09-29 20:40:34 UTC  

@everyone TRUMP vs BIDEN. 9PM EST. We WILL be streaming the event live with chat and discussion.
We will also be hosting a drinking game for those who are of legal age.
Come join us for the show!

2020-10-22 12:58:21 UTC  

Hello @everyone! Tonight the FINAL PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE will take place.

We will have new <#741520846484537404> all day, and will be livestreaming the debate, starting at 8 PM Central Time. We will also have a bingo card that you can play along with.

**Bingo:** ***Please be sure to press new before playing so you get a fresh board!***

2020-11-03 13:47:38 UTC  

Election Day is upon us.

Get out and vote and let’s finish this thing! TRUMP 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 @everyone

2020-12-09 20:04:48 UTC  

Hey @everyone , as some of you may have heard I have started a second channel called Zedcast. I will be posting clips from my upcoming podcast there. This show has been in the works for some time, but now it has become even more important with some new rules that YouTube has laid out in regard to talking about the results of the election. I will go into more detail in the first video on the new channel, but this new rule could affect a lot of channels. Including the Zeducation channel. So, in the chance that YouTube starts whacking channels that have political commentary they don't like, please head over to the second channel and please support other political content creators by heading to their alternative platforms/second channels. Thanks guys, more on all of this soon!

Zedcast channel link:

2020-12-14 00:42:37 UTC  

Hello @everyone We have recently set up a new channel,<#787839222592831488>. This will allow users to choose which Zed channels you will be notified for. Simply react to the message and a role will be assigned to you. Thank you everybody for your continued support of the server and of Tyler!

2020-12-21 16:51:40 UTC  

**IMPORTANT NOTICE** Discord has rules in place prohibiting the promotion of violence or harassment. It appears that Discord has expanded the interpretation to include any discussion of a certain large 'get-together' in our nation's capital next month. Some servers have been nuked as a result. So, we will not discuss that event or anything concerning rebellious acts. We DO encourage you to stay involved and keep informed. Unfortunately, we are limited in this forum. @everyone

2021-01-06 20:34:20 UTC  

@everyone Please remain calm. We have locked the server down from new members joining at this time. In addition, we will begin implementing slowmode as channels get out of hand. We understand things are getting heated, but remaining calm will help the server stay up and running going forward. Please do not call for civil war or a revolution. This is similar to the previous announcement regarding the events of today.

Thank you all for your support and cooperation.